Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Fun Day

My friend Chris and her son TJ, Jon and I spent the morning together.  We went to the range and did some target shooting.  Chris had never shot before and did really great.  TJ had shot a little and did well, too.  Jon, as always, did fantastic.  I did OK, too.  (Both hands should be placed on the gun in the proper position, but my gun is so small that it is easier, and I shoot better using  just use one hand.)

We then went to the American Pie place for lunch and great conversation.  We continued talking when we got home while Jon cleaned all the guns - ready for the next time.  He's very particular about a clean gun.  Too bad that doesn't carry over to his bedroom.  (Oops - guess I shouldn't have said that.  Oh, well, he doesn't always read my blog. )

Debbie and I tried to get Jessie to go to a (Down Syndrome) adult dance class tonight.  While getting ready, Jess had a total meltdown and was getting hysterical.  She just didn't want to go.  Since we've never been, she was imagining that it would be awful.  Anyway, I made her go.  I promised her that if we got there and we met some of the other girls and she didn't like it, we'd come home.  We got her out of the van, up to the church where it was held, opened the door and she turned around and bolted - STAIRS!  Jess does NOT do stairs.  Never has and I'm sure never will.  We waited around a bit because we heard that they might come outside to dance/exercise.  Sure enough, they did, but Jess absolutely refused to get out of the van.  I decided that we had pushed her far enough.  I was pleased that we had gotten her there and she even got out of the van.  I think that was pretty major.

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