After the girls left, I explained to Jessie - again - how this year is different because Jon has to work tomorrow. I told her we would open all our presents now, and not have any in the morning. Except for her stocking, which Santa comes and fills while we sleep.
Jessie has been very quiet and very good today. If any of you have been praying, THANKS! It made for a very nice day. She was so excited to have her "ten presents". It doesn't matter if items come from the dollar store - she likes alot, as you can see from the picture. And very appreciative, saying Thank You many times.
I made a crock pot beef roast for our special Christmas dinner today. We don't eat beef very often and it was yummy.
My Aunt Joyce called to wish me a "Merry Christmas." I haven't seen her in quite awhile. It was nice to talk to her.
Around 8:30 p.m. the doorbell rang, and it was for Jessie! Santa Claus came and brought her some presents. That was so nice of Santa to make her Christmas even more special. Poor kid, though, she was in shock. She didn't know quite what to do. It was pretty funny.
Jon got some good pictures, we sent them to my e-mail and they didn't show up, so I'll have to post them tomorrow.
Until then, Merry Christmas Eve! It was a great day for us.
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