Plan B. My wonderful son, Jon, and I had a mini date day, so to speak. He had already been out to breakfast, so after we went to the post office he had rice pudding while I ate breakfast at Dimitris. Off to the bank, Target for a return, Tim Horton's for a Diet Pepsi, Office Depot for book ends, Family Christian Stores for clearance items then down to visit Diane and Randie. We really need to visit Di and Randi more, too. We talk on the phone several times a week, play several games on the iPad, and text, but nothing replaces an actual person to person visit.
The top picture was taken a couple days ago. While organizing Jessie's crafts, we rediscovered her Funfusion set. She has a couple thousand colored itsy bitsy beads that fit on a sculptured peg board. She's really been going to town on these the past couple of days. The bottom picture is what she's done tonight. They now have to be ironed so they will fuse together and you can take them off the peg boards. There isn't anything wrong with her fine motor skills, that's for sure.
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