Did you hear the weather forcast? Everyone's talking about it!
Snow is coming!
Alot of it, too!
Gotta get the bread and milk in the house before we're trapped and don't have bread and milk!
Wait a minute - we don't eat bread and very little milk! So, what are we doing in Meijer's?????
I wasn't happy that there weren't any amigos to ride, so I had to walk. I thought my knee was going to give out, but it didn't. When I got home I iced it and heated my right leg. While I was doing that I finished the Christian fiction book I was reading. I don't like suspense or murder mysteries, especially about serial killers, but this was the 2nd in a series and it was hard to put down. In fact, dinner was an hour late - sorry, Jess! Now I have to wait til the 3rd one is published.
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