Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Talk About A Busy Day!

My day began with an hour-long meeting with Jessie's former Case Worker, Kelly, and her new Case Worker, Vicki. When the meeting was over, they left and so did Brenda and Jessie for swimming. I did a load of wash and some paperwork before I left around noon.

I went to the bank, Walgreen's, got gas in my van ($1.49 per gallon) and went to the Family Christian Stores before I met Brenda and Jessie at the Beaumont building so Jess could get blood work for a doctor's appointment on Friday. Unfortunately, she didn't do well. Screamed a lot which is unusual.

From there we met at Aubree's for a soup, salad and pizza bar lunch. As always, it was really good. We had just enough time to eat and both of us went back to the house. Brenda went in and did her paperwork and Jess and I left for foot doctor appointments for both of us. Jessie did A W F U L. Probably the worst she has ever done in a doctor's office. Very loud, constant talking and constant burping. I was beside myself. We were in there for 1 1/4 hours! It was very hard for me to concentrate on what the doctor was telling me about my feet and then Jessie's foot. I would gladly have taken an anxiety pill myself if I'd had one!

When we left we went to the post office and Meijer's to get a couple items for a pot-luck at SM tomorrow night. When I drove by the gas station the gas had gone up to $1.79 per gallon! That's 30 cents in 4 hours!!!!!

While at Meijer's I picked up a roasted chicken for our dinner because I didn't have the mind-set to fix anything. Bob Evans mashed potatoes and microwave veggies made a quick and easy meal. We waited until Jon got home and ate together around 8:00 p.m.

It's 11:12 p.m. and my eyes are burning. I need to quit and go upstairs and do my Bible Study and go to bed. I hope I don't have another one of these days for a very long time, if at all.

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