Thursday, August 25, 2016


The past 3 days have been filled from the time I got up until I fell in to bed. Right now I don't feel much like typing, but if I don't do it tonight, it might be a week before I "feel" like it.

I had lunch with my long-time friend, Janet. We had a nice time catching up. We used to work together in the office at Morgan Elementary. I haven't kept up with her like I should. I'm going to try my very best to have lunch with her again real soon.

Jessie's case worker, Vicki, came at 2:00 p.m. for our monthly meeting and to review what I needed for the local appeal hearing we were going to go to the next day. The county cut Jessie's CLS hours by 6 hours a week. From 21 to 15. I wasn't real happy with her since I've been asking her for a week or more exactly what they were looking for in justification. I had already typed up a 3-page letter for the appeal, but then she tells me they would need more. So, I finished the typing and preparing 3 sets of justification pages at 1:00 a.m.

Last day of Bible Study. I enjoyed redoing The Patriarchs, by Beth Moore. The group of ladies that came for this study decided we'd continue with another one. I'll be facilitating "The Me I Want To Be", by John Ortberg. This one is only a 5-week study.

Immediately after Bible Study I went home and picked up Jon, Jess and Jennifer and we went and quickly ate at McDonald's then we were at the MCCMH building for our 1:30 p.m. appointment. I was pleased with my presentation and the answers I gave the interviewer. Not it's in God's hands. I will be informed around September 10 whether or not her hours have been reinstated. If they aren't, I could go before a Medicaid Judge for a regular court hearing, but I just can't put myself through that. It always seems that the people that need the money or services the most are the ones that get things cut.

Since we were close to Mt.Clemens for the hearing, we went to the County Court Building and I renewed my CPL. I was in and out in about 10 minutes. On the way home we stopped at Dairy Queen and treated ourselves to a blizzard.

When I got home I couldn't do anything else. I sat on the couch and slept for 3 hours! After dinner I continued working on getting things ready for the Birthday Party Jon and I are giving Lois on Saturday.

I did some last minute shopping for the party, as well as grocery shopping. Tonight I packed up all the items for the party because Jon and I can decorate at church tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately, I found out I had bought round table cloths instead of oblong ones. Back to the Dollar Store tomorrow!

Jessie has been doing better lately. She's not complained about back pain now for a couple weeks. She's had a good week with her aides. On Monday, Angie's daughter and Jessie were fooling around with snap chat and produced this picture. Cute, huh?


  1. Praying that they reinstate Jesse's hours. You are so right - the ones who deserve the most are the ones who get cut. What does CPL stand for? Also, if you have to go to Medicaid Judge - you should go - I know it would be hard but that is what they count on - people not coming. Love the picture

  2. CPL = Concealed Pistol License
