Friday, January 6, 2017

Thank You For Praying

My friend, Rox, took me for my EGD test this morning. There was no prep for this procedure, so it was simple. IV, mouth guard, nap, awake, breakfast, home. The doctor said all looked well, except there were white spots in the esophagus that could be acid reflux or a food allergy. He took a biopsy and I'll know in a week to 10 days.

Your prayers are appreciated. I didn't think I was nervous, but my BP was 200/96 the first time they took it. A tad bit off, if I do say so my unmedical self. It finally came down but knowing it was so high made me more nervous.

Rox treated me to breakfast then dropped me off at home. Rachel left, I put a load of clothes in the washer and stayed on the couch until Jon came home from work at 4:00 with dinner. After dinner I watched a "Scorpion" episode with Jon then spent the next several hours back on the couch on my iPad. A totally do-nothing day.

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