Saturday, September 12, 2020

Friday and Saturday


While Jennifer took Jessie to Leo's Coney Island for breakfast, Jon and I went to the Country Inn. I was hoping for their crunchy French toast, but it didn't happen. Oh, well. Their plain French toast was really good. We shopped at the ACE Hardware around the corner, got drinks at Tim Horton's and headed home. 

Jon worked outside in his garden. I washed clothes and did odds and ends around the house. Jessie painted and did homework. My friend began painting the wood on the deck. It looks really good. The color we picked almost perfectly matches the color Bill put on it ten years ago. Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to spruce up the wood.


Rachel came for a couple hours this morning so I could help Jon weed in his garden. We were going to work in the shed, too, but he just wasn't feeling well enough. Another bad physical day for him. I had to stop working after about an hour because I was getting dizzy. Wonder what's up with that? I probably worked too much since my back was hurting a lot. I had to take pain medicine and rest for about an hour. I felt great after that.

Rachel took Jessie to McDonald's drive thru and took it to Stoney Creek for a picnic and short walk. Jon and I had sandwiches at Marcus Grill for lunch. More painting on the deck got done. Woo hoo!

I witnessed something today that was very interesting. A large spider had a flying ant in his web and was running circles around the catch. Every once in a while he'd peck at the fly but then kept circling. It went on for quite awhile until the ant was covered in web. After watching it for awhile, I had Jon kill it because it was a brown recluse spider. However, it got away! Not good.


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