Friday, November 27, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving and the Day After

Thanksgiving Day was quiet during the day. Jon worked and Jess was on her iPad after we watched the Parade while eating breakfast. When I think of Thanksgiving, I think of my Mom who always watched the parades in the morning. I rarely did and don't now, but Jessie likes them so I turn them on. We were watching for our friend, Jean, who was one of the Grand Marshall's balloon handler. There was an up close picture of her for about a half second! 

I did quite a bit of odds and ends around the house in preparation of dinner. I even did a load of wash and managed to watch a Hallmark movie, "A Timeless Christmas", which was pretty good. 

When Jon got home and Jean arrived, we had a nice turkey dinner. Jess and Jennifer made pumpkin pie the day before and Lois and Ruth shared half Achatz pies they had purchased: pumpkin cheese cake pie and cherry pie. 

For many people Thanksgiving was very different because of the pandemic. However, not for us, as it usually is only the 3 of us as Diane and Randie always celebrated with Randie's family. It was different for them because it was just the 2 of them.

Today, Friday, didn't go as planned. Lois and I were going to go to Joann Fabrics but my day changed when Jon ran back up stairs just before he left for work (6:00 a.m.) and told me that "we have a BIG problem!" Water was pouring through the ceiling in the family room dining room. Yup, he was right. It was a mess. He shut off the toilet upstairs thinking it might be that, which turned out to be correct. 

I moved the table and chairs, put large towels on the floor, moved one filing cabinet and my neighbor, Derrick, moved the heavier ones for me. 

After waiting for a plumbing company to arrive (3 hours after my first call) and having trouble locating the leak, the plumber finally decided to look at the toilet upstairs and found a crack in the tank. While he was ripping out the wet drywall, I was placing the wet, yucky stuff in bags and getting them outside. Dry drywall is crappy to work with. Wet drywall is nasty! Plus much heavier. 

We can't get a new toilet until next week because it's small and Bill built a shelf over the toilet tank that extends from the sink. I hope they still make those kind. If not, there goes the shelf!

What a mess. However, I'm so grateful that it didn't happen yesterday. Thank you, Jesus!

Jessie had a wonderful day with Rachel. It began with a Panera Bread drive thru breakfast eaten at the duck park then a drive around Stony Creek. Jessie made a Christmas Wish list, a felt monkey craft, baked Elf sugar cookies, decorated half of the Christmas tree (the other half is for my ornaments) then decorated a gingerbread house. 

Like I said, she had a great day!

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