Monday, March 26, 2012

A Pick Me Up From Mom

As you read last Saturday on my blog, I was down.  Spent the entire day feeling down.  When I went upstairs for the night, I decided to finally go through a couple boxes of my mom's cards and letters she saved (FOR HER ENTIRE LIFETIME!!!!).  You would think that doing this would have made me more down, but instead, it was great therapy!  I read many cards and letters from people to my mom, but also from us to her.  There were several Christmas letters I had written and sent about 20 years ago.  It brought back wonderful memories of my life with Bill.  How sweet it was to remember.  How uplifting.

Jess and I had our Girls Day Out lunch at Bellacino's, which we do most every Monday.  It is such a great place to eat and the people are super friendly.  You need to try it sometime.  Jess and I also visited Grandma and Grandpa B.  We enjoyed our visit and we even got a homemade chocolate chip cookie!

1 comment:

  1. So next time your feeling down, you better go get them cards out :) great therapy my friend! I am sure you have many beautiful memories. I have saved several cards from my mom over the years & remember exactly what I was doing when she sent them :) Hugs & you!
