Thursday, April 2, 2020


April 2

Because Jessie thrives on routine, we also thrive on routine. We do the same things every day. We get up, get dressed, Jess goes downstairs, I straighten the upstairs bedroom then go down and fix breakfast.

Speaking of getting dressed, I've had to laugh at FB posts picturing the newest Easter dresses for women - flowered housecoats! I know many women who don't get dressed if they don't have to go out and since we haven't been able to go out, many are in their pj's all day. Not me. I dress every day as if I'm going out to see someone. I also make my bed. As I said yesterday, I dressed up and wore my watch! I feel that getting dressed helps a person feel better. More able to face the day. That's my opinion.

In the past 3 weeks or more I have cooked more meals than I had the previous year - or at least it feels that way. Both Jon and I are on Weight Watchers, so meals need to be "counted out" and thought out ahead of time. It seems that the kitchen is where I spend most of my day. Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and mini bedtime snack (for Jess). I'm not complaining. I do like to cook. I love to bake but don't because we'd eat it all. I'm so glad we began WW prior to our "stay at home" order, otherwise I'd be eating everything in the pantry and more. I'm hoping that by not going out for lunch many times a week that Jess will lose some weight, too.

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