Friday, May 15, 2020

Blood Work

Thursday, May 14 and
Friday, May 15

There wasn't anything worth remembering yesterday so I didn't blog. It was a crummy day outside and not much was accomplished inside.

Today our plan was for Jessie and me to get blood work. We're both overdue and I waited until the last minute because we have doctor appointments next Thursday. However, it didn't go as planned. Jennifer dropped Jess and I off at the door and parked and planned to read. Jessie screamed quite a bit because she didn't want to wear her mask, but I didn't give her an option. Inside the door 2 workers screened us to make sure we weren't sick. We had to give them our names and I got a sticker that said "I'm healthy today!" Good grief.

The employees also told us that they were unusually busy and it would be an hour wait. I didn't want to have to come back so I told her we'd wait. Then I looked at the waiting area where it was standing room only. Only single chairs were placed around the area for people to sit, although they weren't 6 feet apart. I found 2 chairs quite close together and we sat down to wait.

Now, I can tune Jessie out and go about reading or whatever. However, after 10 minutes of constant talking due to her anxiety, I decided I better leave, for the sake of others around us. It wasn't going to work. Jessie was getting more anxious as we waited. So, we left. We'll try it again next Tuesday.

We picked up bagels for breakfast at Tim Horton's and had a picnic breakfast at the "duck park". We stopped at Walgreen's for prescriptions and the post office for our mail. Jessie and Jennifer had a good rest of the afternoon. Jessie vacuumed and then spent quite a bit of time painting and making a card for Jon's birthday on Sunday.

For some reason, my back was very bad today and I had to take pain medicine. I wasn't able to do much so I watched a Hallmark Mystery Movie. That's about it!

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