Friday, May 1, 2020

What A Way To Begin May

Friday, May 1

Jon had the day off today because they were overstaffed. This makes for a 3-day weekend which is something he rarely gets. If it wasn't for the virus, we would probably have gone somewhere.

The 3 of us left around noon and went to the post office, Walgreen's and the bank. We drove through Wendy's and got lunch then went and ate with the goats - again. They should recognize us by now. It was such a nice day and a nice outing.

When we came home I made Jessie go swing, Jon went to work in his garden and I got a pan of water and Pine Sol to clean the outside patio floor that Darla uses in the winter for her bathroom! I made it down the steps but tripped on the edging and went sprawling on to the cement with the pan underneath me. I THANK GOD that my head missed a concrete planter by inches. The pan shattered (what wouldn't with my weight!) and I was drenched in Pine Sol water - including my eyes, nose and mouth. I've hurt my left knee (artificial one) pretty bad, although I'm sure nothing is broken, as it doesn't hurt to stand or stay still. Just when I bend it. It's very swollen despite keeping ice on it. If it's no better tomorrow I'll have to go get an xray.

When I fell I kept my eyes closed because I didn't know how much I had gotten in my eyes. Jon got me wash cloths to clean my face before I tried to get up. I'm SO grateful that Jon was home, otherwise I would have had to call 91l to get me up and see about my eyes. I butt walked to the stairs, turned over and got up on my right knee, then Jon helped me up.

I changed my clothes then read the Pine Sol bottle for instructions on getting it on your body or in your eyes. I needed to go take a shower for 15-20 minutes, plus wash out my eyes for 15-20 minutes. After that was done I called Poison Control. They assured me that after washing my body and rinsing my eye for the prescribed time I should be OK. I was also told I could eat and drink. They called me 2 hours later to make sure I was doing OK. That was nice.

So, I'm laid up again. I can't believe it. Now I'm on the couch with ice packs. Prayers would be appreciated that none of the hardware in my knee came loose when I fell. That's about it for today. Hope your day was better than mine!

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