Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Happy 26th Birthday, Jessie !!!

Jessie got herself dressed for her birthday this morning. It just melted my heart when I saw what she had chosen to wear. (Of course, mean mom made her change it!) This is a birthday outfit she had about 10 years ago, and worn for several years.  It's so cute I kept it in the back of her closet, although it's a little small on her now. She decided that today she was going to wear it. Plus she got out her Birthday Girl ribbon from last year for me to pin on her shirt. After I took her picture I noticed how she is standing. She never stands like this. Cute.

Rachel took Jessie swimming this morning then to Subway for lunch. Doreen and Shiloh were here for awhile and they brought her a present. One of her new aides, Angie, also came over and brought her gifts.

When Jon got home we had a special dinner. Jessie wanted pizza so bad for her birthday, but a bought pizza is too high in fat content for her health. Instead, I bought Flat Out Pizza breads (2 WW points!) and put a tiny bit of BBQ sauce on it. Then I cooked up chicken to put on top along with fat free cheese and she had her pizza! I have to admit, it was really good. We also had fresh lettuce from the garden salad. Of course, we had to have a cake:

As soon as we were finished with dinner, Jessie got to open her presents from Jon and I. We put them in one large bag and when she took off the tissue paper exclaimed, "WOW!"
She was very happy with all her "toys", as she calls them. After she opened them up and lined them all up on the couch, she rearranged them on the floor in front of the tv stand.

Tomorrow is her birthday party at the hotel we go to every year for her birthday. This is the 6th year to celebrate there. She's very excited about going to the hotel.

I'm praying that she continues to feel OK. It was doubtful this morning as she complained of pain and slept before going swimming.

1 comment:

  1. Jessie - Happy belated Birthday - I am so sorry I have missed it. I thought it was next week. Happy to hear that WW is working for you - I may try that. Praying that all Jess's tests go well. Love to all of you Becky
