Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Jessie's Busy Day

Jennifer took Jess to Art where she put together a 4th of July felt meal. It is so cute. A sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, slice of watermelon, pickle, carrot stick then put together a cupcake. A decorated handle bag was the picnic basket. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow and share it.

Subway lunch, home to rest, then Jess and Jen went to the Library to shelve DVD's. According to Jen she is an expert at the alphabet and shelving. I'm so glad. She looks forward to going there.

I had Bible Study then went to lunch with Doreen. Something we have rarely done. Alone. No kids. It was very enjoyable. I didn't get home until 2:00 p.m. I did a laundry marathon and never even got my 4:00 snack (like Jessie!) or a nap! Right now my eyes are crossing, I'm so tired!

1 comment:

  1. thinking of you. hope all is well as you haven't posted in a bit. Happy Fourth
