Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye Brentwood House

Three months to this day, on March 31, 91 days ago, our mom passed away.  Today Diane and I signed our names as a goodbye to the house.  After being on the market for less than 2 weeks, 1 1/2 months ago, we accepted our first offer.  After 43 years, today it became someone else's home.  May God bless this young man with many years and happiness in his new home.  We are very excited for him.  We are thankful for the many years and memories we have of this house, that became our home. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tube Feeding

Today was a very, very tiring day, especially for Bill.  He didn't sleep well last night because of the pain and he tried sleeping in a recliner.  Can you believe this?  He said that the pain is worse than when he had his open heart surgery.

The dietician arrived at 7:28 a.m. to bring the food and show us how to give Bill his nutritional suppliment.  We left at 9:30 and he had his radiation treatment at the hospital.  It took longer today because they had to do some new measuring due to the surgical site.  From there we went across the street and he had a two-hour hydration.  Poor Bill.  He was almost too tired to walk.  When we got home I fed him, with the expertise and encouragement of our resident RN.  I have to be very good at this before Jon goes to work.  Well, at least I need to know what to do. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

PEG Tube Day

Bill had his PEG tube placed today.  We're home, but he's in quite a bit of pain.  Not sure if that's supposed to be, but ????  Just gave him some vicodin and as long as he doesn't move - he looks like a statue - he's OK.  Will post more tonight.  Thanks for your continued prayers.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Day Before

Why does it seem like the day before any event is the most stressful?  Anticipation.  Anxiousness.  Happiness.  Concern.  Whatever emotions go along with the situation.  Tomorrow Bill has the procedure that will place the feeding tube into his stomach.  Neither one of us are looking forward to this, but know that it is necessary to help Bill build up strength to fight the cancer and gain some weight. 

We've received several call and e-mails with good wishes and prayers.  Gary and Wes visited Bill and my friend, Andrea, dropped off a couple of pizzas for dinner.  You just can't get any better in support.  Thank you, Jesus, for your constant care of us. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday, Sunday!

Bill rested all day - he was very, very tired.  No food intake at all, just water.  Jess and I had breakfast out on the deck, then she played on the iPad, watched a DVD on her "traveling" DVD player on the floor while playing with letter tiles and then she played Bingo.  Diane and Randie came for the afternoon.  It was so nice to have company and visit.  Speaking of company, Robert came from church to visit Bill today, too.  That was very much appreciated.  Bill enjoyed the company. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday's Rest

Today was a good day for Bill in that he was able to rest all day and not go anywhere.  He ate a tiny bit of food and was able to keep liquids down.  Mom S and I went to a baby shower, while Shannon and Jess did stuff around the house.  Jon spent time with his friend, Jacob.  Bill and I just came in from the deck.  Wrapped in blankets, we watched a short but nice fireworks that had to be somewhere on 27 Mile Road.  Cuddled, talked and just enjoyed the quiet. 

Friday, June 24, 2011


I am so grateful for friends that I can call, ask for help, and know that I can count on them.  Today wasn't a good physical day for me and I needed to do grocery shopping and get several big items that just wouldn't fit in the electric wheelchair basket.  Bill needed to rest all day and he always shops with me.  We're a good shopping team.  I called my friend, Andrea, and asked if she would be able to go with me and push the large basket.  She was able to and we even went out to lunch.  Thanks so much, Andrea!  What would I do without friends? 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

An Anniversary

One year ago today Bill was put in the hospital because of the DVT (bad blood clot) that he found in his arm.  Because we have a very good family doctor who doesn't take any chances, he ordered a CT scan, which then diagnosed Bill with cancer.  Thus, it all began one year ago today.  Bill sure has been through alot in these past 12 months!

We went in for radiation this morning but met with the doctor first.  She cancelled radiation today, changed the radiation impact for tomorrow and recommended a PEG tube put in asap, due to his inability to swallow food and sometimes liquids.  Bill will have the temporary feeding tube placed in his stomach next Tuesday.  We came home and he rested a bit before we went back to the oncologist for hydration in the afternoon, since he is dehydrated.  A very tiring day.

Thanks to my good friend, Ruth, I had lunch out.  That was so nice to get away for a few hours and visit and catch up.  We've know one another for many, many years - over 30, I believe.  Thanks, Ruth!  It really made my day. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We do our best to prepare for severe weather.  We used to go to the basement, but Grandma can't make it down there and Jess refuses to go down the stairs.  So, the best place for them is underneath the staircase that is in the middle of the house.  It is a storage area until the siren sounds, then the lanterns are lit and chairs for Grandma and Jessie are dragged in.  We've been in there too many times already this year. 

Just as we do our best to prepare for what Mother Nature brings to us, so we prepare daily for the storms of life.  Reading God's Word, memorizing scripture, praying, praising Jesus and listening to Christian music surrounds our hearts and minds so that we are able to adequately prepare for whatever storm comes along.  It is difficult watching Bill go through this storm in his life.  He is now unable to eat any food.  Just liquids, and that is iffie also.  Doctor appointment in the morning, radiation, home, then back to another doctor for hydration.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.  Hopefully, not another storm.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another Discouraging Day

Bill has become borderline dehydrated and will now need hydration at least twice a week.  We can't get in for an infusion until Thursday afternoon, unless we go to the ER.  We'll see.  He's pretty weak and very, very tired.  Pretty discouraged as well.  Thanks for your continued prayers.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Address Labels

I took care of all my mom's finances for the past several years.  One thing she always received in the mail was personalized address labels.  Mom had more address labels that she could have used in 4 life-times!  We joked about them each time she got a new envelope with labels.  After Mom died I had her mail forwarded to our address.  Guess what I got in the mail the other day?  MORE address labels with Mom's name on them and OUR address!  Go figure!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Twenty-three years ago Bill became a father.  And what a wonderful father he is to his two children.  We had to wait until Jon got home from work before we gave Bill his presents.  I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and the kids have a wonderful dad. 

Not a good physical day for Bill.  Swallowing even liquids hurts today.  He did make it to church, though, with his mom this morning.  A couple naps, tv and iPad.  That about sums it up!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Just another day in the Sutton household.  Nothing exciting to report.  Nothing unusual.  Nothing usual.  Just another day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A New Routine

I guess we're settling into a new routine.  Out the door by 9:30 for radiation and home before noon.  Not too bad, I guess.  Had lunch then Bill laid down for awhile and I took Jessie and Shannon to Kroger's.  I usually take the electric cart around the store but I felt pretty good when I got there so I walked.  Bad choice.  Could barely walk out of the store.  Sure wish I didn't hurt so much.  It would make my day alot nicer.  Oh, well. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Different Thursday

Jon took Bill for his radiation treatment today, as I had an appointment with Jessie's case worker.  We met for breakfast and Jess and Shannon went, too.  From there the 3 of us went to K-Mart's for a few things.  I rarely go there, and it doesn't look like many people frequent it either.  Right after we got home Jessie had speech and Bill and I had an appointment.  Jon went to the show and was disappointed.  He is an avid movie-goer and is rarely disappointed.  Bill took a nap and just didn't feel good tonight at all.  It seems that his best time is in the morning before his radiation treatment, and just before he goes to bed.  Not a very long time to feel half-way decent.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Washington Twp Fireworks

I've finally changed my holiday pictures at the bottom of the blog to pictures Diane took on Saturday night of the fireworks.  Hope you enjoy them. 

I Treated Myself Today

Took Bill for radiation treatment #5, Wendy's for a root beer float, then K-Mart's for a couple new pairs of pants.  In the past 12 days, Bill has lost 8 pounds.  Overall since being diagnosed with cancer, he's lost 40 pounds.  Definitely time for new pants.  We wouldn't want them falling off in public! 

When we got home Bill ate a little bit then took a nap.  Shannon left early because she and her husband have bought a home and their closing was today.  Congrats!  Jessie played on the iPad, I left Jon in charge and I went and got a pedicure.  That was such a nice treat for me.  I also stopped in and saw my friend, Shannon, who had her kidney removed due to cancer.  She looks great and is recouperating nicely.  Thanks for your prayers on her behalf.  It was nice visiting her.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#4 Radiation Treatment - Done

However, it wasn't as short as the other three.  From now on, they'll be 15/20 minutes in length and he'll have numerous "shots" of radiation.  Not a good day for Bill.  He's been sleeping most of the day, very sick to his stomach and some pain.  Bummer.  Back to get #5 tomorrow.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Today was Girls Day Out and Jess went with us to the hospital for Bill's radiation treatment.  It was just not a good day for her.  She hollered and screamed all the time we were in the van, in the hospital.  I'm not sure what set her off today but it wasn't pleasant.  I did take her out to lunch, and that was OK. 

Bill was very fatigued again and went right to bed when he got home.  He felt better when he got up, so he did end up working on the deck roof a couple hours just before dinner.  He was pleased with that.  We found out that he has to have 20 more radiation treatments.  We've begun a count down.

Diane ended up in the ER again today.  While Bill, Jess and I were at the West Entrance, she was on the ER side!  All tests turned up great, but they still don't know why she has these "episodes".  Please continue to remember her in prayer.

I Found Out How To Do It

As you can see, I found out how to retrieve my lost posts.  Sorry about that.  More tonight.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'll Get Back With You Tomorrow

I just spent downloading 3 pictures and highlighting 3 days and I've lost it somewhere.  AHHHHHH!  I'll figure it out tomorrow.  I'm too tired.  It's saved under a draft, but I don't know how to get it to post.  Oh, well.

Catching Up

FRIDAY ... For a special treat for Jessie's 21st birthday, I took Jess and her best friend, Rachel, and her mom Jane (my good friend, too!) to the Hampton Inn for the night.  We had pizza and salad for dinner then we went in the pool.  It would have been much more pleasant if the 4 kids that were already in the pool didn't sound like 24 kids!  I especially enjoyed the hot tub!  Jess watched her favorite trip DVD and Rachel and I played Bananagrams.

SATURDAY ... The Hampton Inn always has a very nice breakfast, and  we all enjoyed it.  Jane and Rachel left and Jess and I hung out for another couple of hours.  Bill came and took Jess home and I went to Sam's Club to pick up Jessie's birthday cake.

When I got home I called Chris and asked her if she'd come and help me clean my house and get ready for our little birthday party for Jessie. 
I was not having a very good day - in alot of pain.  Bill was not well, either.  Thanks to Chris, all was ready for 6:00 p.m.

We had presents, birthday cake and at dusk, fireworks!  Washington Twp. was having their 4-day festival this weekend and this year they added fireworks.  We had front-row seats by sitting on the side of our house.  This picture is compliments of my sister's new camera.  A very nice but very tiring day.

SUNDAY ... I won't even tell you what time Bill and I got out of bed this morning.  It's embarassing.  Both of us were exhausted and I guess needed the extra hours.  Thankfully, Jessie spent the morning on the iPad on the couch in our room.  She was so tired from yesterday, too, that she took a 2-hour nap this afternoon.  Of course, it's now 10:19 p.m. and she is still awake.  Oh, well.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm Drowning My Day In A Bowl Of Ice Cream

It wasn't a bad day, just very, very busy.  Bill had his first radiation treatment this morning.  I don't think we were in the hospital 10 minutes.  Very fast.  Target for a couple things.  Home, bank and back to Radio Shack, since my new phone I bought yesterday didn't work!  They swapped it out, but that took another hour.  I hadn't planned on being there today.  Hair cuts.  Another long evening appointment.  I am very tired.  I really don't like this pace that this week has been.  I'm really looking forward to next week, as there isn't much on the calendar.  I want to stay home!

No posts tomorrow night, as I am taking Jessie to a local motel for the night to celebrate her 21st birthday with her best friend, Rachel, and her mom, Jane.  I am looking forward to down time, too.  Should be relaxing. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Very Busy Day

I had breakfast out with a freind, two appoinments before Bill and I left at 12:00 for his CT scan.  We were there for several hours (he made it OK in drinking the contrast!) before we had to walk the entire complex and up a flight to have his port flushed.  Back across the entire building, on to Wendy's to have a very late lunch, then Sears to get some nails Bill needs for the deck.  Home.  Several load of wash.  Radio Shack for a new phone because mine has been acting up and it was way over due for an upgrade.  Home.  Finally.  Bill's pooped and so am I.  Tomorrow looks like the same kind of day. 

Bill begins his radiation treatments in the morning.  We don't know yet how long treatments will be but somewhere between 2-6 weeks, M-F.  Please be in prayer for positive results.  Minimal swelling in the esophogus so that he will still be able to swallow.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday, Jessica Anne Sutton !!!

It's really hard to imagine that 21 years have passed since Jessie came into our lives.  What a wild ride these years have been.  What a blessing they have been, too.

As you know, Jess was born with Down Syndrome.  I'll never forget when the doctor told us that we had options when she was born, and one of them was to walk away and leave her at the hospital.  We looked at that doctor as if she was from another planet.  Not take her home?  You're kidding, right?  She wasn't.

We were blessed with two children.  Both of them ours.  For better or worse.  (I know that's out of context, but as a parent, I'm sure you know what I mean.)  I'm thankful that God allowed me to be a wife and a mother.  The only 2 things in my life I ever really wanted to be.  He gave me my heart's desires.

Happy birthday, my darling daugher.  We love you very much!  Here's to another 21 (at least!).

Monday, June 6, 2011

"You're never too old to learn something new" ...

 ...  so saith Bill after his two-hour simulation today.  During that time we watched a 15-minute informational video on what to expect from radiation as well as what they were going to do to him in a few minutes.  I went to read a book and Bill disappeared down the radiation/oncololgy hallway.  He had a CT scan, he was molded and tattooed.  (I really need to get that earring for him!)

It was a long-tiring day and Bill didn't have a good food day.  Food he ate yesterday didn't want to go down today.  That was disappointing.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Jessie got 2 birthday cards today in the mail and was VERY excited.  Chris came over just before Jess went to bed and brought her a McDonald's ice cream sundae (us, too! THANKS, Chris!).  She's very excited about her birthday in the morning and she's hoping she gets "ten presents".  We'll see. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Nice Sunday

Jon worked, Bill took his Mom to church and I stayed home with Jess.  It was such a great day that we ate all our meals on the deck.  I did some decorating with dried flowers.  Bill rested.  Jess had a good day, too, playing on the iPad and watching home videos.  The day flew by.  Jon returned home at 8:00 p.m. and even he had a good day at work.  What a blessing to all of us. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Date Day

Jon had to work, Jess was with Jane, so Bill and I decided to have a date day.  We had 5 places around home to stop at before we left for St. Clair.  Took our lunch, table, chairs and sat under the trees watching the river go by.  Very nice and relaxing. 

It was pretty warm when we first got there, but just before we ate, the wind shifted and the air turned cool.  That was VERY nice.  A quiet day on the river, though; only 2 large ships when by. 

It was nice to get away for a couple hours and spend some quiet time with each other. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Working Toward A Plan

We had the Radiologist/Oncologist appointment today and had alot of questions answered.  We still don't have a concrete plan, though, as the doctor wants another CT scan to check on the liver metastisis.  That may determine the length and strengh of radiation (still targeting the esophogus).  That will be next Wednesday.  On Monday he has a measurement and tatoo session.  (I really have to get him that ear ring!)  Radiation will probably be either Thursday or Friday.  Won't know til next week. 

I have a favor ... next Tuesday, June 7, is Jessie's 21st birthday.  If you know our address, and you are able to, could you send her a birthday card?  She'd be thrilled to get so much mail.  If you need my address, contact me through the e-mail address at the bottom of this blog.  I know it's short notice, but she won't care if they're late.  I really appreciate it.  She LOVES her birthday. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Unexpected Visit

While doing paperwork this afternoon, I received a call from Bill's cousin, Joyce.  Her and her husband, John, were in the area and wanted to visit.  That was so nice.  Other than family reunions and family camp years ago, we've not visited together.  Joyce has been one of our biggest prayer supporters, letting many churches and organizations that they belong to know about Bill and ask for prayer.  We had a nice visit out on the deck, wearing coats and wrapped in blankets.  What a change in weather.  Either it's too hot or too cold.  Oh, well. 

As a special prayer request, please pray for my friend, Shannon, who is having cancer surgery tomorrow to remove a kidney.  (This is NOT Jessie's Shannon.)  She will be recovering in the hospital for a week before returning home. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Day Out

My friend, Rox, and I went out today to have some fun.  What did we do?  Went to lunch and shopped.  What else would one do to have fun?  Bill worked in the garden, Jess and Shannon baked a large chocolate chip cookie, Jon did this and that and Grandma spent time on the deck.  What a beautiful, blustery day it was.