Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Pesus Pumpkin

Jessie enjoys her art time she has each week, and for the last couple of weeks Jessie and Shannon have been decorating pumpkins.  Jessie's favorite is her Pesus (Princess) Pumpkin.  What do you think?

When I tucked Jess in bed tonight, she said "Too-key day comin'!"  In other words, Thanksgiving is around the corner.  Bring on the turkeys!

Bill had a pretty good morning, working on his model, but has been feeling quite sick since dinner again. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Cake

Earlier this week I was in JoAnn Fabrics and picked up a pumpkin cake pan (70% off).  Today Jess and Shannon baked and decorated two pumpkin cakes - one for us and one for Shannon.  Jessie had a great time baking and decorating the cake that we'll eat on Sunday. 

Jess had a great day.  For whatever reason she was in a great mood and had fun all day.  She was especially excited that her brother, Jon, came home.  (He went on an overnight men's retreat yesterday at our Wesleyan Campground in Vassar.)  As soon as he got home she wanted to go and help him unpack, which she did.  She kept hugging him and was so glad he came home!

Bill had a pretty good morning.  In fact, he went with me to Meijer's and McDonald's for lunch.  He did better than I did - my knee and back were not good and I was a little down, so I took a 2 hour nap when we got home.  After working on his model, however, he pooped out and has been down since.  He is discouraged since he's been doing so well.  However, it's only day 8, so being out for awhile today was good. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another Good Day

Two nights in a row Bill has slept the entire night.  He's only had a few hours of not feeling well today, too.  We have not expected such good days, since today is Day 8.  It can only be as a result of prayer and God granting Bill good physical days.  We are greatful.

Julie came for dinner tonight and we had an iPad 101 first lesson.  We helped each other learn new things and traded games we can play together.  Friends of ours came after dinner and brought a birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate Bill's birthday.  We all had a very enjoyable visit. 

Thank you, Jesus, for friends, a beautiful fall day, laughter and time spent together. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

French Toast

Today was such a good morning for Bill that we decided to try and go out to breakfast.  I had my usual and Bill had French Toast, something that he doesn't normally order.  All went well.  On to my mom's where I worked for several hours.  By then, Bill was more than ready to come home and veg on the couch.  It went downhill after dinner, but we are thankful for most of the day that he was not too bad.  Today is Day 7 when  the chemo side effects are supposed to peak.  It'll take another 7 days before the symptoms will be minimal - we hope.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bill !!!!!

Thanks to the many people that called with birthday wishes, stopped by to visit, and an impromptu mini birthday party, I believe Bill's day was a success.  He was kept busy most of the day answering the telephone.  I helped out, too, since I was out and called home about 6 times and said, "Happy Birthday!"

For dessert we had Bill Knapp's birthday cake.  Remember when?  We always went to Bill Knapp's on our birthday's and got our year percentage off the meal and the free chocolate cake.  It still tastes the same. Yum. 

Thanks, everyone, for making Bill's birthday so special. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just Whose IPad Is It Anyway?

Thanks to the generosity of several people, we were able to buy an IPad for Bill to use on days that he just can't do much of anything else.  I've downloaded many games, news applications, educational items and books for his use.  It really has been the absolute best item we've purchased since our computer.  We ALL enjoy being on it, especially Jessie who, as you can see from this picture, enjoyed it for over an hour tonight.  She did NOT want to go to bed.

Tomorrow, October 27, is Bill's 64th birthday. Today he didn't feel too bad, so maybe he'll be in for a great day tomorrow.  If you know our phone number, give him a call and wish him a Happy Birthday.  I know he'll enjoy hearing from so many people.  Let's keep that phone ringing - just like a telethon, except you don't have to pledge any money!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday - Monday

I laid in bed this morning wondering what day it was.  Does anyone else ever get confused?  Jessie didn't forget - it was (big) Girls Day Out today.  (We have to add the "big" because no way is she going to add a little girl to our day!)

After 7 stops we finally made it home.  One of the stops was to Target where we bought Bill birthday presents - it's his 64th birthday on Wednesday.  We also got him a special cake but I can't tell you what kind it is because he reads my blog every morning and that would spoil the surprise.  I hope he's well enough to enjoy his day.  Today was not a good day again.  Very rough.  The days just get harder. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Does Jessie Know?

Many people have asked how Jessie is doing and how much she knows about Bill's cancer?  Over a month ago we decided that we needed to tell her about as much as she could process.  We told her that Daddy was very sick and he'd be sick for a very long time.  He'd have bad days, but he'd also have good days.  Almost every day she asks, "Daddy sick?"  She's a little fixated on his bald head, which makes us laugh because she rubs it and says, "Oh, baby!"

Besides the comfort and blessings that God gives us each day (which I might add are numerous), Jessie is another reason we go on.  She is a ray of sunshine on our cloudy days.  She enjoys making us laugh and then she laughs harder.  Someone once asked me if I ever imagined what she'd be like without Down Syndrome.  I never have.  Why should I?  She's perfect - just the way she is.

Thanks to another church lady friend, dinner was provided.  I am so greatful that I didn't have to fix a meal today.  I wasn't feeling up to par, and Bill's had a bad day.  Thank you, God!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Day On The Couch

Day 2 after chemo hasn't been kind to Bill.  He's spent the entire day on the couch.  Severe nausea, bone pain, and general yuckiness.  He's also not able to sleep at night.  He can get to sleep, but can't stay asleep.  He was on the IPad for HOURS in the early morning hours and today.  I've been having to recharge it every night. 

My cousin, Terry, from Alaska, called this afternoon.  It was nice talking to him and he and Bill had a nice conversation.  That meant alot to Bill (me, too!).  We were blessed again with a delicious dinner from a friend of ours from church.  The meals that keep popping up now and then come on days that are hard for me and helps me out alot.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jon had his best friend, Jacob, over for the afternoon.  Tonight he's at a friend's house for a small young-adult get-together.  Jess had a mini-melt down when Shannon went home early because she wasn't feeling well.  However, she managed to get it together and watched videos and played Bingo and cards.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh, The Smell Of Paint Fumes

Both Bill and Jon began their model ships today.  Jon's doing his in his bedroom and Bill's doing his in the family/dining room.  So, no matter what floor you're on, there's paint fumes.  Add in the fragrance of dinner and it's not really that bad.  Both boys are enjoying themselves.

Today is the first day after chemo and the side effects have begun.  Fatigue, nausea and hiccups were Bill's companions today. 

I tagged along with Jessie and Shannon for breakfast, then we went to Goike's and bought some more squash to eat and pumpkins for Jessie to paint.  It was a nice day, even though a tad bit cold.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


We made it through the day!  Thank you so very much for your prayers, and Thank You, Julie, for the phone call.  Even though the nurse was unable to get a blood draw from Bill's port at first, she didn't try different maneuvers today.  Instead she put in a drug that would break up any blood clots.  After a half hour, she got enough blood to begin infusions.  Seven hours later we were on our way home.  I did alot better than last time, too, which was a big plus.  No chest pains for Bill, either!  Horrah!

Last Saturday when the men came to help with yard work, there were a couple jobs that they were unable to do.  Word got around and thanks to Rod, 3 other adults and 17 teens from our church's discipleship group (that's right - 17 !!!!), the job was done in a half hour. It would have taken us until next summer.  What a blessing these teens were.  When they were finished, they all came inside, gathered in a circle and prayed for Bill and us.  That was very moving. 

Blessings abounded today - Thank You, Jesus! 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Please Pray For Us Tomorrow

Tomorrow is chemo day.  We have to be there at 9:00 a.m.  I've been dreading this day for 3 weeks, and I'm sick to my stomach tonight.  Bill says he doesn't mind it too much (side effects don't begin for a couple hours after), except for the beginning when they have to get a good blood draw from his port.  It never wants to give up blood and they can't do chemo without a good draw so they know the IV is working.  It usually takes more than a half hour of almost standing on his head and jumping up and down (it's positional) to get blood.  Please pray that tomorrow will be different and the nurse will be able to get it on the first try. 

It will be a long day of 6 hours of infusions.  We packed a rolling backpack  ... magazines, books, puzzles, IPAD, snacks, a lunch for Bill and a blanket for me.  If it's not too busy of a day, I might get to sit in one of the infusion chairs - otherwise, a nice hard chair awaits me.

If you know our cell phone numbers, feel free to call and help pass the time.  Jon will come and relieve me around lunch time for awhile.  Please also pray that I don't lose it like I did last time.  Having a blubbering family member doesn't do the patients any good, that's for sure.  Luckily our "favorite" spot is right next to the door so I can escape if I need to. 

Bill, Jon and I covet your prayers - especially for tomorrow.  Thank you so very much!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Great Day For Bill

On Sunday I asked if you'd pray that Bill would have good physical days Monday - Wednesday.  Thank you!  God has blessed Bill with two great physical days.  He's had alot of stamina, eaten well, and he's been able to do some things he's wanted to do.  We are so very glad.

Today Bill, Jon and I went to a couple of stores and planned on having a nice lunch out at Ponderosa Steak House.  Unfortunately, the one that has been at 23 Mile and Gratiot for ever is now an Empire Wok.  Stopped at Texas Roadhouse - they didn't open until 4:00.  Drove down to Hall Road and stopped at Brann's Steak House - they were closed due to mechanical difficulties.  We didn't give up - finally ended up at Longhorn Steak House. 

Thank you for your continued prayers, cards, phone calls, and well wishes.  Knowing that we have so much support gets us through each day.  Thank you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Last Day Of High School

In the early afternoon, Bill and I sat outside on the swing and talked about the day.  I asked him how he felt about finishing his job and not taking on any more.  Being retired.  He said it felt a little like the last day of high school. 

Jess and I had "Girls Day Out" again.  Began with breakfast at our favorite restaurant, to church and worked in the Library for a little bit (I'm Library Coordinator), picked up a couple bushels of yellow delicious apples from our "apple lady", stopped and saw Chris and gave her some apples, dropped off a bag at the Salvation Army, bought 2 pumpkins for Jess and Shannon to paint, McDonald's for pop and chocolate chip cookes, and Goike's for a bushel of squash (acorn, butternut and sweet dumpling). We both had a good day together.  I love being out with my daughter. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Big Day For Jess

Jessie did something today she hasn't done in 10 months ... she went to church!  Today was my mom and my turn to go and Bill was supposed to watch Jess.  However, he wanted to go to church today because he probably won't feel like it for the next 2 weeks because of chemo on Thursday.  Jon wanted to stay for both services, so we decided to at least try getting her there, promising her she wouldn't have to go next week. We managed to get her into church, yelling along the way, got her into the last row and blocked her escape.  Then we let her go look for the babies.  You should have seen her face when she saw "baby Ava", who's now walking. 

Bill wasn't well yesterday, but has had a good physical day today.  Diane and Randie came today and brought a wonderful dinner and birthday cake, celebrating Bill's birthday (on the 27th) and mine (the 1st).  After they left, Bill watched tv, Jon built and enjoyed an outdoor fire, Jessie watched her videos and I began a book.  A nice, relaxing day.  Thank you, Jesus, for this day.

Saturday's Post Today

Last night when I sat down to post, I couldn't get on the internet, so here's yesterday's blurb:

"I Feel Like I'm On Fire!"
Thanks to 4 men from our church (Barry, Bob, Butch and Robert) the outside work is done!  Bushes were trimmed, bushes pulled up, trees cut out (small ones), leaves raked, vegetable garden history and all the hostas and plants around the house cut down.  Not to mention 2 airconditioners taken out and stored for the winter.  Thanks, guys!  What a wonderful thing you did for us. 

After they left Jon cut the front and back grass and I worked on my flower garden for several more hours.  When we finally came in, I felt very hot but just assumed I had gotten overheated.  Not.  Sunburn!  Nothing like waiting until October 16 to start on a tan.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Very Busy Day For All Of Us

Jess began her day with "Breakfast Out" with Shannon then had a good day at home.  She also had Speech at 3:30.  She's doing really great!

Bill took Jon with him and tried to finish the job he still has unfinished.  He was able to work for about 2 1/2 hours before he had to come home and rest the remainder of the day.  He enjoyed being back to work, but he knows he won't be able to do anything else after this job is completed.  That's hard.

Jon enjoyed the fire pit he built earlier this week tonight with a small fire. 

I began my day with several stops before Meijer's then a doctor's appointment for my left knee in the afternoon.  As most of you know, I began the year in terrible pain in my back and down my right leg. In April after an MRI, Iwas diagnosed with 2 herniated discs, a cyct on my spine, spinal stenosis and severe arthritis in my back.  I was put on some strong nerve medication (which I'm still on) and continued in pain until July 1.  On that day, I woke with no hip or back pain, (YAH!!!) but my left knee hurt.  Go figure!  Since then, it's gotten worse.

To make a long story short that I'm sure you don't want to read, another MRI on Aug. 28 revealed a torn and degenerative miniscus, a cartiledge tear with loose bodies, bone spur, advanced arthritis and severe fluid, which has now gone into a Baker's cyst (fluid is draining behind my knee).  My knee hurts.  Went to my family doctor today and he put a shot of cortisone in my knee and I have to see a surgeon (for the second time - the first one just told me to take tylenol arthritis) and talk about arthroscopic surgery.  We'll see.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just Another Day

As I sit here and try to gather my thoughts, I think back over the day.  Bill was able to go out to breakfast with a friend and enjoyed the visit.  Bill and I were able to go to Kroger's together for the first time in quite awhile. We enjoyed that.  Jessie had a good day with Shannon and went grocery shopping, too.  Jon spent the day at church preparing for the teens that meet each Thursday night.  I spent a couple of hours at my mom's.  We had breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Just another day. 

Was it?  Is that all that should be noted?  Bill had a rough night last night and his day wasn't as good as the past several days.  That was discouraging.  A cloak of heaviness came over me this afternoon and all I wanted to do was cry, which I did. 

Traveling this path that we're on is extremely difficult.  How do we manage to get through each day?  For me, it's knowing that I can trust God with our future.  It's knowing that I can cry out to Him anytime and know that He's listening.  And, it's knowing that each day is not "just another day".  It's so much more. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Next Step

Bill had a doctor's appointment today at 10:00.  The cancer specialist wanted to see how he fared with the first round of chemo that he had a couple weeks ago.  The last several days have been good but he's not looking forward to next Thursday when he'll have the second round.  Fourteen days after that he'll have another CT scan and a couple of days later another doctor's visit to discuss whether or not the chemo has made any difference to the cancer.  We pray and hope that the chemo stops the cancer from completely taking over quickly.  We continue to count on your prayers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hair Spray

I really don't want to type this, but Bill says I should.  So, here goes.  Yesterday I went to Walmart and stocked up on a few items I can only get there for a very reasonable price.  One is Ultra Brite toothpaste and the other is White Rain hairspray.  Both are $1.00.  I bought 4 boxes of Ultra Brite because the 4 of us use it.  I also bought 4 bottles of hairspray because Bill and I use alot of it to keep what little hair we have in place. 

When I got home I was showing Bill all that I bought and when I got to the hairspray I turned to tell him and realized that he no longer has hair!  I felt like such an idiot.  I now have enough hairspray to last me for about 2 years.  Bill thinks this is VERY funny.  Not me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Message From Bill

Tonight I asked Bill if he'd like to say some words on the blog.  "No," he responded.  I asked him to rate the day then.  "It was OK."  Man of few words!

If you were to ask me, I'd say his day was better than yesterday.  He and Jon went to Home Depot and then to my mom's to pick up our generator we used at her house when she was without power in August.  He spent time outside in the back yard, too.  There were periods of time where he didn't feel well, but on the whole, I think it was a good day.  Thank you, Jesus, for good physical days AND great weather days!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Summer Sunday

Today was just an absolutely great weather day.  Not too hot, not too cold, not too breezy.  Doors and windows wide open.  Family time.  We spent a good deal of time outside on our swing. The swing was the best purchase we made for the outside this year.  Guess where we got it?  You probably wouldn't guess, but it's Kroger's!  Something you wouldn't think you'd find at a grocery store.
Other than maybe a couple of hours, today was the best physical day Bill has had in over a week.  He even felt up to helping me grill for lunch. We enjoyed a visit from a couple from our church this afternoon.  All the visits we've received have really meant alot to Bill (and me, too). 

Here's to a great week!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

An Apple A Day ...

I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  I wonder what two apple pies and an apple crisp would do?  Thank you, ladies, for providing us with such delicious desserts.

We have been blessed lately with couples bringing us dinner and desserts.  It has helped tremendously and everything has been delicious. 

Today was a pretty good day for Bill, other than for a period in the afternoon where he felt awful.  He thinks he got dehydrated because as soon as he drank more fluids he felt much better.  We spent some time outside on the swing, too, which was really nice.  It was such a nice day today.  Tomorrow's supposed to be even nicer. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

You Never Know Who's Watching

Friday is "Breakfast Out Day" for Jessie and Shannon.  They go to the same restaurant each week and Jess orders the same thing: "eggs, toast, big potatoes (hash browns) bacon, water, juice".  After they were finished and ready to leave, another customer asked to talk to Shannon.  He wondered if she was her (Jess) aide?  She said that she was and he then asked her if she wanted another job!  He said he was watching how she interacted with Jess and was very impressed .  He's the vice president of a company for the special needs population and gave her his business card.  I promptly replied, "Give me that card!  I will break your arm if you call him!"  After we finished laughing she said that it made her feel good to have someone else compliment her and how she works with Jess. 

It is difficult to turn your special needs child over to someone else's care each day, but with Shannon, I NEVER have to be concerned about Jessie and if she is OK.  I never worry about her.  I know that when she is with Shannon, she'll be cared for like I care for her.  Let me tell you, that takes a huge burden off my shoulders.  If we had to go through the rough times that we are going through and have to be concerned about Jessie's well being too, I really don't think I could make it.  Thank you, God, for Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill had a cardiologist appointment today and all was well there.  We stopped and had lunch at one of our favorite places then went to my mom's for a couple of hours.  He napped while I worked.  By the time he got home, he was ready to do nothing for the rest of the day.  Today was a better day than yesterday for him.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 7

Today is the 7th day after chemo and is supposed to be the peak day.  Bill's hoping for better days in the next week.  A pretty crummy day.  However, he enjoyed visits from two couples from church today, and the weather outside was great.  We were able to open the door and windows for awhile. 

I wish I could say that Jess had a better day, but she didn't.  She was uncharicteristic at the grocery store today yelling and stomping her feet.  It was a very trying day for her aide, Shannon.  Then when she left for the day Jess wasn't any better for us.  Many times she'd yell:  "Thaaaatttsss it!  Ye me yeown!"  (Translation:  That's it!  Leave me alone!)  Is there a full moon?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Mom!" "What?"

Today began with Jess being very supportive of Bill as I gave him his shot this morning.  She patted his head and chest and said, "Oh, baby!"  She is so funny sometimes. 

And, sometimes, she tries our patience to the limit.  About 10 minutes after she finished comforting Bill she said to me:  "Mom!"  I said, "What?"  "Mom!"  "What?"  "Mom!"  "What?"  (I kid you not - she said Mom at least 10 times .)OK, by that time I yelled at her:  "What Jess?  What do you want?"  She looks at me and says, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nothing!"  Thus began our day.

Jon's not feeling well.  A severe ear ache, sore throat and general "malaise".  Off to the doctor for some medication so it doesn't get any worse.  We definitely don't want to get Bill sick.

Today was not a very good day for Bill at all.  Lots of pain, nausea, among other stuff.  He's been in the house for so many days though, I took him for a ride around Stony Creek and treated him to a DQ.  Hopefully, after tomorrow (day 7) he'll begin feeling better. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Bill seemed to have a better day today.  He had 2 visitors and enjoyed their visits very much.  Napped and napped and napped.  He said if he had to rate his (physical) day it would be between a B and C.  That's not bad.

While Jon took care of the home-front today, I spent the day with my mom, sister and her partner.  First I took my mom to the eye doctor then met Diane and Randie at the Apple store at Partridge Creek.  Thanks to gifts of money from various people, I purchased an IPAD for Bill to use.  He's very bored and now he'll have lots of stuff to do.  First, though, I have to learn how to use it then teach him.  Di and Randie came over after we ate dinner - mom's treat - at Brann's Steak House.  Di helped me download applications and such and gave me a crash course.  She's had hers for several months and LOVES it.  What a blessing that we were able to purchase this for Bill.  I'm enjoying it, too.  Right now I'm playing scrabble with my sister, when we both should be in bed.

Thank you Lord for your MANY blessings today.  For a good day for Bill, for a nice dinner out for me, for the gift of the IPAD, and especially for my sister and Randie.  Family is VERY important.  I'm blessed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Girl's Day Out

It's Monday ... Girl's Day Out.  Jess and I had lunch at Target then did some shopping.  She bought a couple DVD's, some books, a Parenting magazine (she LOVES pictures of babies and little children) and a new "Jesus Loves Me" music CD.  She also bought some Princess vinyl clings for her bedroom walls.  Of course, her "Princess" sounds like "Pee-zus".  Move over Hannah Montana - make room for Belle, Snow White, and Cinderella. 

Bill rated his day as a "C".  He's getting cabin fever.  He took a walk in the backyard today to see if there were any last minute tomatoes turning red.  Found one of the cabbages half eaten by a now gas-filled rodent.  We've had a wood chuck in the back yard since Jake's been gone.  Maybe it was him - or her. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Then and Now

 I usually decorate for the fall season the first weeks of September.  Not this year - finally decorated today.  Jess was so excited about the pumpkins and costumes that turned up in the rubbermaids that she wanted to try them all on.  As you can see from the two pictures, she's grown up a bit since her french fry days.  I'll post more pictures from today of Jess later this week - they're really cute. 

Today wasn't a very good day for Bill.  Some pain, severe nausea and very, very tired.  He slept a good 6 hours last night but has been up since 2:30 a.m.  Just couldn't sleep past that time so he played card games on the computer and watched some tv.  Napped on the couch til about 5:30 then decided he'd better just get up and get started.

Check out my prayer requests for today ...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thank You

Bill and I want to say "THANKS" to everyone who has called, sent cards, visited, made meals and have prayed for us.  The days are difficult, but knowing that we are surrounded by the love of so many people keeps us going. 

Today was a boring day for Bill.  He wasn't feeling well enough to do much (did some business paperwork), didn't have a good book to read, and tv was - well, tv.  Not much to watch there. 

It's quiet as I sit here.  Jess has been sleeping since 7:00 p.m., Bill since 8:15 p.m. and Jon since 9:30.  Guess I'll join them in a few minutes.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

Most people when asked how old they are won't answer.  Not me.  I'm very happy to be 58 years old today.  Blessed, actually.  When I was growing up I could never picture myself any older than 21, so the way I look at it, I've been given 37 extra years!

My day began with breakfast out with the 4 of us, Jessie's aide, Shannon, and a very special friend of the family.  Took Bill home to rest and did wash, vacuumed, paper work, then went to my mom's for several hours. 

Our good friend, Julie, brought dinner and cake tonight to celebrate my birthday, plus yellow daisies.  How nice was that?

Bill has been extremely tired today, some pain and quite a bit of hiccups. He's not able to sleep the entire night so he comes downstairs and plays card games on the computer, checks my blog, our e-mail, then comes back to bed.  Hopefully, he'll be able to sleep all through the night tonight. 

He really appreciates all the phone calls and cards from so many friends.  They are an encouragement to him (and me, too).

Hope you like the pictures of the 4 of us.  Doesn't Bill look great with no hair?  I really think he should get an earring, though.  A very cool lookin' dude.

A Peanut Butter Morning

I missed posting last night because when I was finally able to sit down and collect my thoughts, the internet explorer was down.  So, I just went to bed. 

Yesterday was a very long, hard day.  We arrived at the doctor's office at 8:40 a.m. and finally left at 5:00 p.m.  All told, Bill had 6 hours of infusions - about 6 different kinds, 2 of them being very potent chemo.  About 1 hour into just a diuretic, Bill started having chest pains.  Iv's were halted, the doctor was called and nurses scrambled.  Thankfully, the pain left after about 10 minutes, and the doctor felt it was safe to continue.  He withheld the 3rd chemo because it can be cardiac toxic.  A scary situation.  Now another trip to the cardiologist next week!

The side affects of these chemos can and most likely will be severe.  Thus far, Bill has only had minor pain and fatigue.  Oh, also hiccups.  For the pain - tylenol.  For the fatigue - a nap.  For the hiccups - PEANUT BUTTER.  Can you believe it?  A spoonful of peanut butter halts the hiccups!  At least for Bill. 

He's also enjoying his new look - being bald.  He said he should have done this years ago.  (That's what I've been telling him for years, but did he listen to me?  NO!)  I'm grateful for Bill's humor and attitude as he lives through this nightmare. 

Jon and I are having difficult days.  I know that Bill is the one with cancer and must go through the physical and mental aspects of this situation, but watching him go through it is taking a toll on us.  Yesterday was very hard for me as I sat in the infusion area and watched all the people - young and old - male and female - coming in for various treatments.  Most of them alone.  My heart was heavy for those who walk this road alone.  May God give them the comfort and support that they need.