Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Last Day of 2015

No aide today, Jon was off, so we went to Alex's in Rochester for a special pancake breakfast, then shopped at Barnes and Noble. Even after the big breakfast, as soon as Jessie got in the van she wanted a snack. McDonald's. Chocolate Chip Cookie. Pop. Over and over and over. It didn't happen.

When we got home I spent 2 hours on the phone with either Comcast or my sister or working on my computer trying to figure out why I don't have WiFi. Turns out I need a new box. It picks up Xfinity WiFi but not our house Wifi, which is attached to my printer, which is wireless. That wouldn't be a problem if I could have found the cable to hook it up to the hard drive. Payroll needed to go out tonight so I had to go to UPS and have them faxed. $16.00. Irritating.

Not to mention that Jessie was having a royal meltdown because she couldn't get on her YouTube and she could pick up that both Jon and I were very frustrated. That sets her right off. Home was not a very fun place to be today. It still isn't.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Art At Home

The Art class at the Rec Center won't begin for a couple weeks, but Jess has had a lot of art projects that she has done with Rachel. I was upstairs this afternoon resting because I had a bad headache and neck ache. I woke to the best aroma! When I came downstairs I saw that Jessie and Rachel had made Olaf cookie pops. I think she did a really good job. She also painted a wooden Christmas village that turned out really nice.

The Wifi on our iPads won't work for some reason, as well as my computer printer. Usually that is a disaster where Jessie is concerned. However, I bought her Season 3 of Family Matters for Christmas and she has watched 2 discs and has enjoyed them. She's been laughing all afternoon. She's in bed, on her iPad, but listening to a book.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Force Awakens

Diane, Randie, Jon and I went to see Star Wars in IMAX 3D.  Oh, my goodness. I felt like I had been transported back in time. It was an awesome movie, and I'd go back to see it again!

While we were in the show, Brenda sent me this photo with the words ... May the Force be with you!  I laughed so hard when I saw it afterward at lunch. That's my girl!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas, JoAnne !!!

I took my long-time friend (47 years) JoAnne out to breakfast then we went to the post office, Walgreen's, Kohl's, a bank, gas station and Meijer's. We hoped to be back home before the ice storm hit, but we didn't make it. Unfortunately, lines in Meijer's were awful. We stood in line for 30 minutes before it was my turn.

We had a light lunch, Rachel went home early, Jess watched YouTube and JoAnne and I watched Dolly Parton's "Coat of Many Colors" that Jon had taped for me. It was REALLY GOOD! I'm just shocked that it was on regular TV. It was very, what you might call, religious. A tear jerker, as well as proclaiming the One who gives us Hope. Jesus Christ. If you get a chance, please watch it. The little girl who plays 9-year old Dolly was amazing. If she doesn't get messed up in Hollywood, she'll go far in her career. Great actress. Great voice. I'll watch it again, I'm sure.

We're still in the midst of the ice storm and we still have power! I'm so grateful. Jon worked and he could only go 30 mph home. He said there wasn't much traffic. Everyone's staying home, I guess.

Sunday's Post

I got up this morning and realized that not only did I leave the computer on all night, I forgot to blog. I really am losing it.

Jess and I went to breakfast, then went back to Wiegand's to buy something I should have bought he day before but talked myself out of it. I bought it. Jessie found this cute dog in a corner. I'm not sure if she thought he was real. She spent a few minutes just standing there, gently petting his head.

On our way home we stopped at Michael's. In the parking lot I exclaimed to Jessie ... "Let's go spend some money!" She yelled back: "MONEY!".  I repeated myself: "Let's go spend some money!" She said, "WHY?" Good question! I could almost hear Bill laughing and saying what he used to say to me ... "Just keep walking. Just keep walking!" and in this case it would be "Just keep driving!"

I must say, though, that Jessie had a great time shopping.
I had her use her own cart to put things in she wanted and she didn't run over me one time. She put out all she had bought on the couch so she could show Jon when he got home from work.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Day After Christmas

I dreamt of Bill last night. In my dreams he never speaks to me. He's just there. So close, yet I'm not able to communicate with him. I woke with that sense of deep loneliness that comes with knowing that, until Heaven, I never will be able to talk to him again. That feeling has stayed with me all day. Even typing this now the tears are falling. It's almost 4 years since he passed away. I really thought we'd grow old together. As the Bible says, God's ways are not our ways. A lot of time, though, it's hard. Like tonight.

I just had to get out of the house this morning. Besides, Jessie needs to get out and off her iPad. She won't do anything with me. I can't read to her. I can't do crafts with her or play a game. Nothing. I guess I didn't want to do anything with my mom either when I was at home.

We went to Wiegand's to check their sale prices on some items I wanted to buy for next Christmas. Jessie's lunch choice was McDonald's. I asked her if she wanted a coney dog from Leo's instead and she said, "OH, YEAH!", so that's where we went for lunch. We had a nice time out. At least she enjoys being out with me.

When we got home she spent the rest of the day with her cards and the iPad - she used the entire battery. And, she even told me to go to the other room! I guess I can't blame her. She's always got someone watching her. I guess I'd want my space, too.

I did 3 loads of wash, 2 hours of paperwork and watched 2 movies that Jon taped for me. Now it's time to go upstairs. Jon's sleeping, Jessie's in bed but NOT sleeping; she's singing. I don't want to go to bed - it just means tomorrow will be another day like today. Alone. With Jess. Maybe we'll go out to breakfast and go back to Wiegand's and see what's left. (Customers were like vultures there. They were picking the trees clean!) Maybe I'll buy the one thing I didn't buy but should have. We'll see.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Jessie was up around 7:00 a.m. and stayed in her room until around 8:00 when I heard her in Jon's room yelling, "Get Up Jon!" then "Presents! Wow!! Christmas! Mom! Get Up! Wow! Presents! Santa!" Over and over and over! So, we did get up and go downstairs to open presents. Jessie was soooooo excited.

Jon made us his famous scrambled eggs and I had froze Just Delicious Scones to go along with them for breakfast.

I watched a movie this afternoon, Jess played on her iPad and watched videos in her room. Jon watched tv in his room and prepared the duck for dinner.

Diane and Randie came at 2:00 and we ate right away. Opened presents, ate dessert and made cut out snowflakes.

In all, it was a very nice day! Here's a few more Christmas pictures to enjoy ...

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Quiet Christmas Eve

Jon had to work, so it was just Jess and me at home. And, of course, Memphis. (Speaking of Memphis ... he's not been well today. He's having trouble walking and is just not himself.) We went out to breakfast, picked up a pizza for lunch, went to Walgreen's and the post office. Jessie went out side to swing and sing her Jesus songs. I made a Christmas table decoration on the deck. It was a very nice day outside. Did I mention that 2 days ago I went out with capris and sandals? Amazing. Such weird weather.

I made a stuffing and pork loin chop dinner with broccoli and a caramel apple pie for dessert, and we waited until Jon got home to eat. He appreciated it. I also watched a Christmas movie while I made dinner.

The breakfast table is set for morning. I just need Jessie to get in bed and go to sleep so Jon and I can bring down the presents and put them under the tree. If she doesn't go to sleep before Jon goes to sleep, I'll be doing it all myself. Jon had a rough day at work today.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas, Don and Roxanne !!!

We were invited to dinner at Don and Rox's house this evening and we had a really good time. Jess took her iPad and was really good. We sat on their couch and visited before and after dinner and Jessie entered in to conversation and was laughing a lot. It blesses me when I can take her with Jon and I, and not leave her at home. We've been to their house for dinner several times and Jessie is comfortable with both of them, and, of course, Frankie, their dog.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas, Brenda!

Jessie and Brenda went swimming, ate lunch at Subway and went Christmas shopping, When they returned, we had a little Christmas celebration with presents. We won't see Brenda now until next Tuesday!

I wrapped all the presents today, as well as I went and had a pedicure, picked up medicine at Walgreen's and went to the post office. Which, I might add, was empty! Yeah! We have our post office back! No more lines with people mailing boxes. I saw no piles of cards this year - just boxes. And a lot of them, too.

Jon set 10 mouse traps yesterday in the basement and he got 2 mice today. I hope they were the 2 that were in my bedroom. I haven't seen or heard them. All 5 traps in my room are miceless. Or is it mouseless?

Monday, December 21, 2015

Our Annual Once-A-Year Christmas Dinner

This is the 3rd year in a row that Diane, Randie, Denise, Caity and I have met for dinner at Ike's just before Christmas. It was great catching up with Denise and Caity (my brother Ed's wife and daughter ... Denise has since remarried). We had a really fun time with lots of laughter. We decided to make it every 6 months now instead of 12, so in July, I hope to have another picture of us. I am so glad we keep in touch.

I left the house this morning around 9:30 a.m. and returned to stay at 9:30 p.m. It was a very, very long day. I had a foot dr's appointment, I visited Ortha, I had lunch with Chris in Richmond (missed you Joyce and Carol !!!), I shopped at Kroger's, went to the bank and braved the post office. I spent a half hour in the back yard picking up poop and raking where I have to take out the garbage cans. Memphis now uses our walkway to the back gate for his private bathroom. It's not appreciated, but he won't listen to me to move.

I did a load of wash and rested for awhile before I left for dinner. Jessie was already in bed listening to Christmas music on Pandora and Jon was just going to bed. He works tomorrow. I hope to wrap presents tomorrow because I haven't even started !!! At least I have everything bought. If I find out I don't, I'll have to give away something of mine.

I Do Have A Picture From Yesterday !!!

It might only be the table I set for our lunch, but there is a picture from yesterday. Well, it was really taken on Saturday, but we ate on it on Sunday! Ahhhhh.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Merry Christmas Julie, Brian, Kylee and Lynzee

Christmas Sunday. Here already. Unbelievable. Jon had off so we both got to go to church. When I got home we had Julie and her girls over for dinner, as well as Brian, Julie's boyfriend. We had a ham dinner, opened presents then played Aggravation and Uno. Chris came by for about an hour and a half. In all, it was a very nice Christmas Sunday. However, I took no pictures. I can't believe I didn't take even one! I'm disappointed in myself. Oh, well.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Merry Christmas to the Joyful Journey Girls

The Joyful Journey "Girls' met for brunch at noon. There were 8 of us that were able to attend. It was nice getting together, catching up, and sharing how God has been faithful in our lives. The group meets about once a month (we've been together for around 20 years) but I haven't been able to join them this fall. I thank God for this group of women - my forever friends.

Jon was home with Jessie and when I got home, Jessie helped me open all the mail. She got a Christmas card from our friends, George and Mary. Jessie saw the front of the card and exclaimed, "Santa!", then "MONEY!" when she opened the card. We called Mary to thank her and she laughed because she knew exactly what Jessie was going to say when she opened the card. Sometimes Jessie is very predictable.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Merry Christmas with Jane and Rachel !!!

Jessie and Rachel made and decorated gingerbread cookies this morning. I had a couple appointments and then the 3 of us met Jane at the new restaurant where Ocean Breeze used to be. We kept telling Jessie that it was different in there but she still said, "WOW!" when we walked in the door. It IS really different. It's Aubree's Pizza and Grill now. Three of us had the soup, salad and pizza bar. Rachel had a turkey sandwich and fries. We all liked the food.

When we came back we exchanged gifts. One of Jessie's presents was this elf hat that shakes and sings, "We are Santa's Elves ..." . She is laughing so hard in this picture. I love it. I forgot to get a picture of Jessie and Rachel! Guess I'll have to do that on Monday.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Day Out And About

I left the house around 9:45 a.m. and didn't return until 3:40 p.m.  I went to Panera Bread's drive thru for a scone and a pop. Then to Family Christian Stores and Office Depot. Hallmark, Office Max and a dollar menu lunch at McDonald's were next. K-Mart, Mandel's, Pete's Pasties, a meat market and Walgreen's finished my day. It about finished me, too. I did spend several minutes between stops just resting in the van. I was glad it didn't rain like it was predicted.

Brenda and Jessie went to Meijer's then Gym class where they had a small Christmas party. Jon worked and looked pretty bad when he came in the door. A rough day for him.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas With Doreen and Shiloh

Jess had her last Art Class of the year this morning. I watched Shiloh for about an hour while Doreen had a parent/teacher conference for her. When everyone got back, we exchanged Christmas presents then we went to Chili's for lunch. We had a fun time together.

Jess got an ear muff from Shiloh. I think I look better with it than Jessie. What do you think?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Family Date Day

Brenda needed the day off, so it was just the 3 of us. Our morning began with a meeting with Kelly, Jessie's Support Coordinator, and her replacement. Apparently, she needs to lighten her case load since she had a promotion to supervisor. We've had Kelly for several years, so this will be a hard change for Jessie (and me!).

After they left we went to Benny's for breakfast and to say goodbye to several waitresses. That was hard. I hate goodbyes. There were a a lot of tears.

Off to Sam's Club where we picked up several items we needed and a few we just wanted. We bought Memphis a new bed, hoping it would help because he has really bad back legs. He's lost a lot of muscle and his back right leg, especially, doesn't want to work sometimes. He collapses often. I dread the day he won't be able to get up. There is no way I can lift him.

We had an early dinner then we went driving around to see Christmas lights. I treated us to a blizzard at Dairy Queen on the way home. I think the blizzards we saw (and ate) tonight are the only "blizzards" we're going to see this year. Next week's forecast for Christmas is near 60 again. I saw a news video on the Weather Channel that there is no ice on the Great Lakes yet, so there is still one boat line going back and forth to Mackinaw Island each day. An unusual winter for sure! It's more like spring.

Monday, December 14, 2015

A Rather Dull Day

I had no ambition to do anything. It was dark, dreary and rained off and on all day. I did manage to do a couple loads of wash and paperwork, but I also had a headache and rested for about an hour. More paperwork then Jess and I went and had our hair cut. We had our traditional after-hair-cut dinner at Wendy's and brought Jon home a meal for when he got home from work. Paperwork for about another half hour then we're going upstairs!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Saturday and Sunday

Last night when I sat down to blog, the internet wasn't working. Thus, no blog. Jess and I spent the day together. We had breakfast out and went to Meijer's shopping. We had a fun time together. It was neat listening to her "sing along" to Christmas music that was playing in the store or in the van. She can't keep up with the words, but she'll say the next word before it is sung.

Today, Sunday, we had a late breakfast, a late lunch at Subway and a normal-timed, left-over dinner. I did paperwork and Jess has entertained herself on her iPad. This morning while she was still in her room I was listening to a video she was watching. (We have a monitor in her room.) It was a Little Rascal's movie and there must have been a fire because there was clanging like on old fire trucks. All of a sudden I hear her yell: "Oh, dear! Run, dog!" Then laughter. Sometimes she's just too funny.

Friday, December 11, 2015

A Wonderful "Spring" Day

I don't ever remember another day in December that Jon wore shorts, I wore a light blue jean jacket, Jessie wore her pink sweat shirt coat and croks. It was a beautiful, 60 degree day in the neighborhood. I met a friend for breakfast, shopped at Kohl's, got the van cleaned inside and out, and met Jon for lunch. I was gone for about 5 hours and was so tired when I got home I only did 2 loads of wash and sat on the couch, looked at FB and finished a Christmas book.

Jessie and Rachel went out to breakfast, looked around at Target and went to the park. A lot of trees around here still have leaves on them, and most yards are full of leaves. Weird year.

This is too funny not to share ... Jon went Christmas shopping at Meijer's and got carded. What did he buy? Meijer gift cards. Paid cash. Seriously? He said the people behind him were hysterical. He didn't think it was funny. I do. Sorry, Jon. I'm still laughing!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Poor Brenda !!!

I knew it had been a bad day for Brenda (and Jessie) when as soon as they got home, Brenda put Jessie on time out, told me she was doing her paperwork and going home!!!!! Oh, dear!! That's not happened before. Apparently Jessie's behavior was less that desirable today. Not much else to say!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Decorations ... A Little Every Day

I had a medical test this morning then I stopped at a couple stores. I treated myself to a sit down lunch. Home early so that Rachel could leave, as she has a large project to complete for her class on Friday. She took Jessie to Art class then Subway. Before dinner I put up my nativity sets. Well, some of them, anyway. This year I added a set from Rwanda. I'll have to take a picture of it and post it. It's most unique.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I Did Too Much

"So what else is new?", replied Jon. I know I need to rest, but Christmas is only 2 weeks away and the tree still isn't decorated. The counter and table is still a mess from reorganizing the dining room. I did take breaks, though, which made Jon happy. He worked today and Jessie and Brenda went swimming and had Subway for lunch. I'm going upstairs. Now.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Jon's Fortune Cookie

This incident happened yesterday. It's really too funny not to share. We ate Chinese for lunch and, of course, everyone gets a fortune cookie for dessert. We have a fun time of everyone reading theirs and we all laugh at what they say. Poor Jon! His fortune cookie was EMPTY! He was so bummed that he bought a whole bag of fortune cookies to bring home. Today I've found fortunes all over the house. I think he's eating the cookies to see which fortune he likes best !!!

Jon went with me this morning after breakfast to see a new foot doctor. I just couldn't wait until next week. The swelling in my feet and ankles and pain walking is almost too much. I have an infected baby toe on the left foot and in both feet I have bursitis and tendonitis! No wonder they hurt. Unfortunately, because of arthritis medication I already take, I can not take another anti-inflammatory.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Finally !!! I Went To Church !!!

It's been a month since I've been able to attend church. I've kept up with the sermons via the internet, but it's not the same. When I got home, the 3 of us went and had Chinese for lunch with Chris, Eric and Sean. They came back to the house and took the "old" entertainment center and tv. The rest of the afternoon and early evening I spent on the couch. Jess spent it on the floor with her iPad and Jon stayed in his room. That's about it.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thanks, Jon !!!

Jon had a class this morning and before he came home he bought McDonald's lunches for us. Then he went outside and raked all the stones from the grass and filled in the holes in the driveway. Our new snowflake went up next on the peak of the front porch. I'm so pleased we have something outside that lights up. Jon rested for a bit then spent a couple hours putting a wooden lateral file cabinet together that I purchased to go between 2 identical file cabinets for the dining room. I sold my Mom's piano and had a lot of room for something to go behind the couch. I think it looks quite nice. Thanks, Jon! Your work is appreciated.

Rachel came for 2 hours this morning while I went to the post office, the bank, and a friend's house for a Craft Open House.

Friday, December 4, 2015

I Was "Glued" To A Chair All Day

There really isn't much to tell except that I sat in a dining room chair all day, and I still am, doing paperwork. Again I was a month behind in Jessie's paperwork, not to mention mine. I would have been going in my Christmas closet, but this needed to be done. 

We now have a sump pump with a battery back up, a new hot water heater, and unexpectedly, a new bulb for the furnace that filters the air. That was a very expensive bulb!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Today's Problem Was ...

The garage door came off the track! I am very grateful for the service man who came and took care of it for us. We will be getting a new garage door soon, as it is probably 25-30 years old and jumps all over the place in opening and closing. It's time.

Tomorrow the sump pump will be replaced, as well as the hot water heater. I wonder what else could go wrong. I'm sure there's always something. When the sump pump is replaced, I'll have to go down and see what has been damaged. Not too much, I hope.

Jessie and Brenda did grocery shopping then went to Gym Class and McDonald's for lunch. Jon had a good day at work. I over did it again, which is what Jon says, "So what else is new?" I worked until I couldn't walk anymore then sat down and rested a bit. Got up and worked, then rested. At least I've been able to do some things.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Two Doctor Appointments

Jon went with me to our family doctor to see what's up with my feet. It's been 2 weeks and they are not getting any better. It hurts to walk. He took xrays but nothing stood out to him. I also had blood work. I made an appointment with a foot doctor but can't get in for 2 weeks!

Jon treated me to breakfast before we went home. Then I helped him as much as I could in getting the Christmas tree up in the family room.  It may take days to put ornaments on, as the middle section of the tree is dark. I need to figure out what to do. This really shouldn't have happened. Jon isn't going to put his tree up this year in the living room,

We had an unexpected doctor's appointment for Jessie at the ENT doctor to renew her medication late this afternoon. His office is in the same building as my earlier appointment. I was so tired that on the way home I stopped at McDonald's and brought dinner home.

Jon and I went to the basement after dinner to bring up a couple outdoor ornaments and found that half the basement is under several inches of water. One of our 3 sump pumps quit. Just what we need. I suppose we should go to the basement at least every couple of days just in case something like this happens. I don't know when it stopped.

We also must have mice because several potatoes and squash were eaten. That's just plain gross. Jon will have to set some traps. That definitely doesn't come under a Mom's job.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Just Delicious Scones

Yesterday was a terrible pain day for me and by the mid afternoon I had to take strong pain medicine So, when it came to write my blog, which wouldn't have had much on it anyway, I was not able to.

Today I have been somewhat better, although I haven't done a lot of walking. Our Thursday's Bible Study Small Group met at The Royal Treat Room for their "Just Delicious Scones" and a quiche lunch. It was very nice. Of course, I overate on the scones. I brought some home, froze them and we'll have them for Christmas Day breakfast.

Jon went Christmas shopping and Jessie had time in the pool, Subway lunch and walked at the park.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Jessie and I had a nice breakfast at home then she watched her iPad and played with her cards. I sat on the couch and watched the last 2 sermons from church that I've missed. At 1:00 pm we met Chris, Sean and Ashley at Chili's for lunch. Chris came back to the house and we visited then watched a taped Hallmark Christmas movie. Jon had a good day at work. He had dinner and is getting cleaned up and ready for bed so he can watch "The Walking Dead". An hour that he is unavailable unless we are bleeding to death!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Date With Jessie

We started our day late by going to the post office and bank before we had breakfast at Benny's. From there we looked around Big Lots and Target. When we got home I was barely able to walk, my feet hurt so bad. I took some pain medication and sat down for a couple hours with my feet up. No work around the house today. A wasted day in regards to straightening up the dining room, which is a disaster, but Jessie enjoyed her day out with me. And I with her, too! A "just you and me" day.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Jessie Loves Stuffed Animals

... and, the bigger, the better!  Rachel took Jessie to K Mart and Big Lots for something to do this afternoon. Jessie found the bear she wants for Christmas. I'm not so sure that wish will come true, as there's no where to put it. Unless we put him on the couch! Wouldn't that be something?

I've worked all day long without many rest stops. I'm trying hard to get this house put back together before we begin decorating for Christmas. When I worked, we always put the tree up on the Friday after Thanksgiving because Bill and I both had the day off. Later on we moved it to the week BEFORE Thanksgiving so that we could enjoy the holiday weekend and do family things. This year because of all the renovations, I'm hoping for December 1.

Thanks, Rachel, for taking pictures of Jessie so that I can see what she does when she's out. It means a lot to me.

Jon cleaned half of his bedroom and helped me do the heavy work. I'm really ready to put my feet up and read my book.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

The scones that Jessie and Rachel made yesterday went along really well with Jon's scrambled eggs for breakfast. Jon and I spent the morning doing odds and ends around the house, putting things back where they belong from having our floors done.

Jessie spent an hour or so in her bedroom watching DVD's, then the rest of the day on her iPad.

I worked a bit then sat down a bit. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, both of my feet are swollen and hurt.

We didn't have dinner until around 5:30 p.m. Jon cooked a rabbit (no one liked it) in the crock pot and put the turkey (it was an old bird!) in the oven. Boxed stuffing and sweet brussell sprouts with bacon was our main meal. Home made applesauce and pickles, along with olives and coleslaw were sides. Pumpkin pie from Sam's Club was our only dessert. It was amazing. Especially since we added pumpkin ice cream to go along with it!

We gave Jessie a turkey leg and the girl had that thing picked clean. Notice her little pinkie raised in the air? Cute.

I hope that you and yours had a wonderful and memorable 2015 Thanksgiving. God's blessings on each one of you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Another Funeral

My day began at the funeral of a 95 year old friend, Jennie. I've known her for over 30 years and her funeral was attended by over 100 people - at least. Her life was a testimony to the salvation of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The pastor that spoke said that usually when someone dies in their 90's, the funeral isn't well attended because not many of their friends are left. Not so with Jenny's. She impacted young and old alike. Since I used to attend the church in the 70's where the funeral was held, I knew many people that I hadn't seen in many, many years. It was like a family reunion.

From the funeral I went to the post office, bank, Walgreen's, got a pedicure, Home Depot and Meijer's. When I got home I was more than ready to put my feet up and relax.

Rachel and Jessie read books, did Thanksgiving crafts, and made us Michigan Cherry Scones for tomorrow's breakfast. They went for a little drive in the afternoon.

Jon was very glad to get home from work tonight.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good Bye, My Friend

Today was the funeral of the mother of one of my high school friends, Lynn. I've known the family for 47 years. Lorraine was an exceptional Christian woman who was friends with everyone she met and took care of every one else. I spent MANY hours in their home during and after high school and for many years after that. Her funeral was very beautiful, but for me it was like losing my mom all over again. It was an emotionally hard day for me. I do know that I'll see her once again when it's my time to cross over and go to Heaven. She's probably getting food ready for all of us, as this was her favorite thing to do - feed people.

Diane came to stay at the house while the installer finished the flooring and Art Van delivered a new entertainment center. Brenda took Jessie swimming then to Subway. She left at 1:30 p.m. and Rachel took over since Brenda needed to go to the funeral home for a close friend of ours. Her funeral is tomorrow. I've never had 2 funerals back to back before. I'm just thankful they weren't on the same day! I would have had to make a choice.

I need to get Jessie upstairs. She's asleep on the couch sitting up. We waited until Jon got home to eat dinner (8:00 p.m.) so it put me way behind. It was my fault, though, since I took a couple hour nap on the couch after Rachel left and I put a few things back where they belong.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Roscoe The Clown

Rachel took Jessie out for breakfast since the kitchen had been emptied of all furniture, and the new floor was being put down. They also went to Meijer's and to the Library. They spent the rest of the afternoon in Jessie's bedroom.

Jon arrived home around 1:15 p.m.  I had fun watching him travel on my phone on the app Find My Friends.

The kids and I went to Benny's tonight for dinner. As soon as we walked in I saw a clown and kids hollering. I thought that maybe we should turn around and go somewhere else. I thought it was a birthday party.

However, we stayed with I found out that Roscoe the Clown comes on Monday's, and Jess didn't seem to mind at first. She was sure it was Benny! Unbelievably, Jessie did really well. She answered all his questions when he came to our table, except that her eyes were closed the entire time. He made her a pink rabbit. We did end up having a very nice meal and she didn't seem to mind the kids being loud and excited.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday was spent putting stuff back in to the dining room. We're still not done. I'm also getting rid of quite a bit of stuff that I haven't used in a long time. When I went to post, we had no internet.

Saturday Jon left at 6:30 a.m. to go to Indiana and visit his best friend, Jacob, and his wife, Hannah. Winter Storm Bella (didn't know we now name winter storms) began around 8:00 a.m. Jon was able to miss all the snow. It rained on his way down a bit but that was all.

I had a SM Thanksgiving Celebration at Penna's from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. If I hadn't organized it, and if it wasn't catered, I should have stayed home. The roads weren't bad the closer we got to the restaurant. Up by us, not so. This was a weird storm as it has been so warm that snow did not accumulate on road ways as it did on the grass. The party was very nice, but I was glad to be home and watch the snow fall from inside. This picture was taken outside the restaurant.

Today, Sunday, dawned with bright sunshine and about 10-12" of snow. It warmed up a bit and snow began to melt. It was a beautiful snowfall last night and this morning. However, we were snowbound. There was no way I could go out and shovel. The snow was VERY wet and heavy. I spent quite a bit of time looking for someone to dig me out. I was getting more discouraged but I kept praying that God would take care of me (a promise in the Bible) and send someone to help.

About a half hour later, the door bell rang and a young adult was asking if he could clean my driveway for me. He didn't have a job and needed to make money to pay some bills. He said he lived around the corner and his fiance (with a child due in June) was in the car while he went door to door. I told him that God had sent him to me. You should have seen the startled look on his face! We talked a bit and then he dug us out. I cried. God was faithful - yet again - in taking care of me.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Disappointed Jessie

When we emptied the dining room of all the furniture, Jessie kept saying "ten presents!" and pointing to the middle of the floor and kept saying, "toys".  She also pointed to the middle of the floor and said, "Christmas tree!" Apparently, she thought we were getting ready for Christmas and would have the tree out in the dining room this year where she'd get ten presents and play with her toys. Well, she was disappointed this afternoon as I moved the table back to it's place in the middle of the floor. Sometimes I wonder how her brain figures out things.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Before and After

It has been a week of work and progress. Our large dining room in the family room has needed a new floor for years. Our "old" floor was peel and stick. It was the second flooring in over 20 years. It is an area that is used daily.

One older gentleman came and put down a new vinyl floor today. We really like it. It's soft and bright. I can't wait to get the furniture back in there. The floor is all done except for molding that he will finish tomorrow.

Jessie had Art class then Jets for a pizza lunch. Rachel kept her out as much as she could so she wouldn't bother the installer. Jon went out in the morning to several places and when he returned, I went out. He had sunshine. I had clouds and rain.

One of my stops was Sam's Club so I purchased one of their pizzas for our dinner. I felt bad that Jess had pizza for lunch AND dinner, but I got 2 thumbs up at dinner. I guess it didn't bother her at all.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Self Defense For Seniors

A few Stephen Ministry ladies met for lunch then went to the Twp. Hall for a free class on Self Defense for Seniors. It was REALLY good and our girls were pumped! First we had a great time at lunch and visiting, then we listened to the instructor give us tips on being safe in our homes and in the community. I wish the class had been longer. He was very interesting.

Jessie and Brenda went swimming. When Brenda prepared the shower for Jessie to get in and get cleaned up, she said that Jessie got right out and hollered "COLD!" Apparently they didn't have any hot water. I can just imagine what her face must have looked like. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Jessie's Fun Day

Rachel and Jessie went to the Library this morning then went to Meijer's. Jessie spent quite a bit of time in the Christmas aisles. The hat she's wearing has a twirling top, which is why she's laughing so hard. Then, I guess she wants a new Christmas stocking this year! I think ALL her presents would fit in this stocking!

November 16 ... I had sandals on, a short sleeved shirt, capris and no coat as we worked outside a bit this afternoon. No jacket for Jess, either! Rachel showed Jessie how to pick up the leaves using my new "extended hands". I was astonished that it took her about 1 minute to be shown how to do it and she was an immediate pro. She filled up an entire yard waste container. I was very impressed.

I LOVE this picture! Jessie took the "extended hands", flapped them behind her like a duck and said, "Quack, quack!" Rachel laughed so hard and Jess kept doing it. As I said earlier, Jess had a good day!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Breakfast Out

Jessie and I met Diane and Randie at Benny's this morning for breakfast. Usually, we go down by their house, but today they came out here. We visited for a couple hours after breakfast. When they left I continued emptying the dining room. We are having new linoleum put down on the family room dining room floor on Wednesday. Sean and Chris came to help me move the larger pieces. I'm exhausted and need pain medicine. I'll be lucky if I live through this project. (Jon had to work.)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thursday, Friday and Saturday

THURSDAY we were very fortunate not to lose power. I decided that Jessie didn't need to be out in strong winds so I kept her home, didn't go to Bible Study, and did paperwork. I got a lot done. Brenda didn't mind having a "day off". I did venture out and had lunch with Jessie's former Speech teacher. It was nice to catch up on each other. She is missed.

FRIDAY was still a bit windy, but nothing like the day before. Jessie and I took Jon to leave his jeep to be serviced at 7:45 a.m. (NOT my favorite time of the day!) We went out for breakfast then the bank. Rachel came and took Jessie to see the new Snoopy movie at an EMAGINE theatre. I've never been to one. Jessie did well, according to Rachel. Then they went grocery shopping. Jess had a really good day.

Jon and I spent the rest of the day shopping. We had a nice time together.

TODAY - SATURDAY - has been a working day around the house. We are having a new vinyl floor put down in the family room's dining room on Wednesday, and furniture needs to be moved out of that room. I've been cleaning while I go along so it's taking me a bit more time. Too much work, too, as I've had to take several rounds of pain medicine.

I took Jess to our usual McDonald's lunch around 2:00 p.m. then to Walgreen's. There was an older foreign lady  that was behind us in line that wanted to know if she could buy Jessie a bag of M&M's. Jess was excited about that. I thanked her for her kindness and said, "God bless you!"

When we got to the car she scurried over and handed us two small bags of animal crackers, too. Then, she asked me to pray for her. Her husband was just getting home from the hospital with a heart issue. I assured her I would. Definitely a God moment. Nothing is by chance.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Another Beautiful Day - Not So Tomorrow

Rachel took Jessie to Art Class then to a park to swing and walk. It was a sunshiny day. In the 50's, I think. I was outside for a bit this afternoon and blew some leaves and brought in the garbage cans. We are expecting a "November Witch" tonight and all day tomorrow. The same type of weather system that sunk the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975. Extremely high winds. The western side of Michigan is expecting 20 foot waves. Doesn't sound like fun to me. I pray that we don't lose power.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sleep Won !!

Jessie wasn't being very nice tonight when I had company. I was training a SM to be a Supervision Group Facilitator and Jess kept yelling and demanding stuff. Jon came home and when I finished training, the 3 of us talked for a bit in the dining room. Jessie had taken a bag of popcorn (that she wasn't supposed to have) and her ice water and sat on the floor by the stairs to listen to us. After awhile I realized she was toooooo quiet so I went to check up on her. Yup. Sound asleep on the stairs. I guess she was just too tired to keep her eyes open any longer.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sunday and Monday

Sunday was a very nice day! Jon had off so we were able to attend church. It was a great sermon from a new series "Advent Conspiracy".

I stopped at McDonald's on the way home from church and got some grilled chicken snack wraps for lunch since we were all going out to dinner later. I was able to sit down and relax before Rachel came at 4:30 p.m. to be with Jessie while Jon and I had a "date night".

Rachel took Jessie to Big Boy's for dinner and then they stayed home.

I had gotten a Groupon for a local restaurant and we had NY Strip Steaks, which I never order. It was good. From there we went to Woodside Troy for the Passion concert with Kristen Stanfill, their "Even So Come" tour. It was the last night of their fall tour and, oh my! It was an awesome concert. So full of energy and praise. I was definitely in the minority, though. Mostly teens and young adults. I didn't care. If I could have jumped, I'd have been jumping along with them. I did bounce.

I was too keyed up and tired to blog last night.

Today, Monday, has been busy, as usual. Jon had an early doctor's appointment. I had an appointment, then we met up for a late breakfast and shopping. Paperwork and wash completed the afternoon.

When I turned the calendar over from October to November, November was almost empty. Now, it's so full I am tired looking at it.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Southeast Michigan Stephen Ministry Network Conference

I'm sure I've mentioned a time or two that I am not a fan of early morning. I am a light-night soul. At 5:57 a.m. I got up for the day because I had to be at church by 7:15 to car pool to the conference. It was a good conference, but I dragged the entire time. Nine ladies from our church went to lunch after the conference and enjoyed each other's company very much. There was a lot of laughter coming from our table the entire time we were there.  I was exhausted when I got home so I took a nap. I'm such a wimp. Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Jon was home and worked in the garden. Rachel came to spend time with Jessie and they stayed home the entire day but had a good day. Jess even took an hour and a half nap!

Friday, November 6, 2015

I Should Have Started Today Over

Prior to 9:20 a.m., things went well. Jessie and Rachel left for breakfast with Kelly. I had a 9:50 a.m. breakfast with one friend and a noon lunch with another. Or, at least that's what I thought!  At 9:20 my noon lunch date texted me and wondered where I was. I told her I had her down for lunch but she preferred we meet for breakfast. So I texted my other friend and told her I had to cancel, hoping she'd get the text before leaving a class and going to meet me.

I went to the restaurant to meet my "noon date", only she wasn't there. I texted her and I had the wrong restaurant! I mean, really. Seriously? When I finally got to the restaurant I walked behind a van and almost got run over by a guy who was pulling through parking spots.

When in the restaurant my "breakfast date" texted me to see where I was then realized I had texted her - AFTER she was already in the restaurant. She ate alone. Talk about getting things mixed up! I always look at my calendar before leaving for the day and for some reason I had all the times and places mixed up. I wonder when I wrote those things down? Can I claim insanity for about 3 minutes?

I felt really bad, but thankfully my friends are easy going and they didn't mind. I ended up going to visit my "breakfast date" after breakfast with my "lunch date".

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Yet Another Beautiful Day

It wasn't as warm as yesterday, but only by a few degrees. And, the sun didn't shine much, but for November? I'll take it. After Bible Study I spent about an hour outside blowing leaves and picking them up with my new (handicapped) leaf picks. I still had to bend over a bit, but not as much if I were to use my hands.

Brenda took Jessie to Gym Class and before they parked the van, they were on the look out for burglars! I'm not sure if Jess could see out of her eyes, but she tried! Too funny.

Grocery shopping, Gym class, McDonald's and the park were on Jessie's agenda today. After Brenda left, Jess and I went to pick up a bushel of yellow delicious apples from "my apple lady". We enjoyed a McDonald's ice cream cone on the way home. After all, it was the perfect weather for ice cream.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

76 Degrees and Sunny!

Woo Hoo !!! The high temperatures and sunny skies have been the talk of the town lately. Jon went with me to the surgeon who did my knee replacement surgery 2 years ago for my annual xray to see if it is still in the right place and hasn't loosened up any. I remember last year having to take a pair of shorts for my xray since I was wearing long pants. Not today ... shorts, summer top and sandals.

We waited 1 1/2 hours to get to the back, have my xray and 3 minutes to see the doctor. Everything looked good to him on the xray's, so I don't have to go back until next November!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3 ... 75 degrees !!!

We had another awesome weather day. If I were able to bend over, I would have been outside working in the yard. Instead, I spent an hour or so at the table on the back deck rolling coins. AND, no one was burning leaves! Then I spent hours on the computer doing Stephen Ministry work, plus washing clothes; all with the back door open.

Jessie and Brenda went to the pool, Subway for lunch then the park to walk. When they got home she took her "Jesus music" outside and sat on her swing and sang and entertained the neighborhood!  Jon took me out to breakfast, dropped me off at home so I could do computer work and he went to a couple stores down by Lakeside, then rested in his room. The day after his 3-day in a row, 12 1/2 hour work days he's really tired. It takes him an entire day to recoup.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Shorts Day !!!

Jessie and Rachel weren't wearing shorts today, but I certainly was! It was a beautiful day in the upper 60's. Rachel helped Jessie blow some leaves in the backyard. Matt came after school and blew the rest of them in piles and put them out for tomorrow's garbage.

I sat on the deck until my neighbor decided to burn his pile of leaves. It was so thick my eyes were burning and I felt like I was going to have an asthma attack, even though I don't have asthma! Jon said smoke inhalation. Ok. Be particular.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Bright And Beautiful November 1

Yesterday was dark and dreary. Today dawned bright and beautiful. Yesterday I didn't want to go out anywhere, today I was trying to figure out where to go. I didn't want to be in the house on such a nice day. Jon worked so it was just Jess and me. We had breakfast at home, then we went to McDonald's for a quick lunch. She was happy and it got us out of the house.

The rest of the day I started reading #4 book in a series. Numbers 1-3 I've read in the last two weeks. Chris also stopped by and we visited for a couple hours. I made a nice dinner and now we're about ready to call it a day and go upstairs.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

It was "just you and me" today and Jessie seemed to have a very good day. She enjoys the days when she can do whatever she wants, which is just to be on the iPad and play with her cards or beads.

While she entertained herself I worked around the house, wondering why there was always so much to do. Wash, vacuum, straighten up the kitchen, make breakfast, lunch, dinner, paperwork, etc., etc., etc. That's life I guess.

Friday, October 30, 2015

We Were All Busy Today

Rachel took Jessie to breakfast, the Library and then the Rec Center swimming. Jess had a really good day, and so did Rachel.

I had a doctor's appointment, lunch out, went to a couple stores then came home and crashed. We went out to dinner - I was too lazy to cook.

Jon went shopping and to the show. He's finally feeling much better, thank you for praying.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jessie's Halloween Party

Brenda had to take a few classes today so Jane took her place. It was Gym Day, but they had a special event instead ... lunch, a dance and trick or treating around the gym. Now, if I had told Jessie ahead of time that it was a dance and that it was a Halloween Party, she would have put up quite a fuss. Instead we didn't tell her. Jane said she didn't want to be there and clung to her, but she stayed and enjoyed getting the candy at the end. Jane took her out for an ice cream treat after the party.

Next they went to Meijer's and Jane was impressed how well Jessie scans the groceries and even puts the items in bags! She does do a really good job. I have to search for the bar codes but Jess seems to know where they all are.

Jon called in sick yesterday and hung out in his room all day. Today he finally felt better. After attending Bible Study we met for lunch. He spent the rest of the day in his room again. Keep those germs away from us! So far, so good for Jess and me!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Art Class Today

... instead, Rachel helped Jessie make a pumpkin Rice Krispie treat dessert. Jessie did all the decorating herself. I am so proud of her. She did such a great job with the pumpkin faces! She had a fun time, too!

She also did another mosaic art project. This time a fish. She sure does like art.

It was a crummy day outside. Lots of rain and wind, so I didn't go anywhere - except to the post office, Meijer's to get Jessie's glasses readjusted, Meijer's for gas then McDonald's for a quick lunch.

I spent the entire day doing paper work upstairs on my desk. I'm moving right along and feeling quite accomplished.

Jon called in sick today. He just is not getting over this sinus infection like he should. I'm determined that Jess and I will NOT get sick. We take an elderberry syrup mixture from doTERRA that I make plus extra Vitamin C. I've had a headache off and on but melaleuca takes it away in minutes. We will NOT get sick. We will NOT get sick. We will NOT get sick!