Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Challenging Message

After Jessie and I ate breakfast together, watched church on tv and prayed, I took Mom S. to church.  It was a very challenging message on following Jesus.  Lots to think about.  I ask that the Holy Spirit would keep this message alive in my heart and speak to me in my faith-walk.

Chris surpirsed me by coming to church today.  She'd already been to her church and thought she'd come and hear our pastor, then visit for the afternoon.  After dinner we sat on the couches and I took a 2-hour nap, she read and Bill played on the iPad.

A very restful day and I am thankful for it.  Tomorrow begins another week of doctor appointments and tests.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thanks, Di!

Diane responded to my blog post that I've been having a hard time and came and we had a "date".  We went out to lunch (took Bill with us and he ate 1/2 bowl of chicken noodle soup!), checked on some coins we've had and finally delivered outdoor furniture to Julie!  Plus, I got a nice, big, long hug.  I needed that.  Thanks, Di, I am doing better tonight.

However, I am sad as my neighbor, Linda (58) passed away last night.  Doug and Linda already lived in their house across the street when we moved into ours almost 25 years ago.  Please pray for her husband, and two grown boys.  Doug is having a very hard time; they were married for 41 years and did everything together.

Jessie had a great day with our good friend and aide, Jane.  She took Jess to pick raspberries - a first!  Jess picked her own pint and Jane was surprised that Jess' hands weren't stained - until she looked at her shirt!  She used her shirt for a towel.  A small price to pay for a new adventure.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Scrambled Eggs

Today was the first time in many months that Bill was able to eat in a restaurant.  Granted, it was only scrambled eggs, but for someone who hasn't eaten food in months, this was monumental!  He also had a little macaroni salad and lunchmeat for lunch.  Dinner didn't go well, but 2 meals out of 3 isn't bad!  Praise God.

It has been a very difficult day for me.  Physically, mentally, emotionally.  I think I just need a good cry and I'll feel better.  I think I'll go do that now. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Prayer Requests

I believe in the power of prayer.  I believe that God hears us when we pray and answers according to His will.  We wouldn't be where we were today if it wasn't for all the prayers we've had sent up on our behalf. 

Took Bill to the doctor's today as his PEG tube site is infected.  Please pray that it will heal quickly (he's on a very strong antibiotic) without further complications.  He's still trying to incorporate soft food into his diet, but not much success.  Soon, maybe!

My neighbor, Linda, had a heart attack last night.  Please pray for God's healing touch on her, and her husband and 2 sons.

Three more children are sick at the HOH.  The other 3 with cholera have recovered well.  Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti in this latest crisis. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hair Cuts

Jess and I went tonight and had our hair cut.  It was about time.  I always know when it's time when Jess begins looking like a shaggy dog.  I solved the dinner problem for tonight, too.  We stopped at Wendy's!  Jon went out with a friend, Bill has his nutritional shake and Mom had left overs.  Perfect. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Anyone Out There Like Me?

I am so tired of fixing meals.  IF I were rich, and I had extra money to blow, I sure would consider having a chef.  I guess it's not that I don't like to cook, because I do, but after awhile it gets pretty old.  Or, maybe it has something to do with the fact that one of the first things Jessie asks me each morning is: "Mom, dinner, night?"  I usually reply, "I don't know, Jess, we haven't even had breakfast!"  "Oh," she'll say.  Five minutes later she'll ask me the same question. 

Bill's been having pretty good days and trying to eat regular food.  Sometimes it works.  Sometimes it doesn't.  We'll just keep trying!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Please Pray For Cholera Outbreak

As you know, my very good friend, Lois, is a missionary in LaPointe, Haiti.  There is another cholera outbreak in the area, and there are over 400 patients at the Centre Medical Beraca (across the street from her house) and prayer is needed for a miracle.  Unfortunately 90 have died, and 3 cases of cholera have been reported at the House of Hope (next to the hospital - a long-term care facility for children).  Health care workers are over-loaded and the situation is critical.  Please pray.

On a different note ... If you've been praying for motivation for me, please stop!  I had more motivation today than I have had in months, and more motivation than hours in my day!  I'm exhausted!  Jess and I had a great Girl's Day Out.  I really love being with my daughter, and she enjoyed being with me today, too.  That's a blessing. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Awesome Day For Bill

Bill has had a very good day.  It began by being in church for the first time in weeks.  At lunch time he tried eating lunchmeat and potato salad, and it went down well!  For dinner, he tried chicken and rice and that, too, went well.  This is very encouraging. 

Diane and Randie came to visit for a couple hours and then Bill and I went and visited Chris, who has a torn miniscus.  In all, it was a very good day.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Busy Saturday

Promptly at 8:00 a.m., Don D., Don McC., Mike S. and Bob P. came and worked all morning on putting up the ceiling in our covered deck for Bill.  That was SO appreciated, as Bill is unable to do alot of reaching with his PEG tube.  It looks so bright and really, really nice.  Thank you, men, for your gift of labor. 

While they were working, the four of us went to church and had our portraits done for our church directory.  Of course, the photography company wants to make money by the many other pictures they take.  I thought it would be nice to have a couple extra pictures and one collage.  Christmas cards were nice, too.  However, when she told me that any other company would have charged $1,500, and theirs was "only" $700.00 something, I promptly removed ALOT of stuff.  Got it down to a manageable amount.  Wheh!

I managed to take a nap this afternoon.  Jessie's been on her iPad, playing "Bingo", and watched a couple DVD's.  Bill rested, too, and Jon went to the show.  A nice day. 

Thanks again, Don, Mike, Don and Bob!  You blessed us today.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Little Cooler Today

Did you know that yesterday was hotter than Haiti?  Yup.  Based on reliable information. 

I would have posted last night but I went upstairs to put Jess to bed and say goodnight to Jon, and Bill closed everything up downstairs and went upstairs.  I didn't feel like turning the computer back on.  Lazy.  Definitely not motivated.

Cardiologist appointment today for Bill.  All's well.  He's just very, very tired, and this heat is definitely not good for him.  I'm very glad for window air conditioners, but going from one semi-cool room to a very hot room (ie. bathroom or hallway or basement) is hard. 

Maybe I'll have something interesting to post tomorrow.  Life is a little dull here lately.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Definitely Not Motivated Yet

Oh, well.  Maybe tomorrow.

Bill had his last hydration today, as well as a doctor's appointment.  The plan is for a CT scan in 2 weeks to see how things are, then, most likely, 2 more rounds of chemo. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Need Motivation

Is it the weather?  Is it depression?  Is it just plain laziness?  Whatever the reason, I just can't get motivated to do anything productive.  Sure, I do all the daily stuff like be a chauffer, wash clothes, straighten the house, fix meals, etc., etc., etc.  But anything else?  Not.  I don't get this way very often.  Wonder how long it will last? 

Monday, July 18, 2011


My cousin, Karen, was in town from Florida visiting her sister, Linda, and they had us (Bill, Jess, Diane, Randie and me) out for lunch today.  They are my mom's sister's (Elsie) two oldest "kids".  We had a really nice afternoon with great food, reminiscing and laughter. There just isn't anything like family.  We are blessed.  

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jessie's Day

It began shortly after 6:00 a.m. (again!).  I sent her right back to bed but that lasted only about a half hour.  In our bedroom on her iPad for awhile then DVD's.  A special breakfast of a fried egg and cheese sandwich and juice.  Church on tv then we prayed together.  Bath.  Downstairs to do "ten foods" (she goes through store flyers and circles items she likes or wants to buy).  Apples 2 Apples cards, DVD movies, iPad.  Lunch at Wendy's then with the money she received from her birthday, I purchased a 9" portable DVD player for her, since her old one is on it's last turn.  Snack at 4:00, dinner at 6:00 p.m.  iPad and movies the rest of the evening.  Bed at 9:00 p.m.  A very full day.  Let's hope that tomorow doesn't start as early as today did.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Special Prayer Request

I am asking for special prayer for my friend, Judy's son, Kenny, who has been diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma.  He is the same age as Jon and they have been friends a long time.  I wish they lived closer (Virginia) so that I can give them a huge hug.  Thanks for praying the Kenny and his family.

Bill's had a great day: we went for a drive to see my mom's headstone that was placed about a month ago, then on to Diane and Randie's for a visit.  We went out to lunch and Bill had an entire bowl of rice pudding!  YAH!!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yah !!!!!!!!!!!

I splurged the other night on Chinese for dinner because I was absolutely too tired to fix anything.  My favorite is the left overs that I mix all together in one big pan with some extra sauce.  It tastes even better than the first day.  Anyway, as Mom, Jon, Jess and I sat down to eat, Bill walked by and decided that he wanted a spoonful, even though he has not eaten solid food in almost 2 months.  The doctor told him that he could begin to reintroduce solid foods again next week.  The temptation got the best of him tonight and after one swallow that didn't hurt, he tried another ... then another ... then another!  Yah !!!!!!!!!!!  He ate a small bowl of rice, chicken and beef without any pain or nausea.  Looks like he's on the road to the biggest juiciest steak ever sold!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Busy Day

Today was almost as busy as yesterday.  Bill had hydration again and didn't feel well after.  This has been a common feeling after these visits.  We're not sure why.  Jessie did NOT have a good day.  She's cried all day.  Her eyes were so swollen tonight when she went to bed I had to give her Benedryl.  Part of it was the time of the month, but the other?  It was a very difficult day.  Please pray for our sweetheart. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Really Can Sleep Anywhere

I've shown you a couple pictures of Jess sleeping while on the iPad.  This morning she fell asleep "playing" Apple to Apples and watching tv.  If I were to ask her if she wanted a nap, that would be a "NO!"  If I were to ask her if she was tired, she would say, "Little Bit". 

This was a very busy day and the door bell rang constantly.  Bill was feeling fairly well, just very, very tired.  Jon is much better. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jon's Home

Thanks goes to our friend Barry, who picked up Jon from the ER and brought him home this morning.  The urologist does believe that he passed a kidney stone.  He's better - pain better, no more vomiting, just very, very sore.  He even took a 3-hour nap today, which is unheard of for him.

Thanks to the same urologist that Jon saw this morning in the ER, Bill is one tube free.  He's very thankful and feels like a "new man".  He sure is alot happier!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Not-So-Fast ER Visit

Last night Jon complained of lower side back pain and this morning he was doubled over with lower stomach pain and vomiting.  Made a doctor's appointment but when it got worse I decided to cancel the appointment and take him to the ER.  Left at 10:30 a.m. and I, alone, returned at 10:00 p.m.  He's in their observation unit.  He has the classic kidney stone symptoms or that of a hernia, even though two CT scans have not revealed anything wrong.

I tell you, it just seems like we can't get a break.  Jessie talked all weekend long about girls day out today, and we couldn't go.  No aide today so Bill had to care for himself and Jessie.  He even (tube) fed himself.  I am so very proud of him.  Myself, well, I have to admit I broke down at the hospital.  I am just so overwhelmed with life.  And, to top it off, I couldn't go to the funeral home for Chris' mom.  I can't even go to the funeral, either, because of a doctor's appointment at the same time in the morning for Bill.  Not to mention what to do with Jon in the morning?  

I know, whine, whine, whine.  I need to get a grip.  It's not about me.  Jon's the one in pain, not me.  Bill's the one with cancer and a PEG tube.  Not me.  God was faithful yesterday, He was faithful today and He WILL BE faithful tomorrow.  What more could I ask?  I'm going to bed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


What does Bill do on a lazy Sunday afternoon when there isn't anything to do?  Watch Ice Road Truckers for 6 straight hours and play solitaire on the iPad.  That's about it. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back In The Fellowship

I've had a great day.  It started with breakfast out with Bill and Jon, although Bill just had to watch us eat.  We were planning on going to Art Van but Bill didn't sleep well last night and we brought him home to rest.  Instead, just Jon and I went.  I had a very nice time with my son.  An impromptu "date day".  We used to have these quite often, but not so anymore.  It's always great to spend time one-on-one with your children. 

Around dinner time I "realized" that Jon was home and that I could go to church and he could keep his eye on his sister.  I quickly made dinner, brushed my teeth and ran out of the house.  In shorts, no less.  I've NEVER gone to a church service in shorts.  Thankfully, Saturday evening service is very casual. 

It was so wonderful being in church.  I'm not missing the sermons because I can hear them from the internet, but the fellowship of other believers is unique.  People who care and pray for us.  People who laugh with us and cry with us.  I'm very thankful that we belong to a wonderful church family. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday - Finally!

Another Monday through Friday - finished.  Again.  Bill and I are tired of traveling to the hospital each day.  Maybe we can stay home this weekend.  That would be nice. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Surprise For Bill

Today was radiation day #17.  After it was finished, one of the techs said, "Congratulations! You're all done!"  We had a short meeting with the doctor to confirm that.  Guess when they changed their strategy at the beginning, they also changed the days and didn't let us know.  Bill was OK with that.  We're both very happy that this treatment has completed.  He still has 2 weeks of 2x a week hydration, then a meeting with the cancer doctor to plan the next step.  Woo hoo!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post #2 ... Bill's Support Staff

These past days have been very difficult for Bill.  He's not felt well, he's extremely tired, the ER visit wasn't pleasant, radiation, hydration, tube feeding, etc., etc., etc.  Makes for a very discouraged man.

I wasn't sure how Jessie was going to handle seeing a tube coming out from Bill's stomach and seeing us put stuff in it. She freaks out when anyone has a band aid on them.  However, she has done very well.  At first she really didn't know what to make of it, but then she just wanted to be there each time he "eats".  

Tonight Bill was very tired and not feeling well.  While I cleaned up our dinner dishes, Jon gave Bill "dinner".  As you can see, Jessie was Bill's support staff.  He needed a shoulder to lean on - she gave it to him.  She had her arm around his neck the entire time and kept patting his head.  This was so very special.  Jess has alot of compassion, and she loves her daddy very much!  We are blessed to have caring children.  Thank you, Jesus!

Two Posts Today ... Post # 1 ... We'll Miss you, Virginia!

Yesterday a very good friend went home to heaven - Virginia White.  She was the mother of our good friend and cousin-in-law, Chris Wendt.  Virginia and my mom were also good friends.  When we went to First Baptist Church of Romeo, Mom and Virginia and many other ladies went to ladies retreats and were very active in the Mary Martha Missionary Circle. 

For those of you who know the White family and would like to go to the funeral home, the arrangements are:  Visitation on Monday, July 11, from 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Malburg Funeral Home on 32 Mile Road in Romeo.  The funeral will be on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. at the funeral home. 

We will surely miss you, Virginia!  Have fun with Mom!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not Much To Tell

Just another day.  Trip to the hospital for radiation.  Stopped at our storage unit and picked up the mail.  I did paperwork then Bill went with me to the bank, Walgreen's and the drive-thru at McDonald's (for me).  Home for more paperwork and Bill rested.  Dinner and more paperwork.  Computer and now more papework before I go to bed.  That's about it. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Diane and Randie came and brought most of the picnic dinner, which was good and appreciated.  Bill slept most of the day.  Jess, Di, Randie and I played Jessie's favorite game: Apples to Apples.  Later we played Bananagrams.  It was perfect weather on the deck.  A nice day.  Jon worked.  That's about it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fastest ER Trip Ever!

For the most part, today was nice and relaxing.  Bill sat on the deck and listened to Pastor Mick's sermon from last week through the iPad.  I was excited that I was able to give Bill 2 cans of his food for "breakfast" and "lunch".  However, as the day went on, Bill became more and more uncomfortable with a couple internal "plumbing" problems.  After several doctor phone calls, we decided just to go to the ER.  We have not been in and out so fast ... arrived at 6:50 p.m.  Sent right back and the doctor was in the room at 7:05.  We were home at 9:30 p.m.! 

Please pray for Bill.  Tonight's procedures were very difficult for him and coming home with yet another tube is almost too much.  He's very overwhelmed.  Depressed, too. 

To lighten things up a little, I offered to take his picture in the ER and post it tonight on the blog.  He never said a word.  Didn't have to.  THE look said it all.  So, no picture tonight.  Oh, well. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Hot One, For Sure!

We've had a nice day today, despite the very high temperatures and high humidity.  All I can say is that both Bill and I are VERY glad that we are NOT at Family Camp.  A day like today in a pop up camper would not have been tolerable. 

Thanks goes to Frank and Judy who came before noon and helped put up Bill's bean poles in the garden.  They can now climb as much as they'd like.  Jon worked, Jane had Jessie and Bill and I went to Meijer's.  They are in their 4th week of a 16-week remodeling project, and I may not go back until then!  Bill used the electric wheelchair and enjoyed just being out, then relaxed the rest of the afternoon.  I'm doing well with Bill's tube feeding.  At least I'm not scared of it anymore. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Are You Tired, Jessie?

Jess will almost never admit that she is tired and needs to go to sleep.  I know that she'd feel so much better and be so much happier if she'd just take a few minute's nap.  The other day it was really quiet as she was playing on the iPad and I found out why ... she was asleep.  She's asleep again, even snoring.

Bill's been extremely tired today.  Jon seems to have a sinus infection or something and I don't feel well.  Not sure why.  We don't usually get the flu around here.  Hopefully, tomorrow we'll all feel better; Jon begins a 3-day stretch, and I just don't have time to be sick.  I'm sure Bill would love to stay awake during the day, too!