Friday, January 31, 2014

A Good Day

It didn't start out great with the house phone ringing at 8:00 a.m.  I struggled to get out of bed on the opposite side to grab the phone and wrenched my back.  My doctor's appointment got cancelled because of a family emergency.  That was bad for him - good for me.  Although, we still had to get Jessie's blood work, I could go closer to home.  I took some pain medicine and laid back down for another hour. 

Jess, Deb and I went out for breakfast, Walgreen's for my prescriptions, the doctor's office for Jessie's blood work, church to fill out some papers for another Ladies Game night in March, Michael's to look around, McDonald's for pop and an ice cream (had a "picnic" in the van), post office then home.  We left around 9:30 and got home around 2:30.  It was a good day for all of us. 

I did some more tearing up of old paperwork and putting aside papers that need shredding.  Made dinner and now we're waiting for Jon to come home.  He has the next 3 days off!  Horrah!  We miss him when he's not here.  I told him that yesterday and he replied: "I miss myself, too!"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Just Another Day

Brenda and Jessie went to Meijer's then came home and made Jessie a special chicken roll up for lunch (instead of McDonald's).  As long as it included chicken, she didn't mind.  Before they went bowling I went and got my blood drawn for another INR.  Jess had a good time bowling - again.  She really seems to like it.  She's making friends at the bowling alley, too.  A group of special needs adults come in to bowl just before they leave and several have come over and introduced themselves to Jessie. 

My day:  rest, breakfast, paperwork, ironed Jessie's Perler beads (I was way behind), two loads of wash, got rid of paperwork from years back on the addition of the house, nap, read.  Chris brought pizza and salad for dinner and we talked for a couple hours.  That's about it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An Outing and Shiloh's Birthday Pictures

Jess, Debbie and I went for an afternoon outing today.  I went to the Chrysler Dealers and had air put in my tires since they've registered low for over a couple weeks.  Then we ate at Wendy's.  They were not having a good day there, that's for sure.  It was crowded, they were backed up and my hamburger was cold.  Oh, well.  It's only food. 

From there we went to the Secretary of States Office and I renewed my handicapped sticker for another 6 months.  Post Office and Walgreen's finished our day out.  The sun was shining brightly and it was great to get out of the house, even if it was for only a couple hours.

I finally downloaded a couple pictures that I had wanted to share.  Last week Doreen brought Shiloh here in the morning and we celebrated her 3rd birthday with cupcakes that Doreen made that morning.  I bought her a balloon and we gave her a few presents.  It was fun celebrating with her.  She's a special little girl.  Jessie gets along well with Shiloh, which is a miracle.  They've played together a couple times really well. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Over Protective Mother

When we got up this morning it was minus 7 with a wind chill of minus 25.  Brenda and Jessie were scheduled to go to the gym and swim then play in the gym.  I was concerned whether or not to send Jess out in such cold, but both Jon and Brenda assured me that she'd be fine.  There wasn't much skin showing when Jess left as you can see from the picture.  I'm glad I let her go, as she had another great day.  Do Mom's ever stop worrying about their children?  I don't think so, as I remember my mom always being concerned for us kids, not matter how old we were.  She said she prayed every day for us.

Other than medical papers, I completed my 2013 filing.  Now I need to clean out those folders, throw away what can be discarded and keep what needs to be kept. 

I'm pushing myself as I made an Income Tax appointment for a couple weeks from now.  If I have an appointment, I'll get it done.  If not, who knows when it would get done - April?

Thanks to Doreen, while I filed, she cleaned my house.  It smells and looks clean.  Nice job, friend!

Jon went grocery shopping for himself, and also treated us to New York Strip steaks for dinner.  I don't think I have ever had a NY Strip steak before.  What a nice thing to do for us.  Even though it was expensive, we portion out our food and two pieces made 5 meals: $4.00 a person.  Not bad.  Thanks, Jon, it was a special dinner. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Girls Day Out

Jon said that the roads were really bad when he went to work, and FB status' were saying about the same.  So, I cancelled my doctor's appointment and rescheduled it for Friday.  Jess, Deb and I did go to the post office and lunch for girl's day out, but came right back home.  The weather is just down right ugly.  It seems to snow each day and wind makes the roads slick.  I guess schools are already closed tomorrow because of the deadly wind chills tonight.  Kids are doing the happy dance, but they won't in June.  I think they've missed like 6 days already and it's only January!  Today Jess said:   "Snow all done?  Summer here?  Don't we all wish.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Walking Dead

I am so thankful that one-on-one, Jess is very good and can be trusted to stay put - most of the time.  She was excellent today as I have done nothing but sleep in between getting our meals. Thankfully, my mind does hear Jessie when she gets up and moves about and I know what she's doing.  She's also been laughing a lot today.  Crabby but laughing.

Friday night before I went to the Ladies Social at church, I didn't bring up my left foot high enough to clear the step, caught myself with my right foot hard and slammed into the wall and door.  Immediately, my legs and back were in pain.  When I went to bed that night I took half of a pain pill.  Two and a half hours later I had to take the other half because the pain was so severe.

Last night I was having a hard time walking so Jon encouraged me to take a whole pain pill before bed.  I sat in my chair, read a bit then woke 4 hours later to the lights still on.  I got up and went to bed and slept until 9:00.  I texted Jon: "I won't be taking a 10 anytime soon again.  I could try out for the Walking Dead and get a star role this morning!"  I was totally wiped out and moved extremely slow.  I made Jess and I breakfast, we ate in my bedroom, I closed my eyes and woke at 12:30 !!!!  Jess was in her room with my iPad looking at FB.  I got her ready for the day, we came downstairs, I sat on the couch and fell asleep again!  At 5:00 when I should have been making dinner I closed my eyes again and woke at 6:00.  This is nuts!  And, I'm ready to close my eyes again!  We will be going upstairs early tonight, that's for sure. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friday and Saturday

I would have blogged last night but Comcast wasn't working - no phones, no internet, no tv.  That doesn't happen very often, but with the winds we had last night, I an surprised we still had power.  There was even snow thunder last night around 8:15 p.m.

I began yesterday with a trip to the knee doctor.  For his part, all is going well.  Now I just need the rest of my body to cooperate and things will be much better.  Jon went with me and I treated him to an Applebee's lunch in thanks for taking me.  

We had a Ladies Social last night at church and I was very concerned about going out because the weather was so bad.  I knew that if Bill were here, he would not have been pleased that I went.  However, when you're half of the committee and leading devotions, your presence is required. There were almost 40 women who came out to play games and eat snacks.  Everyone seemed to have a great time!  It just proves to me that women are craving a time of fun and fellowship with other women, and cold, windy weather isn't going to stop them from a special evening. 

Today the Stephen Ministry Ladies (those that could) met at the Hamlin Pub for lunch.  There were 8 of us today.  They have a small side room right off the front door which is so nice for us.  It was a special outing for those of us who came.

When I got home I was super tired and frozen so I heated up my rice packs and put a couple on, put my eye covers on and slept for 2 1/2 hours!  I'm ready to call it a day, but Jess is still doing her beads.

Yesterday Jessie and Debbie went out to breakfast and made a few stops.  They stayed home the rest of the day.  Today Rachael came to be with Jessie so I could go to the luncheon.  They made brownies and were busy beavers.  They didn't go anywhere either because the weather wasn't great again.  The north and south roads were OK, but not the east and west.  They were pretty bad. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Our day began with a visit from the Department of Human Services.  Our case worker comes every 6 months to see if there's been any change and actually see Jessie to make sure there isn't any abuse present.

When our case worker left, Brenda and Jess went to Meijer's, McDonald's drive through, home to eat lunch, then the bowling alley.  I did a couple loads of wash, worked on a short devotional for our church's Ladies' Social on Friday evening, and called a few SM's for our Ladies Get Together on Saturday.  Both events should be very nice.  Now we just need the weather to cooperate since snow has been forecasted for Friday evening.

Jon went out to breakfast, the bank, Meijer's for gas then came home and laid around the rest of the day.  He was pretty tired. 

If we thought Jessie was crabby yesterday, it was nothing compared to today!  Ahhhh!  She kept Brenda hopping!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Need To Call It A Day - Now

It was a busy one ... first I picked up Lois and we headed to the USPO for her to mail boxes to Haiti.  Then I went to the Dollar Store to buy some special plates and napkins for Shiloh's birthday party we had here at 10:30 a.m.  Doreen made cup cakes and we had them after we sang "Happy Birthday".  She turned 3 yesterday. 

We left the house at 11:45 and Debbie, Jessie and I ate lunch at The Savory Grill.  Debbie has never been there - Jess either.  It's a nice place to eat.  Then Jess had a gynecologist appointment at 1:30 p.m.  When we were done I had to pick up a prescription at Walgreen's. 

I had a half hour to rest until Debbie left then I got prepared for SM tonight.  Brenda picked me up and brought me home.  I'm done.  At least tomorrow won't be this busy.  BUT, I did it!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It Feels Good To Accomplish Something

Jess and Brenda were gone all day at the gym and I was home doing paper work.  I'm happy to report that I finished all Jessie's 2013 paperwork. I'm ready for the reports that will begin showing up in the mail for Jess.  It feels so good to finish a project and not have it piled up in a corner of my office. 

Jess and Brenda went swimming, then they played air hockey, pool and ping pong.  Lunch at Subway was followed by a trip to Target.  Now I know I said Jess has been really happy lately.  I need to amend that statement for today - she was pretty crabby.  I know what will follow soon.  Maybe in a week she'll be back to being happy. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jessie's Happiness

I am so glad that Jessie seems to be so much happier than she has been in months.  I'm not sure why, but it sure is nice.  Right now she's singing Christian (adult) songs from her iPad.  She's repeating most of the words.  It is sweet music to my ears.  She's been very helpful around the house and wanting to help more.  Maybe she's been sick longer than I knew.  Just enough to make her miserable and crabby.  It's always hard to tell when she can't express herself.

Jon and I went to breakfast, bank, Meijer's for gas, I had my blood drawn for my INR, then we shopped a bit at Kohl's.  I had a $25.00 gift card and a 30% off coupon.  Perfect combination.  I enjoyed shopping, but I was super tired when I got home. 

Jon also washed several loads of clothes, as well as put back the Christmas boxes that have been piled in the upstairs hallway and my bedroom.  I also got out about half of my snowmen and decorated.  I really need to go through my stuff one day and start getting rid of a lot.  Because I worked in the school district for 30 years, I was inundated with gifts each holiday.  I don't have many decorations I've purchased myself. I hate to part with many of them, as I remember who gave them to me.  They are sentimental. 

Lois came for dinner and then we had our time of prayer.  I enjoy these nights, and will soon miss her presence when she returns to Haiti.  We all love our "Aunt" Lois a lot.  She's a special lady. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Son, Jon

I don't get a chance very often to post pictures of Jon, but I got a couple today that I would like to share with you. 

Jon had today off so he went to the first service, and I (finally!) went to the second service.  Believe it or not, this was my first time back since before my surgery on November 7.  I just sat there with my eyes closed, listening to the singing and thanking God that I was able to be there.  It was a good service, as always.

For something different, I suggested we go to Kwong Tung Restaurant and meet Chris, Eric, Sean and Ashley.  Jess LOVES going there because she gets a big roll (delicious), rice and her favorite: chicken.  We've done this before, but it's been several months.  It's also a good place to go because they are never busy.

When we were ready to leave, the "boys" were standing waiting for us to pay when I heard Jon say, "I sure feel short!"  I looked over at him and had to laugh.  Jon is 5'8" but his cousins tower over him quite a bit.  I couldn't resist taking the picture. He looks like a little kid!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

I Like Saturdays

With no aide scheduled for Saturday's (normally), I don't have to set the alarm and be dressed and ready for the day when they get here.  Well, that's the goal, anyway.  A lot of the time I'm in my pajamas when they come.  Jessie likes them, too. 

I decided that on these days we'd be lazy and eat upstairs then get ready for the day.  Jess ate on my bed and I ate in my chair.  She really liked that.  That was one part of being sick she liked - eating in bed. 

I've done paperwork, washed blankets, helped Jon with the Christmas trees (they're finally down!) and vacuumed, which wasn't so smart - it doesn't do well for my back.  I even got to sit down and rest a bit late this afternoon before dinner. Jessie is VERY GLAD that she's got her corner by the wall back.  It had been taken up by the tree. She's had a very good day. 

Jon went to breakfast then the show.  Took down both Christmas trees and relaxed in his room.  His 3-day stretches wipe him out.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Breakfast Out Day

Jessie is still sleeping late in the mornings.  I had gotten up and took care of Memphis and returned upstairs when I heard her mumble in her sleep: "Eggs, bacon, big potatoes, toast."  That's exactly what she gets each Friday morning.  It was funny to hear her say that in her sleep. 

Debbie took Jess out for her breakfast then they went to Walmart's.  Jess had a great day.  Debbie helped Jess take the ornaments off her Christmas tree and I helped pack the box.  We're going to need another one, as she's acquired a few more Christmas ornaments this year.  I hope Jon will take the tree down in the morning and we can at least get the family room ready for the snowmen decorations. 

I worked on paperwork and bills today.  I'm slowly getting caught up.  Couple loads of wash were done also.  That's about it. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Test Results

I received several phone calls today about Jess and my tests on Wednesday morning.  Jessie's liver count is still high so it has to be repeated in 2 weeks.  Then apparently when they did the CT of my lungs, they found signs of infection.  Pneumonia?  Apparently.  I'm now on the same antibiotic Jess was on except that mine is for 10 days and she only had 5. Most likely because she had IV antibiotics before the oral ones.  This might explain why I'm always so tired and out of breath.  Wonder how long I've had it?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another Busy Day

After breakfast, Debbie, Jess and I went to the Macomb Beaumont building and I had a CT scan to see if I have any blood clots in my lungs.  Since they said I could leave, I assume I don't have any, or else they'd send me to the ER.  Jessie had a chest xray to see how the pneumonia is.  We came right home and Jess and Deb spent the rest of the day doing odds and ends.  I know they had a good day.

Jon and I left and had lunch then spent an hour in Barnes and Noble before we both had endocrinologist appointments.  Thankfully, we were in and out of there before our appointment time.  That was nice and made up for the 2 1/2 hour dr appointment yesterday!

I was so tired when we got home I slept for 2 hours then at Jessie's request made hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner.  Now it's time to call it another night!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Very Busy Day

I began my day at church for a 9:00 a.m. SM Leader's meeting that lasted until 10:30.  I got the very dirty van washed, went to the post office and came home for about an hour.  Brenda, Jess and I went to McDonald's for lunch then both Jess and I had our family doctor appointments.  Unfortunately, we were in the office for 2 1/2 hours !!!  That was a bit ridiculous.  We did have a lot to cover and Jess had to have blood work.  I think it took the receptionist longer to write up all the test requests and paperwork than it did to talk to our doctor.

Tomorrow I have to have a CT scan of my lungs to make sure there's no blood clot there, since I've been so fatigued and short of breath.  Jess has to have a chest xray to see how the pneumonia is.  I made those appointments when we got home and before I was picked up for dinner out with the "Glory Girls".  We were gathering for 2 birthdays, but one of the gals is home sick with a bad head cold.  Now we'll have to meet again in a couple weeks.  That won't be hard to do. 

Jess did well today except she talked non-stop at the doctor's office, which astonished Brenda who has never heard her talk so much.  Brenda just kept laughing.  We are back to normal with Jess, that's for sure.  Thanks for all your prayers for her recovery.

Also, when you think of it, please pray for my friend, Doreen's son, Peter.  He was admitted tonight with such swollen tonsils they are touching.  He's barely able to swallow and very, very sick.  I'm sure he's very disappointed since this is his first week of interning at our church.  Thanks for uplifting Peter and his family. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Good Day For Jess

She slept in until 9:30 a.m. and is still up, without a nap.  I think she's back to normal.  Tomorrow she and I have a family doctor's appointment so we'll see if they do another chest xray to determine if the pneumonia is gone. 

I had a fasting blood and INR blood take this morning.  I stopped and had breakfast at Dimitri's, then went to the post office.  When I got home I thought I could take out the two large garbage cans that we couldn't get out last week due to the snow storm.  I did it, but was exhausted when I finished.  What a wimp.  I definitely need to talk to the doctor about my energy level.  This is ridiculous.  I slept for 2 hours when I came inside.

Lois came for dinner and I made home made chop suey, which was really good if I do say so myself.  She left about 45 minutes ago, and now I've got to get Jess up stairs and in bed.  I have an early meeting at church tomorrow.  We'll see how I do.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Funny From Jessie

This morning Jess decided she wanted her own space and went to her room and told me she was going to make a mess again on the floor with her videos.  She wanted to eat lunch in there, too.  She spent several hours in there playing and watching videos.  I'm glad she wants to do something other than sleep!

Even though she's alone in her room, I have a monitor placed in her room so I can keep track of what she's doing, or if she needs me.  Thus, I hear everything from the room.  One video she watched was "Susannah of the Mounties", a Shirley Temple movie.  I heard the Indians attack the fort.  Then Jess begins to yell:  "9-1-1 !!!"  "9-1-1 !!!"  "9-1-1 !!!"  That was just too funny.  She's watched this movie at least 50 times and has never said this before.

Chris came by for a couple hours and we visited.  I made French toast for dinner and now it's time to go upstairs.  I should have done paperwork today, but I just didn't.  I'll have to do it tomorrow. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Late Start To Our Day

Neither Jess nor I have napped today, although from her tired noises, I think Jess is ready for bed.  I got up at 9:45 and took care of the dog, came back upstairs and tried to get Jessie up, failed, got back in bed and went back to sleep - until noon!  Jess slept until 12:30 when I brought up her breakfast.  that sure made for a very short afternoon!

I gave Jess a bath and she has spent the entire day on the floor doing what she loves to do most: playing with her cards, playing with her beads and watching videos on her iPad.  She seems to be MUCH better today.  I did a couple loads of wash and put away all the nativity sets I had out.  Jon helped me last night get out the empty boxes for Christmas stuff and that helped a lot. 

In a few minutes we're going upstairs early and I am going to watch a Hallmark new series on TV.  That will be a first for me for years.  I thought I might enjoy it.  We'll see.  I'm so used to reading at night, I may just let Jon Tivo it for me and watch it another day. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Getting Back To Normal

Jess stayed awake through breakfast and a couple hours on the computer.  During lunch she fell asleep so Debbie sat her down on the couch and she slept for 3 hours.  Right now she's singing songs along with the Wiggles on her iPad.  She's also a bit crabby, which makes me think we're getting back to normal.  Actually, I'll take it. 

Jon and I went to breakfast, post office, bank, Walgreen's, K-9 for dog food then Meijer's.  I rode the electric cart around the store but by the time we got back to Jon's vehicle, I was near tears.  I was exhausted and my body hurt.  I was very discouraged.  However,  Jon and my sister reminded me that I'm still recovering from the flu myself, so give it a few more days.  I hope they are right.  I took a pain pill and slept in my chair for about an hour. I did wake feeling good. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Back

Many apologies to my daily followers.  January 1 was my last blog and it was unintentional.  Jess started with a bad UTI and upper respiratory infection.  I joined her last week with the upper respiratory flu.  Then last Saturday we took Jess to the ER with a diagnosis of pneumonia.  We were in the hospital from Saturday evening until Tuesday of this week.  I say we, because I stay with her and take care of her every need, except for the medical side of things.  Not feeling well myself, it was pretty hard.  We were both glad to get home Tuesday evening.  Just this afternoon she started acting like herself - finally.  She's slept constantly.  That is not like my daughter. 

Jon had left us at the hospital on Saturday night and because of the severe snow storm we had and the extreme cold, I told him not to come visit.  We did face time on our phones which helped Jess because she asked for him every day.  He said he was pretty lonely - just him and Memphis.  I never left the room.  I had packed for a day or so and wasn't prepared for the time we were there.  At least I thought enough to grab all my medications before we went to the ER.

For a nice price, I was able to receive guest trays and eat with Jessie.  That was very helpful, because I wouldn't leave her alone.  After a day and a half of quiet, we decided to watch the HGTV channel and the cooking channel. 

I have to be honest here and say that I am so tired of all this.  First my surgery, recovery, blood clots, another hospital stay, Christmas, sickness and another hospital stay.  Sometimes it just gets too much.  I am tired of being a widow.  I am tired of being a single parent.  I am tired of being lonely.  I am tired of being sick.  I am tired of being tired.  I feel like I have no purpose.  I haven't been to church in 2 1/2 months.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone misses me. 

At this point you're probably playing your tiny violin.  I deserve it.  Whine, whine, whine.  I really don't have anything to complain about because through all that has happened, I KNOW that God has been taking care of me.  He has provided so much for me and the kids that I am blessed.  I'm just weary.  What can I say.  I'm human.  A tired human. 

P.S.  Thanks, Becky!  Thanks, Anonymous, for your comments.  I treasure each one.  I hope you both had a wonderful, memorable and healthy Christmas.   

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Jess is still pretty sick.  A call from Urgent care confirmed a UTI and a change of antibiotic.  We were upstairs until about 2:00 p.m. then she came downstairs for the rest of the day.  I'm concerned with her throat.  Even though she's eating, I'm wondering about the tonsils. 

Me - well, it's my turn.  I feel like a truck hit me and backed up.  Please pray that I will somehow be better tomorrow, as I can't be this sick and care for Jessie.  Jon is working. 

Happy New Year!