Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jessie's Scare Of The Day

Jess and I went to the post office, got gas in the van and grocery shopped at Meijer's. We brought the food home and then went to Leo's Coney Island for a quick lunch. When we were finished and walked out the door on our way to Vince and Joe's, we "ran into" 3 young ladies and one was carrying a baby carrier. I knew immediately that because of the age of the girls and the lightness of the "baby carrier", that it was for a class and there wasn't a real baby inside. However, Jessie didn't know that. The girls stopped when Jessie exclaimed, "BABY!" I confirmed with the girls that it was for a class, hoping to warn Jess ahead of time, but I wasn't fast enough. The girl with the carrier pulled the blanket from the "baby's" face. Jessie almost jumped backwards in shock as she looked at what she expected to be a real baby. Poor kid! Finally she said, "DOLL!" I didn't realize how much it scared her until I was telling Jon the story while we ate dinner and Jessie began getting very upset. I had to stop telling the story. I felt bad. I tried telling her it was for a class the girls were taking, but she didn't grasp that.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Another Rainy Day

Jon made himself and Jessie a special steak (left over from dinner last night) and egg breakfast while I met a friend.  It was rainy off and on in the morning but stopped in the afternoon. Jon spent several hours in the back yard. He planted new blueberry bushes, cleaned up behind the big shed and a number of other things. He's anxious to get in to the garden, but the weather is just not cooperating. I did laundry and paper work and finished a book I began yesterday. In a few minutes I'll start another. I do love to read!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Another Greenhouse Trip

Jon took me out to breakfast and then we went to English Garden's and Wiegand's. In between those visits, though, we had to go to the Apple Store to get my phone fixed. It wasn't broken. The screen just turned black and I couldn't get it to turn off. Aggravating.

Brenda took Jessie to the Gym to exercise, lunch, and Salvation Army to shop. We went out to dinner because I wasn't feeling well and didn't feel like fixing dinner. We are blessed that we have the money to do that. That wouldn't have been an option years ago.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Busy Day For Jessie

Rachel was with Jessie this morning. They went to the last Art class for this session, then walked around a local park track. When they got home, Jess made a bee-line for the couch and fell asleep within minutes and was snoring when I got home from having a pedicure. She stayed asleep when Rachel left and only woke up moments before Jennifer came.

Jennifer took her to McDonald's to get a quick lunch (she slept through it earlier) then she worked at the Library. Now she has 2 jobs there. They have added cleaning the children's kitchen play toys to her filing DVD's.

I met Chris and Joyce and John for lunch. Joyce and John just returned from being gone all winter to where they work for Habitat for Humanity in Georgia. They also took a 40-day camper adventure tour on their way home and had a wonderful time. There were 15 campers in this road trip. I told them I know I'm not supposed to be jealous, but camping AND traveling is high on my bucket list.

Sue came to watch Jess until Jon got home while I had Stephen Ministry this evening. By the time that Sue comes again, she may be a Grandma!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Cold And Dreary Day

It's been pretty cold for this time of the year. Today it was dark and dreary. It had rained last night but didn't today, which was good.

Brenda took Jess swimming, only there wasn't any water in the pool !!! So, they went to the exercise room and did some machines and walked around the gym.

I had lunch with my friend, Chris K., who I haven't seen for many months. We had a nice visit. I then went to the gastroenterologist. I've done well in doing all I've supposed to on this Wellness Program, I've lost weight, but my body is not cooperating. I'm having issues that need to be addressed and I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy and an endoscopy on May 18. It never fails. Whenever I do something to better myself, something else falls apart !!!

Monday, April 25, 2016


While Jessie and Rachel went to 2 nature centers (they were both closed!) in the morning, Jon and I drove to Menard's to purchase items he needs for his garden. When we came home he worked for several hours in the garden. Rachel left for school and Jess played on her iPad. I took a nap. My back wasn't so good today and I was very tired for some reason. I would have hoped that after losing almost 20# I would have had more energy than I do, which is mostly none.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


To me, there is no better time spent than in the company of family. After Jon and I each took our turns at church, we went to Aubree's for lunch along with Diane and Randie. They came back to the house and we talked for hours. It was such a nice day being with them.

As a side note, please pray for the healing of Randie's right foot, as she fell off a kitchen stool a week or so ago and badly twisted it, as well as banging her head on the floor. She's still in a lot of pain with her foot. Thanks!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Very Nice Day

This afternoon the kids and I had an afternoon out again. We went to Wiegand's Nursery and Denewith's. Jessie didn't do so well at Wiegand's because it was their special Spring weekend and it was packed (we had forgotten about this). However, she enjoyed a free freshly made donut, water, a tiny pancake and a meatball. She was definitely very loud and aggitated, but no panic attack. Until we got home then she had her melt down.

We also stopped at Denewith's for cold weather veggie plants. Jessie did much better there, probably because everyone was at Wiegand's! When we got home she wanted to help Jon carry all the plants to the back yard. She enjoys helping him.

Jon spent time putting up pole netting for climbing veggies and planted most of his cold weather plants he purchased today. I spent about an hour raking and sweeping leaves from up near the back door, as well as put down mulch. Surprisingly, I am very sore, but not in any pain! No pain meds needed tonight even though I worked hard! I'm so pleased. I'll take any good day I can get.

I unearthed a baby bunny in the leaves, and he ran for what he thought would cover him - the thyme Jon bought. He stayed motionless for a very long time, poor thing. I probably gave him a heart attack with our very obnoxious and broken blower! We definitely need a new one.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thursday and Friday

Brenda didn't come yesterday, so it was just "you and me". When I told Jessie this in the morning, I got a big smile and a thumbs up! She loves her aides but she also loves days she can do whatever she wants without anyone telling her what to do. Who doesn't? I asked her to do many things with me, but she refused. I didn't want to do things with my mom either when I was her age. Now I'd give anything to be able to spend a day with her.

Yesterday I worked around the house as much as I could. My back was very bad and I had to sit for the evening. That's why I didn't blog. I was near tears and just didn't want to "talk".

Today my back has been better. I never know if it's going to be a good day or not. It's aggravating to say the least. I had several appointments this morning then I shopped. Tonight Jess and I are entertaining Shiloh for a few hours.

Becky ... you can look up the program that I'm using on the internet ...
Several of my doctors are using this for their patients. Maybe someone "down there" will know about it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Busy Wednesday

Rachel took Jessie to Art class after I left to get my hair done. They got home before me. Jon went out to breakfast and did some shopping, Jennifer was not able to work today as she and her husband were in a car accident this weekend. They will be OK but severely bruised and her husband has a broken rib. So, I took Jessie to work at the Library. At first she didn't want me to work with her, but then it got better. She filed for 45 minutes, and did a great job.

We stopped at Kroger's to buy flowers (from Lois) and some sweet goodies for Grandma Beadle, who will be 91 tomorrow. Jess and I picked up Jon and we went to see her for about a half hour. I was going to go tomorrow, but we're supposed to have thunderstorms, and I don't drive in them. It's been forecasted for an entire day of rain. Going today sounded better.

After we visited, we went to Armada and had dinner at Chap's. It was a nice time for the 3 of us. Almost like a mini date day. I'm glad I'm finally home, though. I was out for almost the entire day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My 4 Week Report

I went to see my wellness coach today. Yesterday began my 5th week. Since I began with this program I have lost 18# by scale weight, and 19.95# of body fat. Not too shabby for 4 weeks. To be honest, it seems like I've been on it forever. I have done very well with the eating part and most days I am able to drink 2 shakes like I'm supposed to.

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Busy Day

While Rachel took Jessie to the Library to get more books and Wolcott Farm to see the baby animals, I did paperwork and washed clothes. When Rachel left for school, Jess and I went out to lunch, the post office, had the van washed and got gas, Walgreen's, McDonald's for pop, then dropped off a few things at Doreen's. By the time we got home I was very tired, and I still am.

Jon had a hard day at work. There was a fire in an electrical sub station near his work and they were without power for several hours. I've tried to talk to him and ask him questions but I think I'll wait until he's had a good night's sleep. He's pretty much incoherent.

Oh, yes! Happy 60th. Birthday my dear friend, Lois!!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

"Miracles From Heaven"

Jon worked so it was just Jess and me this morning. Rachel came at 12:30 p.m. and then the 3 of us left at 1:00 p.m. to go have lunch at Aubree's. Julie, Kylee, Lynzee and Chris met us there. It was a very nice time with great food.

Rachel took Jess home and the rest of us met at Partridge Creek and shopped a bit before we saw the movie, "Miracles From Heaven". It is a must see. It is based on a true story and it was very good. I had a very nice day.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Jess and I hung out together today. I did wash, paperwork and a little yard work while she was in her hammock swing. We had a picnic lunch in Walgreen's parking lot (McDonald's drive thru for Jess), and went to the post office.

Yesterday Rachel took Jessie to the Nature Center and for a walk:

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thursday and Friday

Nothing noteworthy. Jessie had 2 good days with her aides Brenda and Rachel. Today was spent almost all day outside since the weather was so nice.

Yesterday was a very bad physical day for my back. I did go out with Jon to breakfast and greenhouses, but that was pushing it. Today I had an eye dr appointment to check to see if I have any macular degeneration like my mom. I'm checked yearly because of this. My eyes get dilated so much that I just cover them up when I get home and go to bed. I slept for 4 hours. There was still some haziness to my eyes even then.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Jessie's Great Day

Jessie had a great time in Art (with Rachel) then home for lunch. She worked 1 1/2 hours at the Library (with Jennifer) in the afternoon, then in the evening went outside to swing (with Sue). I had a doctor's appointment in the morning and returned an unopened bag of dog food to the vet, shopped and was home for 1:00 p.m. Around 3:00 I left and went to Kohl's, the post office and the bank. Fixed a nice pork loin dinner then went to Stephen Ministry. I'm done. Jon worked and looks like he got pulled through a knot hole!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It's Tuesday Night Already

I don't know about you, but my days just fly by. I did paper work in the morning along with wash then went to a SM Leader's meeting for 2 3/4 hours. Home by 4:00 p.m. Jess spent the day with Brenda and they went to the pool, Subway and out and about. Jon worked. It's almost 10:00 p.m. so I'm skipping doing any more paperwork and going upstairs.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Well, I Wasn't Expecting That !!!

Jon, Jess and I went out to breakfast and visited our favorite waitress and friend, Heather. After eating we dropped Jon off at home and Jessie had a hearing test followed by the doctor. It seems that Jessie has a 30% hearing loss and has a build up of fluid behind her ears. How to fix that problem? Tubes in her ears. Surgery! To be honest, I'm sick about this. She had such a horrible experience the last time (as well as Jon and I) that I just don't want to do it again. Especially so soon. Years down the road maybe but not now. However, there isn't a choice. Leaving it could cause permanent hearing loss. We don't have a date yet, but it will be soon.

Jess and I ate lunch at Wendy's then went to the Christmas Tree Shop. All was fine for about 15 minutes until a toddler screamed for her mother, repeatedly, who wasn't paying any attention to her. She was in a basket and her Mom was about 5 feet from her - oblivious. Jessie started a panic attack and we had to leave right away. I made her take deep breaths when we got to the van to calm her down. She wasn't too bad when we got home.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jon's Latest Project

Jon's been preparing to make his "fairy garden", minus the fairies, of course, for months. He finished it today. If you click on the image and make it bigger, you'll see that he built a small broken down fort. It is made from real (tiny) cement blocks he purchased on the internet. You can also see the kitchen and utensils. It is so neat looking, especially with the large pine tree in the upper left and the other trees and plants. Nice job, Jon!

Jon went to early church, me to the second. Unfortunately, when second service was finished, there was a winter blizzard outside! It took me more than double the time to get home, and we only live 5 minutes from church. It was the worst driving I have done all winter, except that it is officially spring. I guess we'll call it sprinter.

Memphis' absence is heavy upon us. I sat on the couch this afternoon, took off my shoes and socks and looked for a place to hide them so Memphis wouldn't pick them up and expect a treat. Then I realized that won't happen. Jessie will have to bring in her own snack bowls from the family room to the kitchen from now on. It was Memphis' job to do that. He patiently sat there waiting until she finished, then he picked it up and brought it to me. I told Jessie she'd have to bring in her own dishes now and I wish I could have taken a picture of her face. It was like, "Say, what?" We don't have to look for our shoes anymore, either, as he liked to pick them up and leave them in other places. Like hide and seek shoes. No one wants to go outside and "take a break" either. I don't ask if anyone wants a treat, because I'm sure Jessie would say "YEAH!"

Jessie is already asking for another dog. I'm concerned because she hasn't cried yet. She was close yesterday but it didn't happen. I guess I better step up my search for a psychiatric therapy dog.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Good Bye, Sweet Memphis

Yesterday, April 8, 2016, Memphis went to Heaven around 11:00 p.m.  I was gone all day at church preparing for a Stephen Ministry Banquet. Decorating in the morning, cooking in the afternoon, then the banquet and clean up.

Rachel texted me earlier in the day to say that Memphis was having trouble walking. Jon came home early because he was going to go to Indiana today to see Jacob. He texted me and said, "It's time."

I got home around 9:30 p.m., called a friend of mine and he came with his son to help Jon get Memphis in to the van. The hardest part was having Jessie say good bye to him. We'd been telling her for weeks that he was going to go to Heaven to prepare her, but, again, this was sudden. He was fine when I left in the morning.

I was very thankful to have Jon with me, and for very kind staff at the 24/7 Veterinary Hospital that we took him to. Our ride home was quiet. Doreen had come to stay with Jessie and, thankfully, she was sound asleep when we got home.

Today Jon and I have been sad and quiet. Jessie had a small melt down. She's added Memphis to her list of people and pets we know in Heaven. He will be sorely missed.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Better Day

Jessie had a better day, which makes us all have a better day. That's it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

From One Thing To Another

Overslept. Got ready and rushed out the door with Jon for an Income Tax appointment that lasted 3 hours. Made it back home just in time for Rachel to leave for school. As we were pulling in the driveway, Julie and Lynzee came to cut Memphis' toe nails. We were able to visit for about 25 minutes before Jennifer arrived and I had to leave for another 1:40 p.m. meeting! When I got home several hours later I was exhausted. I looked in the mirror and I was white as a ghost! Scary. I took a 2 hour nap.

I also came home to a very anxiety-filled daughter. Jennifer said that there was a screaming child at Target, yet Jessie handled it very well there. However, we have had the fall-out for almost 5 hours. Constant yelling and burping. Nothing has settled her down. Jon gave her some anxiety medicine earlier and it did nothing. Maybe when she gets to bed she'll calm down. I can only hope since it's worn me down tonight.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Yesterday Was 2 Weeks on Weight Loss Program

I went to the doctor's office today and here's the results ... the scale was down 12.5# and my water loss was 1.5# for a total of 14#. My "coach" was all smiles. He expected me to lose 8#. He was happy. My metabolic response was faster than expected. I told him I'd be happy, too, if I felt better.

It's been a rough 2 weeks. I have had constant diahrrea (sorry) and severe upper back pain. Apparently, I am under hydrated. He recommended an enzyme, and an increase in my fluids ... to 84 oz. a day! Apparently, when a person is dehydrated the upper back muscles tend to tighten up. This is probably why I have had such bad upper back pain and spasms. We'll see what happens before I float away with all this drinking!

I shopped at Michael's and JoAnn Fabrics before and after my appointment to purchase items to go along with my table decorations. I was exhausted and didn't feel like making dinner so we went out to Aubree's for dinner. I was very pleased as I kept well within my dinner allotment. In fact, I should have come home and ate more, but I just couldn't. I had a plate of mashed cauliflower with baked boneless, skinless chicken thighs on top. Then on top of all that was grated kale and brussell sprouts. It was really good. There was also a mushroom sauce I asked to have on the side and it is a good thing. It was super spicy! Jon had mussels and Jess had fish and chips with a left-over box for tomorrow's lunch.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Week Begins

My fellow Stephen Ministry Leader, Denise, and I went shopping this morning to purchase items for our Appreciation and Commissioning Banquet. I volunteered to organize and plan for Friday night. We are expecting 42 people. Whenever I volunteer for things, I always forget that I am limited to the amount of things I can do because of my back. Today was shopping for paper products, and ordering the cake. Thursday will be for the food and Friday will be cooking in the kitchen at church. I'm definitely going to need pain medicine!

I got home just in time for Rachel to leave for college at 1:00 p.m. At 1:30 Jess and I left to get her hair cut, order and purchase the chicken, and stop at McDonald's for a pop and ice cream cone, despite the frigid temperature and wind. I took a nap when I got home. I was wiped out.

The table centerpieces will be my birdhouses on moss with flowers and birds. I hope it turns out nice. I've got them all set on a table in the dining room and I'll decorate them with flowers and birds in the next couple of days to see how they'll look. I'll have to take a picture so I'll remember what I've done!

Jess spent a quiet morning with Rachel and even took an hour's nap. Unfortunately since then, she's been talking or hollering ALL AFTERNOON AND EVENING !!!!! It's almost time for bed, except I'm sure she'll continue with singing Christmas carols at the top of her lungs.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Day At Home

Jon worked so Jess and I were home by ourselves. She's spent the day, as usual, with her iPad, cards and beads. She's also been singing a lot to various iTunes songs.

I didn't do anything today. I'm trying to observe the Sabbath and not work like I always do. I'm a workaholic. It runs in the Jonas family. When I sit down I feel guilty. I need to sit down more without guilt. It would be especially helpful for my back.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Friday and Saturday

Yesterday, Friday, April 1, wasn't a good physical day, yet I pushed through. I had a meeting at 9:15 a.m. then another one at 10:30 a.m. Jon and I went to Vince and Joe's to buy healthy, although expensive, meat, chicken and veggies. Later in the afternoon I went to a funeral home for a long-time friend of Bill's. He's the 3rd in the past 5 months of Bill's long-time friends who have died. 

I didn't have any time to rest before I needed to make dinner. Chris came and ate with us, then she and I met Diane and Randie at Meadowbrook Theatre to see "The Calendar Girls".  It was SOOOO good. Just like the movie. Of course, very sad when John dies of cancer (lots of memories there) but super funny as the photographer was taking pictures of the "nude" women (and they were nude!).  A very enjoyable evening. I LOVE going to see plays at Meadowbrook!

We got home around 11:00 p.m. and Chris spent the night, so that was special. We all slept in, had a nice breakfast and Chris left around 11:00 a.m. Unfortunately, my back was super painful today. I sure hope that when I lose more weight it will help.

Jess and I spent the rest of the day at home except for a quick trip to the post office, Walgreen's and McDonald's drive through for Jessie's usual Saturday lunch. I did enjoy watching the intermittent falling snow. It looked like a snow globe. Big fluffy flakes. Very beautiful.