Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

It was "just you and me" today and Jessie seemed to have a very good day. She enjoys the days when she can do whatever she wants, which is just to be on the iPad and play with her cards or beads.

While she entertained herself I worked around the house, wondering why there was always so much to do. Wash, vacuum, straighten up the kitchen, make breakfast, lunch, dinner, paperwork, etc., etc., etc. That's life I guess.

Friday, October 30, 2015

We Were All Busy Today

Rachel took Jessie to breakfast, the Library and then the Rec Center swimming. Jess had a really good day, and so did Rachel.

I had a doctor's appointment, lunch out, went to a couple stores then came home and crashed. We went out to dinner - I was too lazy to cook.

Jon went shopping and to the show. He's finally feeling much better, thank you for praying.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jessie's Halloween Party

Brenda had to take a few classes today so Jane took her place. It was Gym Day, but they had a special event instead ... lunch, a dance and trick or treating around the gym. Now, if I had told Jessie ahead of time that it was a dance and that it was a Halloween Party, she would have put up quite a fuss. Instead we didn't tell her. Jane said she didn't want to be there and clung to her, but she stayed and enjoyed getting the candy at the end. Jane took her out for an ice cream treat after the party.

Next they went to Meijer's and Jane was impressed how well Jessie scans the groceries and even puts the items in bags! She does do a really good job. I have to search for the bar codes but Jess seems to know where they all are.

Jon called in sick yesterday and hung out in his room all day. Today he finally felt better. After attending Bible Study we met for lunch. He spent the rest of the day in his room again. Keep those germs away from us! So far, so good for Jess and me!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Art Class Today

... instead, Rachel helped Jessie make a pumpkin Rice Krispie treat dessert. Jessie did all the decorating herself. I am so proud of her. She did such a great job with the pumpkin faces! She had a fun time, too!

She also did another mosaic art project. This time a fish. She sure does like art.

It was a crummy day outside. Lots of rain and wind, so I didn't go anywhere - except to the post office, Meijer's to get Jessie's glasses readjusted, Meijer's for gas then McDonald's for a quick lunch.

I spent the entire day doing paper work upstairs on my desk. I'm moving right along and feeling quite accomplished.

Jon called in sick today. He just is not getting over this sinus infection like he should. I'm determined that Jess and I will NOT get sick. We take an elderberry syrup mixture from doTERRA that I make plus extra Vitamin C. I've had a headache off and on but melaleuca takes it away in minutes. We will NOT get sick. We will NOT get sick. We will NOT get sick!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Back To Routine

Brenda came and took Jessie to the Rec Center for swimming this morning. Subway for lunch, walking at the park and the Dollar Store.

I spent the day doing a lot of odds and ends and accomplished much. Unfortunately, I'm paying for it with a sore back. But, it's a good feeling when you get things done that should have been done months ago.

Jon worked today but should have stayed home. This sinus infection sure has got him down this time!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

I was about to blog on Saturday night when we got an unexpected storm. High winds and torrential rains, yet no thunder and lightening. I shut down the computer just in case we lost power. Thankfully, we didn't.

Saturday Jon felt a bit better so we went out to breakfast, Verellen's for cider and donuts and then a short drove through Romeo. We didn't know it, but it was sidewalk business trick or treating and there were scores of kids in costumes, which thrilled Jess. It was a nice couple of hours out.

We didn't do much the rest of Saturday and dinner was antipasto salad from Louie's and pretzel pizza from Little Caeser's. Like I said, "I'm on vacation!"

Sunday Jon stayed home from church and I went to second service. We went to KFC for lunch and Chris joined us. We parted and Chris went shopping and we went home. I had reservations at our local hotel where we go for Jessie's birthday for Jess, Jane, Rachel and me for the night. I thought it would help Jessie to have a night out since we couldn't go on vacation.

Jess and I got there first and unloaded the luggage cart. As you can see, Jess had fun riding it back down to the lobby. This is a really big thing, since she doesn't sit on anything that moves! She also was goofing around in the elevator on our way to get ice.

When Jane and Rachel came we went to the pool to swim, only Jessie wouldn't get in the pool again. I'm not sure why she won't go in. She's been in this pool numerous times over the years. For some reason, she enjoys using the shower that is right by the pool!  Crazy kid!

We went back to the room, got dressed and went out to dinner. Jane brought me a belated birthday present and a birthday cake, so we had dessert when we got back to the room.

Then we played games. Our first, of course, being Apples to Apples so that Jess could play with us. We probably played that for an hour before Jess retired to her iPad and tiles and Jane, Rachel and I played Fill or Bust.

Unfortunately, neither Jane nor Rachel were feeling well, so they ended up going home. It was just Jess and me for the night. Jess didn't mind. She had an entire queen sized bed to herself!

Jessie had so much fun Sunday. She laughed and laughed. I'm so glad I decided to bring her to the hotel for the night.

Sunday nights must be great nights to spend at a hotel because when we got to breakfast this morning it was just the 2 of us. As you can see, breakfast rated a 2-thumbs up.

We hung out in the room until 11:30 a.m., checked out, then went to Walgreen's and the post office before coming home. Rachel was too sick to work, so Jess just hung out with her iPad, which she sure didn't mind.

Unfortunately, Jon isn't as well as he'd hope to be. He doesn't look well either and he has to go to work in the morning. Please pray that he gets well soon.

Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm Declaring That I'm On Vacation

As I blogged yesterday, we were supposed to spend 4 days in Indiana this weekend, but Jon is very sick. I took him to the doctor today and he "just" has a sinus infection. However, this is a really bad one and he's down for the count, so to speak. So, I've declared that I'm on vacation and for these 4 days I will not work around the house. I will only do what I would like to do. And, we may eat out alot.

Leaving Jon in bed, Rachel was able to come for the day so the 3 of us went to Alex's in Rochester for pancakes, then the Christmas Tree store for Jess to see the Halloween and Christmas stuff. We got home just in time for me to take Jon to the doctor. Unfortunately we waited 1 1/2 hours to see the doctor. They were swamped.

Left Jon home again and Jess and I went to Benny's for a fish and chip dinner, with ice cream for dessert. We did bring him home a meal, though.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Very Disappointing Day

This morning our plans were to leave in the morning for a 4-day trip to Indiana to visit Jon's best friend, Jacob and his wife Hannah. It's been planned for at least a month or more. However, sometimes plans don't work out. And, it is very disappointing!

I skipped Bible Study to pack, but only managed to pack a few things and do wash. Doreen came and cleaned the house. I had a meeting at 12:30 but got a call from Brenda at 12:20 that while my van was parked at the Rec Center and Jessie was at Gym class, two cars were vandalized in the parking lot. One was mine. The front passenger window was smashed, and I do mean smashed. Glass all over the place. I cancelled my meeting and went right to the center. The police were there taking a report and pictures of my van. Looking inside I didn't think anything was missing, but both Brenda and I figured out later that they did steal a couple things ... her lunch box on the front seat (which could have been mistaken for a purse) and my container of 10 small bottles of essential oils (which could have been mistaken for a wallet).

Several men from the Rec Center came and cleaned out both vehicles of glass and thanks to Jessie's Gym teacher who came by, I got the window replaced right away from a recommendation from her. However, I didn't get home until 5:00 p.m. Thanks goes to Doreen for picking up Jessie and taking her home, Brenda for taking her vehicle (I drove it there from home - Jess won't get in her vehicle) and going through McDonald's drive thru for Jessie and for keeping calm. She did a wonderful job with Jessie and helped calm me down, too.

The owner of the other vandalized vehicle wasn't as lucky as I was - she put her purse under her seat and they stole that. House keys, wallet with money, credit cards, etc! Not good.

I began packing when I got home, made dinner, Chris dropped in to say good bye and Jon got home ... very sick! He's been sick for a couple weeks, but he's been able to go to work and I didn't think much of it. Apparently he had a bad night last night and didn't do well at work, either. After talking about it and praying for guidance, we both decided he needed to stay home and go to the doctor tomorrow.

Well, at least I don't have dirty clothes to unpack. Jessie is very disappointed, too, so I've got to think of something special to do with her these next 4 days!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Beautiful Day

Well, most of it, anyway. The late afternoon was cloudy and rainy, but 74 degrees on October 20 ... well, I'll take it. I worked outside a bit putting away decorations on the deck. Did multiple loads of wash. Went and got a pedicure.

Jon finished up harvesting carrots, cabbage and brussell sprouts. Jess went swimming then Subway lunch with Brenda. That's all, folks!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Creatures of Habit

This afternoon Jessie and I had an appointment to get our hair done. Jess had hers cut and I had the works (cut, color, highlights). We stopped at Wendy's on the way home and the young man behind the counter remembered that we both have key tags for free chocolate jr. frosty's. Then, when I ordered my usual, he remembered I do not have lettuce or tomato on my home style chicken sandwich! I was a little embarrassed as I didn't think Jess and I ate there often. The last time was 2 months ago!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Very Quiet Sunday

It was just "you and me", as Jessie says when it's just me and Jess. We had a late breakfast, a late lunch and ate dinner when Jon got home at 8:00 pm from work. I started a new book, did a bit of paperwork and rested. The sun shone brightly for most of the day and it was nice not to work around the house. I try to rest on Sundays. It doesn't always work that way, but most of the time.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jessie and Her Hats

For some reason, Jessie likes hats. Yesterday when Rachel took her to Target, she tried on and posed for a couple pictures with Halloween hats. That's my girl!

I had a SM Ladies Ministry breakfast this morning in Romeo and had a nice time with 5 other ladies. I was a little disappointed that more women didn't come, but I guess it's a busy time of year.

Rachel came and was with Jessie while I was out, then she left at 12:30 p.m. For the rest of the day I did laundry and paperwork. In fact, I just wrapped up the paperwork for tonight. I'll have to do more tomorrow.

Jess has had a good day with "just you and me." I took her to McDonald's drive thru and we had a picnic in the van for a late lunch. It was cold, but another beautiful day. How nice of God to give us tree leaves that turn beautiful colors in the fall. Not a lot of bright reds this year, but a lot of orange leaves.

According to my FB friends, Michigan had their share of snow last night. Upper Peninsula and lower upper north Michigan. In fact, Joyce posted that it was snowing in Richmond today! Way too early. Jessie kept looking at the dark clouds and saying: "SNOW DAY !!!" 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thursday and Friday

Last night when I went on to blog, there was no internet. We've had sporadic internet today, too. Most likely the wind. I guess.

Yesterday was a challenging day for Brenda with Jessie since Jessie wanted her own way the entire day. Meijer's shopping, Gym Class, lunch out and home. To the tune of yelling as soon as she got in the door. I promptly went upstairs.

I had Bible Study and met a friend for lunch. Jon "took the day off", so to speak, from everything around the house. He just relaxed in his room.

Today Rachel took Jessie to breakfast, the library then home. I went with Jon to get his hair cut, out to breakfast at a new restaurant we've not been to yet, Romeo Flooring and 3 vegetable and fruit stands. Bank and post office finished the day out. Both of us were pooped. We were going to go to the cemetery to plant more hens and chicks, but it began to rain. Maybe next week if it warms up a bit. It was pretty chilly today.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Good Bye Until April

Chris and I had lunch with John and Joyce today. It was our last monthly lunch until next April when they return from Georgia. They spend the winter down there and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. They've done this for many years. They were commissioned from their church this past Sunday for their service. Joyce said that it was a really nice commissioning, which they appreciate very much. They attend the same church as Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter and are good friends of theirs. Guess we'll just have to communicate by FB or e-mail. I wish them a great 6 months!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Back To Swimming!

Today was Jessie's first day back to swimming since her surgery and according to both Brenda and Jessie, she had a GREAT time. A Subway lunch and a trip to the Dollar Store rounded out her day.

My doctor CALLED ME this morning to see how I was doing! When I told him my foot was OK but my back was still bad, he had me come in this morning for xrays to check for any fractures. He couldn't see anything that stood out to him but a radiologist will read them, too. I was concerned I had broken my tail bone.

I had a 3-hour SM Leader's meeting this afternoon and when I got home I just rested. Sitting for 3 hours and using brain power is exhausting!

Jon had a "hellish day at work". In 12 1/2 hours he had one 15-minute break. He looked pretty rough tonight, too. Hopefully, tomorrow will be MUCH better.

Monday, October 12, 2015

New Ideas for CLS

When we have aides with Jessie, they are not only just being with her (respite), they have CLS (Community Living Service) goals to work on all the time. Especially during trips out of the home. Today Rachel decided to take her to Partridge Creek to walk around (exercise) and to interact with people (proper socialization and stranger danger). It was another beautiful day and as you can see, Jessie was having a great day. Why she is posing like she is flying lately I don't know. Maybe she's like ... TA DA! They walked around the mall 2 times and went in to a couple of stores.

They were going to eat at Subway but it closed, so Jessie told Rachel she wanted to go to Big Boy's. (Ordering off the menu - keep head up - make eye contact, ask for what you need.) That was a great idea because she bought the chicken tender meal and brought half home, which she ate for dinner. Jon only had to make his dinner then, because the "Glory Girls" got together for Pat and my birthday. We had dinner at Caroline's house and then opened our gifts. It was a very nice night.

I was almost home when Diane texted me and questioned why I sent her a text with just her phone number on it. I hadn't touched my iPhone. It was in my pocket. Apparently there were several undecipherable messages sent to her from me. That was strange. Until I got home, went upstairs and saw that Jessie was iMessageing people from my Contacts that were on her iPad. That girl! She's just too darn smart for her own good. I never thought to erase my Contacts on her iPad, which used to be mine. Now there's something else I need to do. Try to be one-step ahead of my daughter!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Surprise

Wasn't it a beautiful day? Just perfect. I'm for about another month of this weather. The picture is how I decorated a corner of our front porch.

Jon went to first service, I went to second. The 3 of us went to Benny's for lunch then went for a short drive. We stopped at Verellen's for a peach pie for Jon and a pumpkin pie for a party I'm going to tomorrow night. As usual, it was packed so Jon stood in line and I went to see if they had the pies. When I got to the front, I looked up and there was Diane and Randie !!! What a surprise! Diane said they only go there about 2 times a year and that might be 1 time more than we go there. We were both at the right place at the right time. We stood outside their vehicle and ate donuts and had cider, then they came back to the house to visit. A very nice Sunday - thank you, Jesus!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Mini Date With Jessie

As usual on a Saturday, we went to McDonald's for lunch, after a quick stop at the bank. Then we drove down to the Christmas Tree Store to make an exchange then Kohl's to get a watch battery. Jess did not complain about going to the stores. She was loud, as usual, but good. I asked her if she had a good day with mom and she said, "YAH !!!" I'm glad. I had a good time with her, too.

Jon spent most of the day in his garden preparing it for winter. He harvested beets and purple beans and some herbs. He's also soaking garlic overnight to plant tomorrow.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Trying To Get Answers

I went to my family doctor this morning because my back is hurting a lot and I wanted him to sort out all the radiologist's reports. He wasn't concerned with my back (that's because it's not his pain) and sent me to an orthopedic specialist this afternoon for my foot. Final diagnosis ... 5th metatarsal fracture. In other words, the baby toe is broken. Treatment? None. My toe doesn't hurt. My back does! Ahhhh!

I stopped at FCS before I went to the doctor and recognized a woman from my past. She looked at me with no recognition, though. I was sure I knew her so I asked her if she had children that went to Utica Schools (thinking she was a parent). Her answer was no, although her sister did work as a nurse for the schools ... her TWIN sister. Bingo. No wonder she didn't recognize me. I knew her sister! Too funny.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

An Ordinary Day

Jon worked. Jess went out with Brenda. I went to Bible Study then took Jess to her surgery follow up appointment. An ordinary day, yet I wonder if anything I might have said to someone made a difference? An ordinary day for me, but a blessed day for someone else? I pray that my words every day will bless someone and point them to Jesus. I also pray that my actions will reflect who He is. We never know who is watching or listening to us and what kind of impact we may have on their lives.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Very Full Day

Jessie had her Art class today and came home with some neat projects. Rachel and Jessie then had lunch at Subway and enjoyed the beautiful day at the Park.

Jon didn't feel any better and stayed in his room all day, except when I took him to the rhumatologist, who doesn't have an answer to his joint pain. That's discouraging.

I had breakfast with Doreen this morning for my birthday and to catch up since we haven't seen one another for weeks. Then Jon and I made a bank-run. Then I had a lunch meeting at noon. I got home just in time to grab Jon and take him to the doctor's. When we arrived back home I had just enough time to clean up the kitchen and prepare dinner and go to Stephen Ministry. I didn't get home until 9:30 p.m.

I enjoyed my entire day, but I don't like it when things are back to back. I had no chance to elevate my leg today. But, I did have a great time visiting with people.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Differing Views

Jon has a really sore throat and tightness in his chest so I took him to the doctor's today to get some medication. He's laying low, drinking hot tea and watching shows he's got taped on his TIVO.

This afternoon I received a phone call from the Urgent Care that I had gone to on Saturday asking how I was doing. I told them OK and that the hospital said there wasn't any fractures. There was silence on the other end, then the woman said, "I'm holding the report that says you have a fracture of the 5th metatarsal."  I went and picked up the radiologist's report and also got a copy of the doctor's report that said I had "an acute fracture of the distal femur." Isn't that interesting. One says a fracture of the foot, the other the knee. Then the hospital says no fractures at all. I think I'll call my family physician in the morning and get an appointment.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Doing A Bit Better

If I keep off my feet and elevate my leg, I'm much better. As soon as I begin to walk around and work around the house, it doesn't feel good. I did rest for 3 hours this afternoon.

Rachel was here with Jessie and they went to the Library for their weekly visit. Jessie enjoys showing me the books that she checks out and that Rachel will read to her before next week. The day turned out so nice that they even went outside so Jessie could swing in her hammock swing.

Jon finished his 3rd day in a row and came home with a sore throat and aches and pains. Good thing I made some elderberry syrup this afternoon. A couple doses of that and he should be better.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm Thankful For Friends

Rachel came today to take care of Jessie from 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. because I wasn't able to walk real well this morning. I decided I needed to go to Urgent Care and have my knee and ankle xrayed. Rachel and Jess dropped me off and picked me back up. The Urgent Care doctor said I needed to go right away to the ER because he said I had a fracture in my distal femur. Say, WHAT?

My friend, Sue, and one of Jessie's aides came at 1:00 to watch Jess and Diane came and took me to the ER. We were only gone for 2 hours - a record! Their diagnosis was just a sprain - no fracture. I just need to keep off of my leg, elevate it and ice it - which I have been doing. I'm glad it wasn't fractured. It would have put a real crimp in my life. I'm thankful for God's mercy and my angel's care of me. I sure keep them busy.

Jessie was really worried that I had to go to the hospital so when I came back she was very helpful. She kept hugging me and helping me walk. Either guiding me from the back or holding my hand. She's just too much. From a "No, thank you!" to being overly helpful.

Thank you, too, to each person who has prayed for me in the past 2 days for my fall. It's appreciated.

Our Final Day of Vacation

We decided to take our time this morning and go out to breakfast after we checked out because we knew the hotel breakfast room would be super busy. One last look at the boat docks from our patio before we left. Unfortunately, all restaurants had lines outside so we ended up at Burger King, which was a nice change anyway.

No trip to Mackinaw is complete unless we stop at Jon's favorite fish market. He's always hoping they have fresh white fish livers. This time we had fresh trout and he also got smoked fish.
We had one last look at the bridge and Jon went in to the store at the Fort's Visitor's Center to look at some books.

We stopped for lunch at the Lumber Jack restaurant in West Branch and Jessie found a hat she just had to have! She loves it!

After 295 miles, we were back home. Memphis was very happy to see us and it was good to sleep in our own beds.

Thus ends our September 2015 Upper Peninsula vacation ... all 1,500 miles of it.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

"I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up!"

Well, almost. I now know that I can't count on having Jessie help me in a crisis.

Around noon today Jess wanted some milk so I went in the kitchen to get her a glass and emptied the carton. I began to crush it with my foot, like I've done for ever, when the next thing I know I'm on the floor looking up at the ceiling! The carton must have slipped and for some reason I went flying and landed very hard on my right side and back. I hit my head really hard on the floor. I'm sure the neighbors even heard the thud!

As I'm moaning and trying to figure out if I'm hurt I hear, "Mom, OK?" from the family room. I finally responded, "NO. I fell Jessie and I need your help!" What does she say? "No, thank you!" WHAT????? I repeated myself and she repeated herself. THREE TIMES! OK, then!

Well, since Memphis is a former Paws for Cause dog and trained to assist his human to get up, I figured he'd help me. NOT. He went after the crushed carton and took it in the family room. Probably waiting for a treat.

FINE! I'll do it myself! After a bit I did manage to get up (I can't kneel on my "new" knee) with the help of the kitchen sink. To make a long story short, Jon came home to check me out and Chris happened to be in town and she came to sit with Jess if Jon decided I needed to go to the ER. We decided I'd just lay down for a bit and see how my head was.

Right now my head is OK, but my right knee and right ankle and toes aren't. They are swollen and painful. I've been icing them all afternoon. We'll see what happens in the morning. Prayers would be appreciated.

6th Day Of Vacation ... September 19

After a very nice breakfast overlooking the Lake at our hotel in Baraga, we packed up and left to begin our 2-day journey back home. We arrived, 250 miles later, at one of our favorite hotels in Mackinaw City only to find that the entire town was over run with people. I've NEVER seen so many people there. Turns out it's their biggest weekend after Labor Day ... the 19th Annual Richard Crane Memorial Big Rig Truck Show and Parade of Lights (across the bridge!). Go figure. We left solitude and entered a mass of millions, or so it seemed. Every hotel in Mackinaw was booked. That explains why our room was so expensive (thankfully booked weeks before!). Since this event is so "famous", I decided I'd go out and see the parade, which was right in front of our hotel. It would have been nice to see the parade across the bridge, but I never would have been able to get there. The lights on the big rigs were really nice. Many were painted with murals on them, too. Very noisy, though, as they continually blasted their horns.

When we got to the hotel we were surprised to find out that we had been given a complimentary up grade to our room. From a 2 queen suite to a king suite. I'm not sure why that happened, but I didn't complain! I did check at the desk tomake sure there wasn't a mistake and they'd make us move after we were sleeping!

Jess walked in the door and said ... "Wow! Wow! Wow!." It was pretty awesome. The bathroom alone was bigger than Jessie's bedroom. Jessie couldn't wait to get in the whirlpool bathtub! She had the best time in there.

We were right on the water, too. About 20 feet so we kept the door open to hear the water lapping on shore. A very relaxing sound.

Jess was happy, too, to finally get on the floor to watch her iPad and play with her tiles since that's what she does at home. I was thankful for the very nice over-stuffed chairs.

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Day Out With Jon

Rachel took Jess out to breakfast then they went to Stony Creek and walked a bit since it was such a beautiful day. Chilly and windy, but beautiful.

Jon and I went to breakfast then the bank and the new Menard's down in Warren. Jon said he's going to start a therapy group for all those who are compelled to shop there and spend money. At least he got out under a hundred dollars today.

We then went to Telly's to look around and I bought a small house plant that doesn't need a lot of light. Home to rest before Rachel left.

It was another good day. We are blessed.

5th Day of Vacation

After spending 2 nights in Munising, we began our trek to the top of the Keweenaw Peninsula, to Copper Harbor. It seemed like it took us forever. It was only about 200 miles, but the last 75 miles were curvy, hilly, and very slow. Sometimes it was like being on a rollercoaster. We passed some beautiful shore line scenery, as well as the snow gauge. If you click on that picture you'll see the arrow near the top. That was the amount of snowfall they received last year. I'm glad we weren't there to experience that. Our "record" snowfalls are enough.

Thankfully, everything is level at Fort Wilkins, so Jessie did get out of the van and we toured the Fort.

Jon overlooking Lake Fanny Hoo. As you can see, the trees weren't turning yet, even this far north. That was surprising to me.

We stayed for quite awhile then left for the trip back to Baraga where we had a room for the night at the Lakeside Inn. The same place we stayed 12 years earlier. On the way we ate dinner at Eagle River. It was almost dark when we got to Baraga. We traveled almost 300 miles that day. A big aggressive for a relaxing vacation in my opinion, but I have only myself to blame as I made the plans!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy Birthday To Me !!! (Second Post For Today)

I can't believe that 3 years ago yesterday Diane and I planned and executed the best ever 60th birthday party I've ever had - not to mention the only one. It was such a fantastic party and people are still talking about it, which was my intention.

Today began with Bible Study then lunch with some of our small group ladies. Home to rest for a couple hours because my back was so bad, for whatever reason. Jessie went to Gym class then Brenda helped Jessie grocery shop and she also bought me several birthday presents ... a princess balloon, a Hello Kitty pink cupcake, a stuffed pink bear on a stuffed cupcake that says "Birthday Girl" and popcorn chicken!  Now, doesn't that sound like something Jessie would buy for someone? Everything she'd want !!! She was so pleased with herself. Thanks, Brenda, for helping her do this. It means a lot to me.

After Brenda left, Rachel came and watched Jessie while Diane and Randie met Chris, Jon and I at Filippa's for my birthday dinner. My dinner was awesome .. Chicken Brio ... breaded chicken on a bed of spinach and cheese pasta in an Alfredo Sauce. Our waiter, Sam, recognized me from the times I've been in there over the years and gave me a large cannoli for dessert!

When we arrived home, Chris left, Rachel left, then not 5 minutes later Julie and Lynzee came with flowers and specialty cupcakes. We sat around the kitchen table and visited. What a nice way to end my birth day !!!

Thank you, everyone, for making my day so special. I've had numerous phone calls, messages and FB posts wishing me a blessed day. I have had one, due to the many people that call me FRIEND. I am truly blessed.

4th Day of Vacation ... Thursday, September 17

Before I begin today's blog, I want to show you this picture of Big Springs that I told you about in yesterday's post. It happened to be on FB this morning. It's an awesome aerial picture of the self-propelled raft and springs that Jon went on at Palms Book State Park.

Back to September 17 ... what would have been my 32nd wedding anniversary. It was kinda ironic that Bill and I always wanted to go on a cruise (an Alaskan cruise) together and on this day I went on the Pictured Rocks Boat Cruise (by myself). Jon went on the 10:00 a.m. cruise, we picked him up and went to Subway for lunch, then they dropped me off at the boat docks and I went on the 2:00 p.m. cruise. It was a really beautiful almost 3 hour trip. (I had a woman take my picture so I could prove I was really on it, as if I needed to!) I spent almost the entire time by myself on the back of the boat. It was a great place to stand to see all around me.

While Jon was on his cruise, I decided I better take Jessie to Urgent Care and have an xray of her foot since she was still favoring it and whining about it. Unfortunately, Urgent Care didn't open until 11:00 (we were there at 10:00) so I decided to go next door to the Clinic, which was attached to the hospital and see if someone could see her and get an xray. Long story short, the clinic did the paperwork, the hospital took the xray and an ER PA came and saw her. Thankfully, it was just sprained.

After my cruise we drove 5 miles up the road to Christmas, Michigan and ate dinner at Fogg's Steak house. I was not impressed with the town, but the restaurant was a local hang out and the food was very good.