Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Party Day

Remember a while ago I mentioned that I was planning someone's party?  Well, it was mine.  Twelve years ago when I was 48, I told my mom, Bill and Di, that I wanted a 50th birthday party.  They had 2 years to plan it.  Did I got one?  NO.  So, I decided that this year, since there is just Diane and I left, I'd give myself a 60th birthday party! (However, Diane did all the entertainment and music and has helped with the cost.)

YouIt was a 50's Diner Party with costumes encouraged, and only for GIRLFRIENDS!  I think about 95% of everyone dressed as they did in the 50's.  Since there were only girls, some had to come as greasers.  You'll have to watch my blog for more pictures.  I even had a photographer!

The food was catered and it was 50's diner food:  hamburgers, chili dogs, fries, coleslaw, fresh fruit and A&W Rootbeer or Vernors floats for dessert. 

I was so blessed to have so many friends be able to come and share in my special day - which is tomorrow, October 1.  There were 43 girlfriends in attendance.

Diane spent hours putting 50's music on her iPad and there were sing-a-longs and dancing to several  songs.  What could be more fun than spending time with girlfriends?  Nothing.  Thank you, Jesus, for the blessing of friendship.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another Special Day For Jess

Rachel was here to be with Jess today and Jane came later.  They went out to lunch then to Blake's Cider Mill for apples.  There were so many people there, Jane said, that they didn't get to have cider and a donut.  Jess also got to swing outside.  The weather has been just perfect lately.  We have all enjoyed being outside.

Jacob came home for the weekend and Jon and he played on the xbox killing zombies almost the entire day.  It was nice to have Jacob here again.  This is his final year at college. 

I spent almost all day making last minute preparations for the big event tomorrow afternoon.  My outfit had to be altered and thanks to my friend and seamstress, Judy, it will look alot better.  I had planned on going to church tonight but about a half-hour before I was to leave, my sciatic nerve area got really bad.  I was moaning and groaning and walking bent over.  I took some pain pills and stayed home.  JoAnne came earlier in the day and she helped with last minute stuff, too.  I am thankful for her help. 

Hopefully, tomorrow's post will have some pictures.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Jessie's Friday

Jess began her day with breakfast at the Garden with Debbie, Debbie's sister-in-law Tracey, and me.  From there she went to the Dollar Store then home to swing in her hammock swing.  When I got home after my running around, we went to the Gym.  While I exercised, Debbie and Jessie went in the pool.  I joined them when I finished.

For the past two Friday's there hasn't been anyone else in the kids pool and just a couple adults in the other pools.  I  told Jessie that there probably wouldn't be any kids.  Oh, well.  Today there were.  However, she managed to keep her composure and even enjoyed watching a baby in the water.

Debbie also got her to go in the small 3'6" pool that's at the bottom of the water slide that no one was on.  She enjoyed that.  They were in the pool for a couple hours!  As you can see from the second picture, she was pretty tired.  Did she take a nap?  Absolutely not.

I woke up today feeling pretty down.  Grief counselors always talk about the firsts that come along after someone passes away, and how they are hard.  Well, Monday is my birthday.  My 60th, actually.  It will be my first birthday without my Willie.  He'd be so excited for me that I was finally in the same decade as he was.  I've not been very successful today in getting out of the dumps.  If you think about it, please pray for me this weekend, and especially Monday.  Thanks!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Please, Mom?

While I was at Bible Study, Jess and Debbie went grocery shopping.  We have cut way back on the extras that we used to buy, especially sweets.  However, I got this picture by text from Debbie with the caption, "Please, Mom?"  What do you think I said?  Yep, you're right.  "OK," I said.  Who could resist that face?  Jess has done really well and has lost 6 pounds.  We went out to eat today at Bellacino's and instead of getting a half grinder, which we have no problem consuming, I ordered us a quarter of a grinder.  You should have seen Jessie's face when the quarter grinder came.  She just stared at it for a few seconds, looked at me, then said, "UM!"  Way to go, Jess!  I'm so glad she didn't start screaming, "NO! MORE!" 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I had my third water aerobics class this morning and I feel so uncoordinated.  Granted I'm just new at this, but you'd think I could figure out how to get the right arm and the left leg going at the same time.  Then we had to use the tubes and weights and let them hold up our upper bodies while we "gracefully" raised our feet out of the water and held them there.  Not.  I was wobbling all over the place.  A ballerina I will not be.  It was a harder workout and I've been pretty tired all day.  I definitely needed a nap but didn't get one.

Debbie brought Jessie to the pool, too, just when I finished my class.  I left them "swimming" in the kiddy pool, chasing one another.  They both were laughing and having a good time.  My friend, Kathy R., took me out to lunch for my birthday and we had a nice visit.  I had Stephen Ministry tonight and Jon watched Jess.  When I got home, I asked how she was and he said, "Like in the book we read written by the Jackson Prison Night watchman, 'Nothing new to report!' "  I laughed and replied, "At least she didn't have to be chalked!"  (If an inmate caused trouble during the night, the night watchman would put a chalk mark over his cell door so the day guards would know that they couldn't let the prisoner out of his cell until he was punished.)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another Beautiful Fall Day

It was a tad bit nippy when we got up this morning, but by mid morning it was turning into a very nice day.  We had our "Made To Crave" group meeting this morning and I was the biggest loser.  We are all doing well, though, I might add. 

Just before I left to get my hair done, and when I got home, I went outside and did some yard work.  I started to cut down hostas and cut down my garden.  I didn't get much done because of my knees, but I did do some and I am pleased.

Jon worked in the shed and tried to straighten it up.  It will be a work in progress for some time, although what he got done was great.  I was finally able to park in the garage tonight!  Yah!  I have missed the comforts of my garage.  If Bill were here, he wouldn't be very sympathetic since he never had a garage to park in.  And, he always reminded me of that fact!

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Halloween Comin' - Scary"

Thanks to all the Halloween decorations that have been in stores for a couple months now, every time I take Jess out she does nothing but talk Halloween.  Now, she hasn't been out to trick or treat in 4 years.  No one comes to our home.  She seems to have a love-hate relationship with the idea of Halloween.  Frankly, it's getting on my nerves. 

I went to the Secretary of State's office this morning to get license tabs and to renew my license.  Unbelievably, I sat for about 30 seconds before my number was called (Romeo Office).  I was in and out in about 5 minutes. 

I think I'll be able to park in the garage tomorrow.  I worked in the garage for a couple hours this afternoon while Jess watched videos.  I am thrilled that it is almost done.  I had planned on doing paperwork, but I just kept working outside since it was so nice. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Nice Sunday

Jon went to first church service and I went to second.  Two weeks in a row!  Last week he had off, today is part of his vacation.  Yah!  That means we can also go next week.  As always, it was a great service. 

Di and Randie came over after we ate lunch to finalize plans for the big party next weekend.  It has been alot of fun planning this and I can't wait for next Sunday afternoon. Chris dropped by for about a half hour.  Later Di, Randie, Jon, Jess and I went to Garden for dinner.  When we got home Julie, Kylee and Lynzee were here to show us their homecoming dresses they purchased today.  So cute.  Then I looked at all the pictures Diane and Randie took on their vacation to Wisconsin. 

So, as you can see, it's been another fast but very nice Sunday.  I'm about ready to wrap it up downstairs, go up and begin today's lesson for the Ladie's Bible Study (Beth Moore) I am doing on Thursday afternoons.  I hope your day was as nice as mine was.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


A week or so ago a friend in Pennsylvania sent me 5 boxes of books because she was down-sizing and she knew I would love to have them.  They've been all over the dining room table and counter since I got them because there wasn't anywhere else to put them.  I had to reorganize all my photo albums and scrapbooks to make room.  I finished that job this evening.

Two months ago we cleared out our storage unit of stuff from my mom's that I either wanted to keep or couldn't decided what to do with it.  It's been in the middle of the garage since then and the van has sat in the driveway.  Jon helped me go through boxes and reorganize the basement a bit so we could put the boxes down there, now that it is a dry area.  I still can't get the van in the garage, but I'm alot closer to that event.  I really don't want to be scraping the windshield come late fall.

Memphis and Jessie were with us in the garage.  Jess wanted to help and she seemed eager and pleased to do so.  It blessed my heart to watch her be helpful and work alongside her brother.  She got along well with him today.  Maybe because he took her to McDonald's drive thru and they had a picnic in the van in Target's parking lot.  I went to lunch with my friend, Andrea. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Full Day

Jon was feeling much better this morning so while Debbie and Jessie went to the Garden, Jon and I went to Dimitri's for breakfast.  Debbie and Jessie were basically out almost the entire day running here and there and doing grocery shopping.  Jess did well and seemed to have a good day.  We are finally having more good days than "bad".  She's so much happier than she was.  Thank you for praying.

Jon went off to Wal-Mart's and I went to the Gym and met Julie.  We exercised then walked the track twice, walked in the lazy river for a half-hour then sat in the hot tub for 15 minutes.  That was a good work out today.  After dinner I met Julie at the "Sal" (Salvation Army) to look for clothes.  Julie joined a gym months ago and has lost quite a bit of weight and a couple clothes sizes.  Way to go, Julie!  You look great!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Where Did Today Go?

Up at 7:50 a.m.
Bible Study 9:20 - 11:30 a.m.
Lunch with a friend 12:00 - 1:30
Dollar Tree and Post Office
2:00 Home - worked on book cases and 2 loads of wash
4:45 p.m. - ate dinner
Water Aerobice 6-7:00 p.m.
Home 7:30 p.m.
8:13 p.m.  Blogging
Like I said, where did today go?  Debbie came and worked with Jess today.  They hung out all day either outside swinging or playing apples to apples inside.  Jon hung out in his bedroom because he's still pretty sick.  What could be worse than having your first paid vacation and being sick the entire time?  I'm sure there could be worse things, but this certainly would be at the top of the list.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 99th Birthday, Grandma Sutton

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear Grandma.
Happy 99th Birthday to YOU!
Twelve months short of a century ago, Eleanor Hulda Singer was born.  She celebrated her birthday in her new home in Johannesburg with her daughter, Ruth, husband Bill and son, Billy.  I know she enjoyed that cake - I sure would!  (I stole this picture from FB!) The kids and I talked to her tonight and she sounded good.  She says she sleeps and crochets. 
Jon still isn't feeling well so he pretty much stayed home.  Jess and I went to Wendy's for lunch then to the New Balance store in Troy for a good pair of shoes for Jess.  Having a size 3 foot isn't easy buying a quality pair of shoes.  We also went to the Family Christian Stores across from Oakland Mall.  I like this store better than the one on Hall Road, but I don't go over there very often.
I miss Bill alot tonight for some reason.  I looked at a family picture of us tonight and it took my breath away - the loss was so powerful.  It's never done that before.  Also, Jessie was watching Utube videos where Dads come home from the war and surprise their kids.  She kept yelling, "Daddy Home!"  It didn't bother her but it bothered me.  I switched iPads and now she's looking at all my friend's pictures on FB.  She enjoys that.   

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A "Little" Hotel

We were to leave on a 2-day mini-mini vacation this morning, but it was apparent we weren't going anywhere at 5:30 a.m. since Jon had no voice and felt crummy.  We were going to go to African Lion Safari in Port Clinton, Ohio then spend the night in Dundee, MI and go to Cabella's tomorrow.  Jessie was so disappointed that we couldn't go spend the night in the hotel.  She always says "big" hotel, for whatever reason.  This morning when I told her we weren't able to go, she looked at me with her big, sad eyes and signed "little" and said "little hotel"?  Poor baby.  I told her we'd try again in a couple weeks.

We did eat breakfast at Tim Horton's like we were going to do on our trip.  From there we took Jon to the doctor (he has bronchitis) and Walgreen's to pick up medication. 

Hung out for a couple hours (I'm still considering myself on vacation) then Jess and I went to visit Aunt Etta, Mom Sutton's sister, who is 97 years old today!  We were only able to visit for a short while, as they have early dinner at 4:30 p.m.

Chis was working near Yale today so Jess and I drove up to Yale and we ate at CJ's Restaurant.  We shared a pizza and Jess had her special: chicken strips and fries.  By the way, Jess loss 1# this past week!  Me, well only 1/2 #, but at least it wasn't a gain.   

Monday, September 17, 2012

Where We Ate Today

I looked up our Prison Tour on-line and copied this picture of where we ate lunch.  We were not allowed to carry cameras or cell phones with us, so no pictures on my phone.  What do you think?

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round

My THANKS to Debbie who arrived at our house at 6:15 a.m. so that Jon and I could be at the Twp. Hall by 6:30 for our day out with the seniors.  Our motor coach left at 7:00 a.m. and we returned at 6:00 p.m.  A very long, but nice day.

We went to Jackson Prison.  Seriously.  The only way you could see what we did today was by a private tour.  The general public is not allowed.  Jackson has the priviledge of housing the two largest walled prisons on the planet.  We began at Michigan's First State Prison (1838-1934), now Armory Arts Village.  We visited a studio and one of several apartments that once housed 36 cells.  (Trust me - this is one place that would NEVER be on my list of places to live.)  Armory Arts Village is listed on MSN in the top 10 most unique buildings worldwide in which to live. 

We also went into the basement where the solitary confinement cells were (4 1/2' by 5 1/2').  So depressing.  Many "criminals" were in there for stealing a loaf of bread or chickens.  No one was segregated by crime.  They were all thrown in together.  A very nasty environment. 

We boarded our bus and went to 7-Block (1934-2007), a fully-intact, closed cellblock at the Jackson State Correctional Facilities. We ate lunch where all the inmates used to eat.  Small square cemented-to-the-floor tables with attached small square seats (and I do mean small).  We were surrounded by the five tiers of galleries (5 stories of cells).  I'm sure Jack Kavorkian didn't eat as well as we did (we saw his cell).

Back on the bus to ART 634, once the famous Jackson Carriage and Wagon Company.  The Old Prison Gift Shop was available to us (now, you can't go on any trip and not have something to buy, can you?) as well as their Bohemian-style cafe, the CUPPA. 

When we returned to Washington Jon and I had breakfast at the Garden.  Jess was very happy to see us.  Once again, THANKS, Debbie.

By the way, today would have been my
29th Wedding Anniversary. 
Thanks, Jon, for helping me keep up the tradition of celebrating my anniversary to your father.  He would have enjoyed today's trip.  I appreciate you going with me and the rest of the old people!  You're a great son!  Love you, Jon!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

More Pictures From Yesterday ...

is really from Friday.  I just noticed that I had drafted it and not published it.  Sorry.

More Pictures From Yesterday

Here are two more pictures of Jess' afternoon yesterday at the Ray Twp. Park.  In the second picture, she's actually running, not walking.  Why she wanted to run I will never know, as she never runs.

Today was Breakfast Out Day for Debbie and Jessie.  They had a special guest join them - Debbie's sister-in-law.  They had a nice time.

Walmart was next on the list and Jess did very well until they got in line, sandwiched between an older lady with tons of groceries and a young mother with a crying infant.  That was too much for Jess and she did cling to Debbie and "shut down." 

When they came home they spent time in the back yard with Jess swinging in her hammock. 

I did paperwork for several hours this morning then went to the post office, bank, Walgreen's, then the Gym.  I'm proud of myself.  I met my goal this week:  2 times exercising with weights, large ball and a couple machines, plus 1 water aerobics class.  After I finished exercising today I walked around the Lazy River 15 times.  Half the time with weights.  Then - the hot tub.  That felt great. 

Jon worked alone today.  Forty-seven patients.  He's beat.  Right now he's eating dinner after taking a relaxing bath.  Tomorrow begins V A C A T I O N.  This will be his first ever paid vacation and he is looking forward to every second of it!

At Peace

I have had such a sense of peace this entire day that I can't explain.  I've really never felt such peace.   It's on the inside.  It's so hard to explain.   I know that it comes from God and I thank Him for this feeling.  Just praise God with me for His special touch today.

Jon went to first church service and I went to second.  To do something different the kids and I went to the Garden for lunch.  There were very few people in there and we enjoyed our meal since Jess wasn't upset about kids.  We stayed true to our healthy eating, too.

I dropped the kids off at home then went and got gas in the van and had a manicure and pedicure.  That is always nice.  Jon made a fire in his fire pit and we roasted hot dogs and ate outside for dinner.  Even Jessie enjoyed it and sat with me for awhile in the swing before she retreated to the house to watch her videos. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

On Losing Weight

Well, as I said earlier, I am committed to becoming healthy.  I am watching what I eat, doing portion control with more fruits and vegetables.  I joined a gym and have exercised and done water aerobics.  I'm anxious to see how my blood work comes back, but that won't be until December.  I am not in a hurry to lose weight, but it would be nice if it came off a little faster and in the most undesirable areas. 

The other day a friend said that she noticed that I had lost weight because my neck was thinner.  A couple days ago my too tight watch slid down my wrist and is now too big.  Today I had to tighten up the straps on my sandals.  Please - could it be noticable on my hips or butt?  Oh, well, I have to remember that I am striving for healthy on the inside out.  However, a little less butt would be nice.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jessie's Day

What a difference an anti-depressent makes.  And, I am so thankful for Debbie who has gone out of her way to help in Jessie's grief recovery and is taking her to places that are out of her comfort zone. 

Thursday's is grocery shopping day, which went well again.
Debbie left for a few hours this afternoon so she could come back and care for Jess while I went to the Down Syndrome Book Club this evening.  She took her to Romeo's bowling alley for a special time of bowling with other special needs teens/adults.  It only cost her $8.00 and that was for 2/3 games, shoes, pizza and pop.  As you can see from these pictures, this outing was another success. 

They drove through McDonald's and took it back to Debbie's house to have a picnic on the patio.  Took Mike to church where Jessie greeted all the teens and wasn't upset that there were so many of them there. She also posed for a picture and "signed in".

They next went to the parachuting field, Ray Twp. park, Ray Twp. Library, back to Debbie's, then church to get Mike and they beat me home by 5 minutes.  I know she had a good time because she wouldn't stop talking about what all she did today. 

I am so very grateful that Jessie is feeling so much better and is so much happier. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pushing Toward The Goal

Today was my first water aerobics class.  It went well but I'm thankful I don't go again until next week.  Debbie brought Jessie over to the pool just before I was finished with my class, but today wasn't as exciting for Jess.  Today there were infants and toddlers learning how to swim.  She was much quieter today and subdued. 

I met Bill's cousins, Joyce and Carol, and Chris for lunch.  We had a very nice time together and plan on doing this again before Joyce leaves for warmer weather for the winter.  Not only warmer, but they volunteer with Habitat For Humanity for the winter months in Georgia.

Stephen Ministry began tonight after their 2 month break.  It felt good being a part of this ministry again.  It's 10:17 p.m.  Jon went to bed a little while ago.  He works the next 2 days then has his week's vacation.  I know he is really looking forward to his time off.  Jess just went to bed and hopefully is sleeping.  She's been up late the past 2 nights. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What A Great Day

This morning began when Jess and I left at 8:10 a.m. for a doctor's appointment for a recheck on her boils.  (They are gone!  Thanks for praying.) 

We ate a bagel at Tim Horton's for breakfast then headed to the Gym.  Debbie met us there and I exercised and she took Jess in the kid's pool.  After I finished I met them in the pool area.  I went in the "lazy river" then the whirlpool.  There is a large play structure in the middle of the kid's area and there are two steps to get up to a landing.  For the first time in maybe 10 years (?) Jess climbed up 2 steps, shimmied across the deck and went down the steps.  That is a huge accomplishment for her.  She doesn't do stairs.  I'm not sure who was having the most fun - Jess or Debbie.  She also went into the tunnel, only when she got to the other side she would have gone in the water head first.  Not.  She sat up and got stuck.  (It's really not made for a big 22 year old.)  Debbie eventually talked her back out. 

Next I went to Beaumont's Out Patient center to have a "smashing" test.  So not fun.  Wendy's for a salad.  Family Christian Stores, Sam's Club and the post office.  Jessie told Debbie she wanted to go to her house for a picnic so they spent several hours at Debbie's house.  Another miracle, as we've not been able to get her to go there.  She had fun and they also took a walk to see a neighbor's horse.  In all, Jess has had a really great day.  (Me, too!)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Another Beautiful Day

Even though it was down right cold this morning when I let the dog out, 47 degrees, it turned out much warmer and just as beautiful as yesterday.  Jessie and I had a good "Girls Day Out".  We went to the post office, Bellacino's, Walgreen's, Michael's, Kohl's and the Dollar Store.  She did well in all places.  Later this afternoon I worked on paper work, and I will continue with it when I go upstairs.  Jon finished 3 days in a row.  He's looking forward to the next 2 off.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall Is Here

I put the birdhouses away and displayed all my fall decorations today.  I had hoped it would only take me a few hours, but it took the entire day.  I also decorated the deck.  One job just led to another and I ended up having to take a pain pill.  Oh, well.  At least the house looks festive.  It will look like this until the week before Thanksgiving when I put up the Christmas decorations.  I don't even want to think of that time of the year.  I have too much stuff.  I definitely have to start weeding through and getting rid of decorations.

Diane and Randie are on vacation.  They spent last night on board the SS Badger in Ludington and the ship left this morning for Wisconsin.  Di texted me around 11:00 and said they were rocking and rolling, but it was a beautiful day.  Tonight they had reservations at a B&B.  I am glad they were able to get away for awhile.  No dogs.  Randie's sister, Linda, is staying at their house and taking care of all the animals.  It's nice to take your pets along, but even nicer to leave them home!!!!!  (That goes for kids, too!)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

6 Months Ago Today

Where, oh where, has the time gone?  Six months ago, March 8, Bill went to his "new home", as Jess calls Heaven.  It is so hard to believe that a half-year has passed since we parted.  However, I'm not very far from hearing his voice or seeing him, as Jess constantly watches home videos.  Some days it is a comfort hearing his voice again.  Some days it hurts.

Thank you so much for supporting us these past months.  I am looking forward to the future that God has in store for me.  I do NOT like being single, I miss Bill very much, but I know that God has a plan for my life and I will embrace it each day. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting Healthy

I had an hour consultation with a private trainer this morning at the gym.  I was under the impression that he didn't want me to use any machines because of my back and knee issues.  Wrong.  I start out on one (can't remember its name) then go to about 45 minutes of stretches, balancing and weights.  Then he asks me if I was planning on doing any cardio exercises.  I just looked at him like he was nuts.  My neck was throbbing and I was moist.  I already had my cardio, thank you.  Not.  On to the elliptical one for a half-hour. 

This is a prayer request.  I am committed to becoming healthy.  Losing weight and inches will be great.  Who doesn't want to look better?  However, I need to lower my sugar, strengthen my muscles, and be cardio healthy.  I also need to do what ever I can in order to live longer for my kids.  Please pray that in going to the gym that I will eventually like going and exercising.  This is so not me.  Did I mention that I have a once-a-week water aerobics class too?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Who Gave Jessie Happy Pills?"

This was the message I received from Debbie this morning when I was out with Jon.  Apparently Jessie was unusually happy and was having a wonderful day.  That sure was nice to hear.

I did a couple loads of wash, went to a couple stores and got gas, did a bit of paperwork, then Chris came over for dinner and helped me fold prayer letters and label envelopes for my friend, Lois.  Jon spent a few hours out by himself shopping, too.  Mostly just looking.  A beautiful day outside. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We've Created A Monster (So To Speak)

We've been pushing Jessie and taking her places almost every day to get her used to being in the community and tolerating children and places.  As I mentioned yesterday she had a great lunch at Wendy's but a meltdown at Times Square for dinner.  Today I had to go near Lakeside to do some specific shopping and Debbie and Jess went along.  I think we're almost back to where Jessie could "shop til she dropped."  She kept wanting to shop.  Then right after breakfast she wanted to know where we were having lunch.  She wasn't happy when we came home because she wanted to go to Target!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Good Day/Bad Day For Jess

Jessie had a doctor's appointment at 11:40 a.m. to see if we could get a stronger antibiotic to help with her boils.  Debbie went with us.  We got a prescription for that, but she also had to have a shot.  She did really well - it only took 3 of us to hold her down and 1 to give the shot in her butt.  I'm not being funny when I said she did really well, because it could have been so much worse.  Although everyone in the entire building heard her.  Probably the real estate office on the other side of the wall, too!  Oh, well.

I promised her that if she got a shot we'd go to Wendy's for lunch.  The place was filled with kids for what ever reason.  However, she did really well.  No anxiety.  No yelling.  Just did great.  I was so pleased.  Skipping ahead to dinner, we met Chris up in Romeo at a restaurant that rarely has people in it.  It didn't.  Until we sat down and a family with a SCREECHING toddler sat down.  He screeched the entire time we were there and Jess had a major melt down.  Poor thing.  She cried and had her arms wrapped around my neck and wouldn't let me go.  Kinda hard to eat like that. 

I had to stop at Kohl's to pay my bill and Debbie and Jess went in, too.  We were looking at clothes and Jess was right there. I mean right next to us.  I turned left.  Debbie turned right and in just seconds we couldn't find her!  That stinker was hiding on us.  The only way we found her was I yelled "Jessica Sutton!" and she responded with, "NO, Jessie!", as she's running between clothes racks. (She doesn't like being called Jessica.)  What a day.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

My very productive (and labor-filled) day began with breakfast out with Jon and Jessie.  It would have been a very nice time out if it weren't for our ding-bat of a waitress.  She was more concerned about "what was happening" in the restaurant than us. (Nothing looked unusualy to me - everyone else was taking care of their customers but her.)  It took her a half hour to take our order.  By then I was seriously considering how small her tip was becoming.  Both Jon and I tip generously because we know that waitressing is a demanding job.  At one point we were discussing how small our tip was going to be when Jon put his head in his hands and proclaimed, "I'm having a Joyce Meyer moment!"  (She would have said to tip generously anyway! and show the love of Jesus.)  I will let you guess what we did. 

We returned home and Jon went to Walmart, Jess began watching videos and playing with her cards, and I dusted and vacuumed the downstairs, did 4 loads of wash, then spent the greater part of the afternoon putting April, May and June's pictures in an album.  Snapfish has 99 prints for 99cents, so I ordered July and August pictures.  I've also done quite a bit of computer work that I haven't been able to do in quite awhile.  I feel like I really accomplished alot today. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Great Sunday

Both Jon and I decided that in order to have better Sunday afternoons after church, we needed to go do something.  It doesn't have to be much.  Just something, since Sundays are our most difficult day of the week, in regards to missing Bill.

Jon went to first service and I went to second.  It was a great service and I had the priviledge of praying with a young woman after the sermon.  I am so excited to be part of the Stephen Ministry team again.  Our two newest leaders, current Stephen Ministers, and new trainees came forward to be prayed over this morning.  It was a great feeling to be part of something again.

After I returned home, we went to McDonald's for lunch, although we ate in the van watching the Sheriff's department catch drivers without seatbelts.  That sure was exciting. (I told you it doesn't have to be much.)  Next we went to the cemetery and watered the hens and chicks.  Last Friday Debbie and I took Jessie to the cemetery where my dad and mom are buried.  I explained to her that this is where families buy a piece of stone and have the name put on it of who died.  This is in memory of that person so they will always be remembered.  That went well, so we took Jess to see Bill's boulder/memorial.  That, too, went well.  However, she didn't want to leave.  She wanted me to read each headstone that we came to.  Several rows and I promised her we'd come back.  She kept saying, as we walked through the cemetery, "Thank you, Jesus!"  "Thank you, Jesus!"

Next I treated the kids to a small Coldstone ice cream.  Off to our shooting range was next because I was having trouble chambering my gun.  They guys there are so nice and don't make you feel stupid, especially when it appears the gun is fine.  Ahhh!

Our last stop before home was to show Jon where Jess and I will be swimming and exercising.  Maybe Jon will join me one day there.

While I was watering my plants outside, Chris dropped by and spent a couple hours.  It's always a highlight when we get together.

As I said earlier - a great Sunday.  And, to echo Jessie, "Thank you, Jesus!"

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Out Of My Comfort Zone

Well, I definitely did it today.  I went out of my comfort zone and signed Jess and I up at a Recreational Center.  It certainly will be out of Jessie's comfort zone, too, but we're going to give it a good try.  I also signed myself up for a once-a-week water aerobics class for 7 weeks.  We plan on going in the early morning when there is just adult swim so Debbie can assist Jess while I take the class. That way, there won't be any kids in the pool area. That should help a great deal with Jessie.  I was so tired thinking about all this exercise that I came home and took a nap!  Funny, but true.