Saturday, August 31, 2013

Congratulations, Denise and Rob !!!

Today my sister-in-law, Denise (Ed's wife), was married to Rob.  It was such a nice wedding.  Both of their children stood up with them and the kids also lit the outside candles before Rob and Denise lit the unity candle.  I have to admit, I cried.  I am so happy for Denise and Rob.  I wish them many, many long years of happiness and much love.

As a side-job, Denise makes and decorates cakes, and she also did her own.  It's really nice, isn't it.  Rob suggested they just buy one from Costco, but Denise wouldn't have any of that.  I'm glad she held out.  Her cakes are always super!

Jon went with me, and Di and Randie were there, too.  There was a nice luncheon afterwards in the church's multi purpose room.

While we were gone, Rachel and Jessie made our dinner.  Rachel made from scratch the dough and Jess helped her put it together.  I really appreciated that.  And, it was very good.

As you may have noticed, I didn't post yesterday.  I was going to, but the thunder and crazy lightning began so I shut the computer down and went upstairs.  I took Jessie to breakfast since Debbie took the day off and Rachel worked until 11:00.  She came at noon and watched Jess while Lois and I continued on her 30-year scrapbook.  We should finish it tomorrow.  At least that's what we're both counting on.

Oh, yes, the picture of Jon and I is a self-portrait, since no one ever thinks of taking MY picture.  I needed one of the two of us to commemorate today.  Good think Jon's arm is longer than mine. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just Another Day

Busy, busy, busy.  I attended a 3 1/2 hour SM Leader's meeting to plan Continuing Education for the 2013-2014 term.  It was a great meeting and I am excited about all the topics we will be covering.  I did enjoy the meeting. 

I had lunch with a friend from church.  We've never had lunch or spent time together after knowing each other for many years.  It was a nice lunch.

I went to the post office, home, made a few phone calls, took a half-hour nap and then began clearing my dining room table of all the donated bags that were given to me for the Fund Raiser.  Debbie and Jessie put them all in order according to size (mostly Debbie) for convenience.  It was a huge job and took several days. 

Jon worked.  He's in bed.  So is Jess.  I will be doing some computer work for awhile yet. I like this time of night when the kids are sleeping and the house is very quiet.  My favorite time of the "day".

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Swim Day

Since there is a two-week break from swim classes at the Rec center, Debbie took Jessie swimming today and it was a success.  They got there in plenty of time to be in the pools for about an hour before noon when the kids are allowed in.  Yah!  It's been several weeks since she's been there since the last time they went they got there too close to noon and hundreds of kids swarmed the area.  That sent Jess out of the pool like a rocket.

Jon and I were talking about my upcoming surgery in November and he said that I was probably looking forward to not being in any pain, after the initial surgery and PT.  I said that I would be glad not to walk like a penguin.  His response?  "But you're a cute penguin!"  I love my son!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jessie's Day

Well, it sure began early - even before it was light out.  Up at 6:30 and playing on her iPad and watching videos.  I tried to encourage her to go back to bed, but she didn't want any part of that.  I'm sure by the time she got her (late) breakfast at 10:00, she must have been starved. 

Debbie and Jess went out side for awhile swinging, then came in and read books.  Just before noon the three of us went to the Sahara restaurant for our final summer luncheon with our Bible Study Small Group.  I really don't want fall to be here, but I am looking forward to going back to Bible Study.  Obviously, a Middle Eastern restaurant doesn't carry chicken nuggets or strips, so I was a little concerned what Jess would eat.  She enjoyed her grilled chicken thighs, french fries and steamed vegetables.  It was a winner.  I brought home half of my rice and vegetables and she ate them for dinner.

We also went to Menchie's for dessert.  I have to say that our bowls weren't that full, and a couple women didn't even order.  It was fun to see these ladies again.  I'm glad we got together this summer.

The rest of the day I have been working at the computer on the Fund Raiser.  I am going to work another hour or so then call it a night.  Jon had a dental appointment this morning, went grocery shopping, ate out and has been in his room watching tv the rest of the day.  He needed a day to rest from his past 3-days at work. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Another Week Is Upon Us

And, it is the last week in August!  Where or where has August gone?  I'm astonished when I look back over my calendar and we're on day 26.  Doesn't seem possible.

There isn't anything funny to report that Jess has said today.  We had our girls "day out" with her speech teacher, Cheryl, at Garden Grille at lunch time.  It was nice to catch up.  She returns to work next week and Jessie will have Speech again in September.  I'm thrilled at how Jessie has progressed in saying words clearer and putting more words together for a sentence. 

I've spent most of the day working on the fund raiser.  I'm done for tonight, though.  Upstairs I go. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Preparing For A Fund Raiser

Jess and I had a nice time this morning.  We got dressed, prayed together then went to Romeo's McDonald's for pancakes and sausage.  A nice quick time out alone.  Jessie also helped me empty the dishwasher when we got home.  Jess does so well one-on-one.  Add just one person and you spell "potential trouble". 

I did the finishing touches on getting the house ready for 13 women to come and continue to plan for the Fund Raiser I am organizing for Lois' Teacher Training Project in Haiti.  We had a GREAT meeting.  Ladies are excited and it's all coming together.  It's alot of work, but a great investment in Haiti's children.  Money raised will go for teaching scholarships.  It costs $50.00 to teach one adult to evangelize children and teach from the Bible.  We are investing in Haiti's children and its future in Jesus' Name.

I was too tired to fix dinner.  Isn't that pathetic?  Jess, Chris W. and I went to Dimitri's and we ate.  I've been on the computer for the past couple hours placing orders for myself and reading the news.  I don't watch tv, so I try to keep up with news via the internet and USA today on my iPad.  It's 11:02 p.m. and I guess I better sign off for the day.  My eyes are beginning to burn and get droopy.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Jess and I had a good morning together eating breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen.  She unloaded the dishwasher and put all the items away.  Then, she was done.  Enough work for one day, I guess.  I did a couple loads of wash and Lois returned and we spent the rest of the day working on her scrapbook.

We took a lunch break and went to the post office, Walgreen's, to Judy's house to drop off some sewing and McDonald's drive thru.  We had our usual Saturday McDonald's picnic in the van. 

The doorbell rang this afternoon and I knew I wasn't expecting anyone.  To my great surprise, it was Diane and Randie !!!!  They were out and about and dropped off some ink for my printer.  Di worked 57 hours last week at work and needed fresh air so they were going for a drive up Van Dyke.  I haven't talked to her tonight to see where they ended up. 

Lois left at 4:00, I did some calls for the Fund Raiser and JoAnne came a little after 5:00 for dinner and an evening of visiting on the deck.  She left at 9:45 p.m.  I'm almost ready to go upstairs and call it another busy day.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Our Day

Debbie and Jessie had breakfast out as usual, but Jon and I joined them, along with her Social
Worker, Kelly. Breakfast took longer than I expected - almost 2 hours.  I was able to blanch and freeze yellow squash from the garden and do a small amount of weed whacking before I met my friend Chris J.  Since Memphis was almost out of dog food I stopped at K-9 and got him a huge bag plus some treats. Then I took Jon to the specialist for his back. He said it most likely is a small herniated disc on a nerve.  PT and some medication will, hopefully, help him.

Lois came for dinner and we continued on her scrapbook. It's really nice, even if I do say so myself.

The pictures I posted just below are from a couple days ago when Debbie took Jess and Memphis on a nice long walk and ended up at the school. For some reason, it wouldn't let me type next to or below the pictures.

Jessie and Memphis' Walk

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Rearranged Day

The day I had planned really didn't work out that way.  I guess that's what happens when life takes over.  I did meet Joyce, Carol and Chris for lunch as planned.  Carol had her 3 grandchildren with her again.  They were really good while we talked. 

There are so many odds and ends to do around the house, and  Lois came over and we continued working on her 30-year Career Scrapbook.  I did a little of this, sat down and did a page.  Got up and did something else then did another page. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Debbie had Jess out around town.  She took her to the "zoo" and got dog food for her two doggies.  They went to Meijer's then got their usual drive thru McDonald's for lunch.  Jess was a bit of a crab today, to say the least. 

Jon's suffering quite a bit with his back.  I'm glad he has a specialist's appointment in the afternoon.  I pray that he doesn't have any ruptured discs or anything like I do.  A pinched nerve is painful enough.

I was priviledged to have 4 people come from our church's Community Care program tonight and clean up all the weeds in the back of the workshop, as well as my front bushes were trimmed and under Jessie's swing and around the fire pit were weeded.  In less than 2 hours they accomplished what Jon and I can't do.  What a blessing this ministry is to those in need. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome Abroad!

I received a text today that read ... "Welcome abroad! To call back to the U.S., dial +1 followed by 10-digit number.  Please note intl rates apply."  Where was I?  In Lakeport - north of Port Huron. I didn't remember leaving the United States!  Too funny. 

After Water Aerobics this morning  (which neither one of us really wanted to be at), Lois and I went to my friend, Leann's home on the Lake for our Joyful Journey get together.  It was very hot, but we had a nice time of visiting, eating, sharing, eating, singing and praying. 

It's rare that Lois and I go anywhere that we don't stop and shop somewhere.  Today wasn't any different.  Mary Maxim's had a tent sale, so we shopped there for awhile.  I don't ever remember being there before and it sure was a nice place.  We need to go back when we can really look around and not be rushed.  Fort Gratiot is packed full of nice stores.  We'll have to make it a day trip and "shop till we drop". 

I was home for only an hour before I had to leave to go to church for Stephen Ministry Supervision Group.  We couldn't be inside because the sealer on the gym floor still permeated the entire building.  My group met on the side of the building on a very old, rickety picnic table.  We made sure that when we got up to leave, we all rose at the same time.  We also had a gasp moment when the sprinklers turned on. Thankfully, they were pointed the opposite direction!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two Meetings And An Evening At Home

Because our church's gym floor was being refinished, our SM Leader's meeting met at Panera Bread this morning - for 3 hours.  I had just enough time to refill my pop, order a grilled cheese sandwich and drive to church to pick up a friend and her daughter.  We drove out to China Twp. for our Down Syndrome Book Club meeting.  I wasn't going to go because I didn't have the time to read the 2 chapters - they were really long, but I didn't want to miss out on the other's comments.  However, I wasn't the only one who didn't do their reading!  No one else did, either.  We had a nice hour long visit before their girls went swimming in their pool.

As I watched the 3 girls with Down Syndrome I wished that Jessie could have been there and would have been able to make some new friends.  She was more than welcome, but she never would have gone up the stairs to the pool deck and down the ladder.  The girls all had swim lessons and were like fish in the water.  I wish that Jessie didn't have so many phobias that make it impossible for her to do more events with this group of girls.  Or with me, for that matter. 

But, Jessie is Jessie.  I'm glad she can do all that she does.  I am greatful for her health, her kindness to others, her need to pray for others that are sick or hurt, and her laughter.  She really is quite funny.

Debbie took Jessie and Memphis for a long walk today and she has pictures that she's going to send me and I'll post them.  She had a good day, even though she wasn't doing what I wished she was able to do. 


Monday, August 19, 2013

The Beginning Of A Very Busy Week

I spent the morning at church working on the Fund Raiser plus meeting with another woman on a Ladies night in October the chuch is having.  I didn't get home until almost 1:00 p.m.  Jess was more than ready to go to McDonald's.  Jon decided to go with us so we ate inside.  Jess is getting better at that, although there are quite a few kids in there.  We went to Home Depot before we came home.

Jon needed a hair cut, I had several phone calls I needed to return this afternoon, then Lois came and we worked for several more hours on her scrapbook.  Tomorrow is the Down Syndrome Book Club and I still need to read over 50 pages.  I don't think I'll get it done.  I have until midnight, so I'll still have time to read my Bible and pray.  That's more important anyway.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Today was alot of fun.  Lois came at 10:30 a.m. and left at 8:30 p.m.  We started a scrapbook of her 30 years of ministry in Haiti for her display table.  We got 20 pages done.  She got the pictures and print in order and I took it from there.  We work together well.  If I do say so myself, it's really nice.

Around 1:00 p.m., Lois, Jon, Jess and I went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch then we visited the pet store that Jess calls "the zoo".  We came back and worked, Jon watched tv in his room and Jess played with her Apples to Apples cards, watched home videos and was on her iPad for a little bit. 

I told Lois I could have kept going since I generally go to bed at midnight, but she got up 3 1/2 hours earlier than I did today so she needed to go home.  As it turns out, I am tired, too.  So, I guess I'll call it a day.  The week ahead is a very busy week on my calendar.  Lots of meetings and get togethers. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

An Empty Square On My Calendar

Today was a day that there wasn't anything written on my calendar that I had to do.  However, it was a very busy and full day.  Rachel came to spend the day with Jessie and Jane came at lunch time and took them to the Ocean Breeze for lunch.  They also went to the Used Bookstore then came back and played outside.

While Jon cut the grass and harvested some potatoes, I paid bills and then he and I went to the post office, the Dollar Store, Walgreen's, the cemetery, lunch and a garage sale.  Just after we returned Diane and Randie came to visit and stayed a couple hours.  That was really nice.  It's been quite awhile since they've been here.  Unfortunately, Diane was suffering from a pinched nerve in her back and down her leg.  We definitely are from the same family. 

I made quick meatloaf in muffin tins for dinner, along with boiled potatoes and a can of green beans and while Jon watched Jess, I went to church.  Jon has to be at church before and after each service as a Parish Nurse tomorrow.  He'll be taking blood pressures. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Breakfast Out With Mom

Debbie has gone on vacation - again!  Thankfully, she'll return on Monday.  Rachel could only work today from noon until 3:00 p.m. because her family was going to go to the ball game in Detroit.  So, Jess and I had breakfast out, then we did grocery shopping at Meijer's.  I did ride the amigo, but had to steer Jessie's cart behind my back.  I lifted too many heavy items that were on sale and by the time I got home I was in so much pain I could hardly walk.  This is so disappointing.  Thankfully, the pain medicine and sitting at the computer the rest of the day has helped immensely.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Very Crabby Jessie

I'm not sure what has happened, but Jess is so crabby lately.  She yells, screams, and refuses to do things we ask her to do.  Not only to me, but to Debbie and Rachel.  It doesn't make for a very nice day.  This morning was the worst.  The afternoon was better.  I just wish she could tell me what is bothering her.  It's like a guessing game.  I don't like it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Busy Day

Before I tell you about my day that I'm sure you're looking forward to reading, I would like to share a post from an Anonymous person regarding the goats and their coats I mentioned yesterday:

"Around here in Montana - once an animal has been groomed for show, the coat is placed on it so that the coat doesn't get dirty or messed up prior to the show ring."

Thank you so much - whoever - for sending me this information.  It made me feel pretty special that you would take the time to answer my question.  Goats with coats has been solved.  Makes sense.

The morning began with Water Aerobics with Lois.  I can honestly tell you that I wasn't in any mood to exercise.  Mornings are not my specialty and this morning arrived with a headache.  I managed, though, and it was a good work out.  From there we had breakfast, went to Office Depot and Hobby Lobby then I took Lois home.  Went to Radio Shack to check on my dead phone - again.  Apparently I drained the battery to zero when I removed pictures last night and put them on the computer.  When that happens, it takes a full 10 minutes to get to 1% and even have a picture appear on the screen.  Or so the fellow at Radio Shack said.  He definitely was a techie.  He gave me another headache just listening to all I should and should not do with my iPhone.

When I got home my WONDERFUL son had done all the wash, as well as vacuumed all floors because he knew that I was having the SM Ladies over tonight and he wanted to help me.  I just about cried.  His work was so much appreciated.  Because of him doing this work, and helping with dinner later, I was able to take a nap and get rid of my headache.

The ladies arrived for our 4th get together and it was a very special time.  God had given me the topic of His Creation - both the earth and all that is in it, including ourselves.  It was pretty neat that no one knew what the topic was, yet one of the ladies shared about God's creation.  I asked the ladies to bring something they had made, sort of a "show and tell".  That was very interesting, then we made ice cream sundaes for dessert.  Another great night of friendship.

Whie I Was At The Fair ...

Rachel brought ingredients to make from-scratch lemon cupcakes and strawberry frosting with Jessie.  In the top photo it looks like she's grating the lemon rind and in the bottom photo she's concentrating on squeezing the lemon juice. 

They also went to the Romeo Library and a couple stores.  Thank you, Rachel, for giving Jessie such a nice day.  She's going to miss you when you go back to college next week!

Armada Fair

 Jon and I went to the Armada Fair today and met my special girls, Kylee and Lynzee for the afternoon.  We had a nice day of looking at all the animals and exhibits and the girls went on one of the rides.  (They are upside down in the picture below).  In my younger years, I would always ride the Scrambler, the Himalaya and the Tilt a Whirl.  Now, those are considered lame.  I thought they were pretty wild.  The girls had a caramel apple and Jon and I both had deep fried twinkies and corn dogs on sticks.  I also bought some sugar coated pecans and almonds.  That's called the fair mentality.  Did I need any of those foods?  No.  Since I rarely go to fairs, I felt it would be OK to splurge.  I'm sure it'll take me days to make up the calories, that's for sure.  I will need to work extra hard in the morning at Water Aerobics.

The bottom picture features goats in coats.  I'm not quite sure why they and many of their friends had them on.  Anyone know? 

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Different Girls Day Out

I had a couple meetings at church this morning and didn't get home until after 1:15.  Debbie was with Jessie and they just hung out today.  Lunch was at home because at 4:00 Jess and I had hair appointments and for dinner we ate at Wendy's.  She managed to handle the change in our regular Monday Girls' Afternoon Out to a dinner out OK.  Probably because she got chicken nuggets.  Jon finished his 3-day stretch and had a crappy day.  So, that about sums it up.  I could say more, but I'm not going to. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Day Of Planning

Jess and I went to McDonald's for breakfast, Target for snacks for an afternoon meeting and Little Caeser's for pizza for dinner.  Jess took to her bedroom for some reason this morning and spent quite awhile in there watching videos and doing beads.

I hosted a group of ladies this afternoon that will be helping me with a Fund Raiser that I am doing for my friend, Lois, missionary in Haiti.  We will be raising money for scholarships for Teacher Training.  Most of the ladies stayed 3 hours.  Lois and Chris stayed for the pizza and we talked for a couple more hours with ideas.  My head is spinning right now with alot of stuff.  Good thing I take notes.  I'm calling it a day.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What Will She Say Next?

Jess had some fasting blood work taken this morning, then we went to breakfast.  As we were walking out of the restaurant, two ladies in RED HATS were walking in.  The hats were big and gaudy.  Jess took one look at them and said: "Halloween!"  Too funny.  I'm sure they heard her, too, but I didn't look back to see their reaction.

From there we went to Walgreen's, Meijer's for gas, the bank and post office.  When we got home I cleaned the downstairs and did about 5 loads of wash.  In the middle of my work I had to take some pain medicine and I just took some more.  Too much for one day, but it needed to be done.  Jess has had a good day with her iPad, cards and beads. 

For dinner we had honey mustard boneless, skinless chicken thighs, Hawaiian Sweet Bread roll, and a vegetable stir fry all from the garden:  carrots, onions, egg plant, yellow squash, zucchini and sugar snap peas.  It was really good. 

Jon had a horrible day at work - lots of things went wrong.  He only got a 15 minute break the entire day.  His back was pretty good until about 4:00 p.m.  He's already taken his pain medicine and gone to bed.  Guess it's time for us to go up, too.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Yes, I do keep very busy.  Debbie and Jessie went to the Garden Grille for breakfast, then Jon and I followed about an hour later.  Came home and did a few things before I went to Chris K's house for lunch and searched Pinterest to find some crafts we can work on together.  We had a fun afternoon.

When I got home I continued working on organizing the Ladies' Get Together this coming Wednesday, plus the Fund Raiser I am organizing for Lois' Teacher Training Project.  I also blanched and froze 6 cups of Jon's garden carrots.  Dinner, more paperwork, Jess to bed and now the blog.  Tomorrow looks like another busy day. 

Jon's back is doing much better.  He has to go back to work tomorrow, so we'll see how a 12 hour shift is for the pain level. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Litle Bit Of This and A Little Bit Of That

That's how the day has gone.  I did a little on this project, and a little on that project.  I did one load of clothes and finally remembered to put them in the dryer.  Jess and Debbie went to Meijer's and today wasn't good for Jess, who had a major melt down in the produce section.  Jon feels a little better tonight.  I'm fed up with the computer because I was doing a group mailing and went to delete one person from the list and it deleted the entire mailing list of over 20 women.  I don't know where it is to retrieve it, so I'll have to put them all back in the Address Book.  I'm calling it a day.  Jess already has - just hope she's being good upstairs. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Debbie Had A Great Day

And Jess and I did, too!  Jess had a doctor's appointment in Rochester at 11:30 a.m.  All morning and last night and during our ride over there Jess said she wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch. So, we planned on Wendy's. From the doctor's office to Wendy's she fell asleep then woke saying: "PIZZA!"  Seriously?  Where did that come from?  So, since we eat at Wendy's often, we drove to American Pie and had pizza and salad. 

Debbie and Jess dropped me off at my Down Syndrome Book Club meeting and they went to Family Christian Stores.  Jess got a bag full of items, and Debbie was so excited to finally purchase a Bible she'd been looking at for over a year or more. She also found a beautiful wall picture for 75% off!  She was very pleased.

We stopped at McDonald's for our 4:00 snack then came home.  After dinner I went to Stephen Ministry Supervision Group and Rachel came to be with Jessie. 

Jon was in so much pain this morning with his back that he called in and went to the doctor's .  At least this time he got some pain medicine he can take when he's not working.  Plus a steroid shot.  I hope it helps relive most of the pain.

Well, it's storming outside, so I need to quit and will blog more tomorrow!  Nite all.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Medicaid - Approved

I think I shared with you that I had made a big mistake on the Medicaid report and that she lost her services as of August 1.  Long story short, I received a letter on Saturday that she was reinstated.  Thanks so much for your prayers!

Lois and I went to Water Aerobics today instead of tomorrow because Jess has a doctor's appointment in the morning.  Without thinking 6 months ago I scheduled it for a Wednesday.  The class today was packed and I was unable to keep up at all with the instructor.  I was pretty disgusted with how fast she moved and how slow I responded. 

Jess had a good day with Rachel today.  They did numerous things and Rachel also made a cherry pie (at her house) out of the cherries that Jess and she picked last week.  It was delicious.  I don't think I've ever made a home made cherry pie with hand picked cherries before.  Nice job, Rachel!  The chocolate chip cookies you also brought were great and was a big hit with Jessie. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Prayer Request Up-Date

Several days ago I asked for prayer for my cousin, Linda's future daughter-in-law, Jessica, who was in the hospital with Legionnaires Disease.  Praise God, she is out of the coma and will make a complete recovery.  I give praise to God for healing her!  In the Macomb Daily today there was an article about Jessica and Adam, titled, "With video: Legionnaires disease delays Sterling Heights couple's wedding."  Read it if you can.  Thank you so much for your prayers for her healing.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday, Sunday

Jon wasn't able to attend church this morning because of the pain in his back.  I always feel bad when he can't attend, because that means he misses church for 3 weeks.  I picked up Lois and we went to the second service which was really good. 

Lois, Ortha and I went to lunch after church.  When we were done, I dropped them both off then Lois came over and we worked on some mission stuff.  We had supper then Chris stopped by and we enjoyed some good laughs, mostly at my expense.  I had purchased a dress for an upcoming wedding that is black and white.  Chris brought a sweater and shawl to see if either would go with the dress.  They wanted to see me in the dress then with the sweater, so I put it on and modeled it for them.  Jon said I looked like a World War II battleship with all the stripes in the dress.  Thanks, Jon.  But then I had to admit he was right when he got out a book and proved it to me!  The stripes were about the same!  Thankfully, I'm not as big as the battleship. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

What A Nice Day

Jon, Jess and I went out to breakfast.  The 3 of us don't get to do this often.  Then we went to the bank and post office before returning home.  Jon cut the lawn and weeded his garden.  I did paperwork.  Jess watched her iPad and played with her Apples 2 Apples cards.

Late in the afternoon we had a van picnic lunch of a McDonald's sandwich and pop then had dessert at Menchie's, also in the van.  Walgreen's, Kohl's to pay a bill, Meijer's for gas then home for the rest of the day.  I decided I'd finish my 60th birthday scrapbook this afternoon.  Another hour then I might be done.  We'll see.  At least I finished it before my 61st!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Good Bye To A Good Friend

I went to the funeral of a good, long-time friend, Jeanne Martin, today at church.  Her husband, Morris, passed away in 2010.  We've known them since we began at our church in 1990.  Bill and Morris were good friends.  Bill did a lot of work for Morris and Jeanne and she would always treat him to homemade snacks in the afternoon.  Her death was unexpected and quick, with a Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer diagnoses only a few short weeks ago.  She was a very special lady who will be missed by all her knew her.  Her funeral was a wonderful tribute of her life and faith in Jesus Christ.

I didn't stay for the dinner, but met a new friend for lunch.  She's one of our new SM's and we thought we'd get together and get to know one another better.  It was a very nice visit.  Jess and Debbie had breakfast out with Kelly then they went to Target and Michael's.  After Jon got home from work he went to check on his garden, which he does every night.  Jessie decided she wanted to swing again so I put up her swing, sat in mine and read for about a half hour until I got too cold.  This is the weirdest summer weather I can ever remember. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jesus Loves Me

That's one of Jessie's new sentences.  When Jess speaks, it usually is in only 2-3 words.  Rarely, if ever, does she say an entire full sentence.  However, within the past month, she's said Grace before we eat ... "Thank you, Jesus, for this food.  Amen."  That's 7 words.  "Experts" say that a person with Down Syndrome usually reaches their peak of learning at age 12.  I beg to differ.  Jessie has learned so much more since we took her out of school and have worked with her at home.  I'm thrilled that at age 23 she has put 7 words together and said them all at once.  Now we're working on the song, Jesus Loves Me.  We say it instead of sing it. 

I give a lot of credit to Debbie and Rachel who read books to her and Jessie reads along with them.  She gets to know the words, as well as getting used to saying a lot of words at once.

Debbie and I went to the funeral home this afternoon for a very dear lady from church who passed away, Jeanne Martin.  Her husband, Morris, passed away in 2010.  We've known them for over 20 years.  Debbie and I took turns going in to the funeral home while the other stayed in the van with Jessie, who kept saying, "Sorry, Jeanne!"  "Sorry, Jeanne!"  I know that Jeanne isn't sorry, but her family sure is.  Jessie spent the next hour or more naming all the people in Heaven that we know, beginning with her dad, of course.