Friday, October 31, 2014

Identity Theft

What a nice "trick" I woke to this Halloween morning.  American Express called and asked if I had applied for a new credit card.  I had not.  Long story short - I'm the victim of identity theft.  Hip, hip, horrah! Not!  I had to call a credit card bureau, make a police report and notify my bank. Right now the individual that has all my ID has only applied for a credit card.  Time will tell if anything else is tried.  Just what I needed - more paperwork.

Debbie, Jessie, Jon and I went to Benny's for breakfast.  Debbie and Jessie spent the rest of the day doing art projects at home and Jon and I did end-of-the-month paperwork.  Right now Jessie is watching a Halloween DVD.  It's rainy, cold and windy outside.  I don't think there were any kids walking the streets around here tonight. My friend, Shannon, came and gave Jessie a couple candy bars and 2 bags of chips.  That was special - thanks, Shannon!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bible Study Plus

Andrea picked me up for Bible Study.  We have only 2 more classes and we'll be finished with the book, "Children Of The Day", Beth Moore's study of I and II Thessalonians.  I'm not looking forward to it ending. I enjoy my Thursday mornings.

I had lunch with my dear friend, Kathy R. today at Fillipa's.  It was great visiting and sharing what God is doing in our lives.  I LOVE spiritual conversations. I also had a very good sandwich: grilled cranberry and walnut bread with a grilled chicken breast, apple slices, lettuce and honey mustard dressing.  Yum.  A pickle and home made chips rounded it off.

Brenda and Jessie went to the Gym, McDonald's for lunch, bowling and a park for a half mile walk. Jess went to bed early last night and I hope she goes to sleep early tonight, too.

Jon spent the day outside cleaning behind the shed and sifting a dirt pile.  It looks great. We're both hoping we'll have semi warm weather in November to complete the outside work. Tomorrow's supposed to be in the 40's and rainy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jessie's Day

Even though it was quite cool outside, Jessie swang for almost an hour in her hammock and sang her Jesus songs.  Debbie sat in the other swing and froze.  After lunch they painted a pumpkin then went upstairs to put away all the toys and school items Jessie had gotten out a couple days ago.  And, the videos.  Always the videos.  At least a hundred.  They are in some sort of order on the floor, but we don't know what it is.

I went to Kohl's and spent my birthday gift card from Jon, post office, home, lunch then PT for my knee.  These are rough exercises but I hope they help my knee and give me the strength I lack.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jon's Face Book Post About Yesterday

I check FB every night before bed. Last night I read Jon's post about yesterday's trip to the cemetery. I can't even find the words to describe how I feel. I have such a special son. His picture of the tree is better than the one I took, too.  I'd like to share his post with you:

Today is my Dad's birthday.  Mom and I went to the cemetery to spend some time and clean up around Dad's headstone.  Right in front of the headstone was this little pine tree.  Well, it now has a new home with us.  I'm not sure how God allows our loved ones to "interact" with us from Heaven, but I am surely convinced that God allowed Dad to send us a gift on his birthday.  A gift of encouragement and comfort. A reminder of new life.  The journey doesn't end at the grave.  As surely as Christ will come again, I know that I will see you again Dad.  Until then I have been blessed by this loving gift.  I love you Dad and miss you greatly.  I wish our time could have been longer together, but I thank the Lord that He gave us the time that he did.


Brenda and Jessie drove to the Gym and went in the pool this morning, had Subway for lunch, then went to Stoney Creek to play.  Jon and I went up to Crooked Creek to pick up his 2 cow hearts he had ordered, then we drove up to the Smoke Haus, which is just south of Imlay City.  He bought himself some smoked fish, white fish spread, sandwich spread, Scottish balls and a few other items.  I bought some Orange Marmalade and a small package of "Just Delicious Scones".  I was so surprised to see them there on sale.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Special Gift From God

Now, I'm sure some of you are going to think I've lost my mind.  That's always possible, I guess.

I believe I received a special gift from God on Bill's birthday.  Jon and I went to the cemetery this afternoon, which just happens to be Bill's birthday. Right in front of the monument stone was a pine tree.  A very healthy, pretty, tiny pine tree.  There were no other pine trees around like this one.  It hit me that it was a gift for me.  (I told you that you might think I lost my mind.)  A gift from God.  Jon pulled it out and we brought it home and planted it in a pot. That made my cemetery visit exciting, rather than sad. I still cried a little but when I look at this tree I'll remember where it had been planted and who gave it to me. I just know it will thrive and grow well.

God does such neat things, doesn't He?  The beauty of this particular fall with all the vibrant colors of leaves has been spectacular. And, when He does something small like this and you KNOW that He did it just for you, that is amazing. Thank you, God, for your constant reminders that you love me and that you are taking care of me.  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

What A Beautiful Day

Jon went to the first service - I went to the second.  We met Diane for lunch then we 4 took a drive to see the colors and stop at vegetable and fruit stands.  We also picked up yellow and red delicious apples from our "apple lady".  It was a fun afternoon.  We were sorry that Randie couldn't join us, though, as she was not feeling well.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Ladies' Morning

This morning I hosted the Stephen Ministry Ladies' Ministry Get Together.  We began at 10:00 a.m. with a pot luck breakfast.  It was a very nice time of getting back together since the spring.  Jon and Jess stayed up stairs.  When the ladies left Jon went and worked outside for several hours cutting the lawn, trimming trees, raking leaves, cutting down plants.  Me?  I took a nap.

Jess has been on the couch for the past couple hours on her iPad.  She's been singing along to Jesus songs, Christmas songs, and now is trying to repeat very quickly ... Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ... I wish you could hear her.  It's hysterical.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Girl's Day Out - And I Do Mean Out And About

Debbie and Jessie decided they wanted to go with me as I did alot of running around.  Here's a list of our day:

1) Banking.

2)  Dimitri's for breakfast.  Jessie and Debbie have met 2 older gentlemen there and they had been looking for Jessie for weeks.  (We've gone back to Benny's.)  I found out today that both of these men are in their 90's!

3) Crooked Creek Dairy Farm.  Jon wanted me to pick up a couple cow hearts but I had to put my name on a waiting list.  When I was finished shopping I took Jessie to the van.  A man with a large camera was walking around then two men got out of their vehicle and a woman walked over to see the goats.  I didn't see her face when she went into the store.  Debbie came out all excited.  It was Candice Miller !!!

4)  We went to my friend Shannon's garage sale. Jessie was super excited because she bought a Barney video.

5)  We stopped at a vegetable stand and I bought broccoli and cauliflower.  Debbie took Jessie to look at all the pumpkins and Jess posed for a picture by an antique tractor.

6)  Tim Horton's provided a safe restroom visit and pop and some Tim Bits.

7)  We visited Leslie from the doTERRA store in Romeo.  We parked in the back by the park and walked the street.  When we were finished in the store Jessie wanted to walk the entire town!  I guess we'll have to bring her back.

8)  Purchased a huge and very expensive bag of dog food at the Vet's.

9)  We stopped in to see Chris at her work.  Another safe restroom stop.

10)  I drove down Tillson street, which is dedicated to gross Halloween decorations.  Jessie thought part of it was OK.  She did scream alot - especially at the large spiders.  She definitely got wound up.

11)  McDonald's drive through for pop and a grilled chicken snack wrap.

12)  We stopped at another garage sale.  Jessie bought a peg board with pegs. She was so excited to buy it that she kept asking that we do more garage sales!  I guess I created a garage sailing monster.

13)  Debbie's to drop off the items she purchased at the garage sales.

14)  Goike's to buy another large box full of squash for Diane and Randie.

15)  Post Office.

16)  Home so Debbie could go home.  I think we were here for about an hour before Jess and I went:

17)  shopping at Meijer's.  I can't tell you the last time I went grocery shopping so late in the day.  We got there a little after 6:00 and got home at 8:00.  Dinner was frozen meals from the store.

Well, there you have it.  Our day.  It's 10:39 p.m. and I need to go upstairs and get Jess to bed.  I'm having Stephen Minister Ladies over in the morning for breakfast and I still have to set the tables, etc. It was a really nice day.  Some of the time the sun shone and it got warm.  A beautiful fall day.  With all the places we stopped, it seemed like a vacation day!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jessie's Halloween Party

Brenda takes Jessie to the Rec Center each Thursday for the Adaptive Gym Class.  Today was the last day of this session and they had a Halloween Party for the participants.  They went into a classroom, decorated a foam door hanger, decorated and ate a cookie and received a big bag full of little goodies. How nice that they did this for them.  Jess was excited about it because when she got home she came to me, took my hand and pulled me to the couch where she had laid out all the stuff she got.  She loves wearing her pumpkin shirt every October.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Graduation Day !!!

Well, today was Graduation Day for me from Physical Therapy.  My range of motion is wonderful and I just need to work on strengthening exercises at home.  I'm so glad that I'm done with it. However, I graduated from one program and I get evaluated on Monday for PT for my knee - almost 1 year from surgery. I sure hope that it will help my knee.  I have great difficulty walking up stairs and my knee still turns out to the side.  Hopefully with the exercises, it will strengthen the muscles and keep my knee where it belongs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Brrrr !!

It sure was cold outside today!  Only in the 40's with a constant breeze.  I even put a long-sleeved shirt on and shoes and socks versus sandals.  Bill's sister, Ruth, and her husband, Bill, stopped by this morning to pick up boxes we had found that belonged to Mom S.  We had about an hour to chat before they were off.  They came from Johannesburg for the day.

Jon and I went to breakfast then Doreen, Chris and I met for our accountability time (healthy eating). We decided to just meet once a month but keep each other encouraged by texts.

Not much else happened today that I'd like to remember in the future.  Wash, paperwork, vacuumed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Almost Finished With PT

Jessie was able to swing outside this morning which made her a happy girl.  For a little while, at least. I had PT for my shoulder and Wednesday is my last scheduled day.  I just need to work on my strength, which they said will come with time and exercise. Next week I begin PT for my knee. Almost 1 year from surgery date. I hope it goes well.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Short Blog

Jon worked.  Jess and I stayed inside all day.  I worked on my Bible Study.  Jess watched numerous programs on her iPad.  I played numerous games on my iPad.  Going upstairs soon.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Last night when I got home I woke Jessie to tell her I was home.  She got a huge smile on her face and wrapped her arm around my neck and hugged me tight.  I told her I missed her and she said she missed me, too.  That was special.  Then she fell back to sleep. Immediately.

Jon had to work, Jessie got up quietly and I slept in.  I was pretty tired from the busy 3 days away.  I put all my stuff away, straightened up the house, got our mail, went and got gas, had the van washed then went through McDonald's drive thru and brought it home to eat.  Because of all the traveling and stairs I had to do, my "bad" leg (with the new knee) is swollen and uncomfortable.  My foot is so swollen it's shiny.  I sat for a couple hours on the couch with my leg up and took a Lasix. It'll take a couple days to get "normal" again.

That was the only problem with the Grand Hotel.  It was huge and our rooms were not near one another. The Grand Theatre, where the general sessions were, had a flight of stairs up and no elevator. No bathrooms on that floor either. Not to mention all the shopping we did along the main street of town.  My legs do need a rest.  That's what I'm planning on doing tomorrow.

A Trip To Mackinaw Island

My long-awaited mini-vacation/retreat to Mackinaw Island began on Wednesday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m.  We used my van and there were 5 of us in it.  Three others went in Mary's car. We met at a Cracker Barrel for lunch and we made it to Mackinaw City about 5:00 pm. Shannon made the arrangements and we stayed in a 2-bedroom suite at the Hamilton Inn. The kids and I stayed there last year. We went to a couple stores and did some shopping, had a nice dinner, came back and talked, then all of us turned in by 10:30 p.m.  Early for me.

Thursday morning we ate breakfast, packed and took the first boat over to the island.  It was a special treat because the boat took a side trip under the bridge and the girls had never done that before.  Marilyn and I were the only ones who braved the winds and went up top.

We arrived at the island at 10:00 and shopped until 11:30 when we stopped for pizza.  Three of the heartiest of us walked to the Grand but the rest took a carriage ride.  I enjoyed the carriage ride.

Friends from Joyful Journey, Kathy R., Diana and Sally, attended the Tuesday/Wednesday conference, spent an extra night and waited until I got there to greet me.  That was very special.

From the moment we stepped out of the horse-drawn carriage, we were treated like royalty.  I guess that is what puts the Grand Hotel way above other places to stay.  I've been to Mackinaw Island numerous times but have NEVER stayed at the Grand.  I've only spent 2 other nights on the Island and it was in 2008 with Bill celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary.

As you can see from the picture of flags and trees, the colors going up north and on the Island were spectacular.  Lots of reds, oranges and yellow leaves.  Set next to dark green trees was gorgeous.

I sure hope the placement of these pictures comes out right when my blog is published on the web and, especially when I get it printed.

Dinner was unbelievable.  I've never had a 5-course meal before.  I loved the dishes.  Later that evening I went downstairs to see if I could buy at least one place setting.  NOT.  One dinner plate was $38.00. My picture will have to do.

After our dinner we were treated to a concert by SELAH.  I thoroughly enjoyed their concert and wished it could have lasted longer.  They are definitely an annointed group.  

Friday morning was early.  We had to have our luggage outside our door by 8:00 a,.m. for it to be taken back to the mainland.

Our breakfast was ordered off a menu like dinner the night before. However, lunch was just served. I expected a light sandwich or something, but we had another course-meal.  There was also the parade of food!  That was cool.  As you can see from this picture, one of the waiters brought his tray in on his head!

The Grand Hotel closes for the winter in a week or so and I know that all the workers are looking forward to going back to their countries.  Many are from Jamaica.  They leave their families for 6 months then go home for 6 months.  I can't imagine how hard that must be for them and their families.

Right after lunch we caught a taxi and made the 2:00 pm boat back.  We stopped at 3 stores in Mackinaw City, drove to West Branch and shopped at the outlet stores then had dinner at the Lumber Jack Restaurant.  I arrived in my driveway at 10:00 p.m.  A very long day.

I am so blessed that I was able to go with my friends this year.  They have been going for 8 years and this is the first time I've been able to go with them.  I sure hope I can make this an annual event. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me earlier this week when I wasn't feeling well. I did not get sick. Thank you, Jesus, for a wonderful retreat, and Thanks to Jon who took care of Jessie so I could go.  I am richly blessed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I'm Feeling Better

Thanks to everyone who has prayed for me in the past couple of days.  I was feeling pretty crummy a couple days ago but I'm doing OK now.  Well, except for the bad headache I had all day, but I'm sure that was from this crazy weather we're having.  Our bedroom air conditioners are on tonight since it's so warm upstairs.

I'm packed and ready to go in the morning for a 3-day get away with 8 other women.  We will spend tomorrow night in Mackinaw City, Thursday night at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island, then home on Friday night.  So, there won't be any posts from me until probably Saturday.  Thank you, Jon, for taking care of Jessie so I can go with my friends.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Another Birthday Celebration

Tonight the "Glory Girls" met for my birthday dinner at Red Lobster.  Of course we all had a great dinner and since I was asked earlier what I'd like for a present, (we all pitch in for each other's gift) I said I wanted a Harvey Seatbelt Crossbody Purse. It's great!  I've wanted one for about a year, but wasn't about to spend that much money on myself.

When I got home tonight Jon couldn't believe that it was actually made out of seat belts.  I had told him it was but he thought it was just called that.  He kept laughing and raising his eye brows and wondering why I would want a seat belt purse!  My answer?  "Because it's different!"

One of the cards I received tonight was perfect for the occasion.  It shows the size purses we have as we get older, and since this year I was 62, it's perfect!  The inside reads: "And you thought just our butts got bigger with time ... "  Too funny, Mary!

This is a crazy bunch of women I belong to and we will all be going to Mackinaw on Wednesday. I'm not sure if we'll survive the laughter. Or the weather. It's supposed to rain all week down here and up there. Oh, well, that's what umbrellas and rain coats are for. The boat ride might be a bit much though if the water is choppy.  Good thing I love choppy boat rides.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Walking Dead Began Again Tonight

Ashley had a count down to her wedding day. Jon had a count down for today: The Walking Dead began a new season tonight at 9:00 p.m.  I know enough not to text or knock on his door from 9-10:00 pm unless there's blood involved. He'll probably come out of his room in a few minutes with a big smile on his face.  Personally, I can't see what draws everyone to this series. Maybe because I don't watch TV to begin with.  I do remember watching TV years ago and looking forward to various series I was watching so I guess nothing is changed.  Just me.

Jon soaked garlic cloves in water for 24 hours then planted them today.  He's getting a head start on next year's garden.  He'll also plant more in the spring, but he read that they do well planted after the first frost, which we've already had.  He conferred with one of the waitresses at Dimitri's who has a gigantic garden and this is what she does every year.  


Congratulations Sean and Ashley Wendt !!!

On Saturday, October 11, 4:00 p.m. at Woodside Romeo Campus, Sean Wendt and Ashley McKenzie were married.  It was a beautiful day. It began for the 3 of us with breakfast out then the bank and post office.  Jon worked outside cutting down hostas and cleaning up his garden.

It was a beautiful wedding.  The ceremony began with a video of the young couple talking about their 5 years together.  That was so very special.

They also had something different I've never seen before at a wedding.  The Unity Cross.

They were married in the same church that Bill and I were married.  Our wedding is where his cousin, Larry Wendt, stood up with our friend Christine White. They met at the rehearsal and were married a year later. Today I witnessed his son's wedding there.  Very special.    

The Wedding Party 

Actually, the girls' dresses were dark blue.  I "stole" this picture from FB. Not sure why their dresses turned out royal blue.  


Doreen came from 3-6:00 to take care of Jessie and Debbie came from 6 until we got home around 10:00 p.m. from the wedding.  Doreen colored with Jessie, painted her fingernails and did silly selfies.  They had a fun time together.

When Debbie came she took Jessie outside to swing.  Doreen wanted to go outside to swing, but Jessie wouldn't go.  She will only do certain things with certain people.  I guess Debbie is her swinging partner.

Then they went to Benny's for dinner and Menchie's for dessert.  I love the picture of Jessie outside of Menchie's in the dark under the heat lamps, which really didn't throw off much heat according to Debbie.  Jess isn't out much after dark.  I wondered why they were eating outside and Debbie said there were quite a few kids inside.  Jessie chose the cold over the kids.  That would be my Jess.

Thank you, Doreen!  Thank you, Debbie, for giving Jessie a fun evening.

Well, yesterday is now history.  Sean and Ashley have been married for 1 day.  They leave on their honeymoon in the morning to Mexico.  Yesterday was a wonderful day of memories.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Who's Going To Win?

Mom?  Jessie?  There's been a basket of towels on the family room floor for at least 3 days that Jessie refuses to fold.  She likes to fold towels.  I'm not sure why she won't fold them.  I'm not letting her go upstairs to bed tonight until they are folded.  She thinks not.  We'll see.  Right now she says that she will fold them in the morning.  Should I give in and let her fold them in the morning?  I think I'll be a meaning and make her fold them now.

Jessie went to breakfast with Debbie then Meijer grocery shopping.  She was a bit testy with Debbie, too.

I had my 2 month check up with the PA for my shoulder this morning.  The infection appears to be gone and he is pleased with my range of motion.  Now I just need to concentrate on strength building. I had PT this afternoon and I'm in some pain tonight.  The strengthening exercises are tough.  My arm gets so tired it shakes.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jessie's Good Day

Brenda was unable to work today due to having to go to a funeral.  I took Jessie to Bible Study with me and she did very well.  I'm shocked as there are over 125 women at this Bible Study and it is in a large gym.  She was even pretty good in small group, too.

Debbie took her to her Gym class after Bible study then they had a good afternoon out.  I went to lunch with Marilyn and Andrea and got home just in time to watch Shiloh for a couple hours.  I began working on my mom's picture albums.  I'm keeping only certain ones and I will do my own scrapbook on my Mom's life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blessings Of A Decades Old Friendship

Yesterday, Tuesday, began with a doctor's appointment to the oncologist for Jon.  I'm glad he doesn't have to go back for 4 months because whenever he goes there his blood pressure shoots sky high!  Yesterday's was 150/101, which was even lower than the last time.  Too many memories of having Bill there for months with infusions and doctor appoiontments.  Praise God, Jon's blood work has all come back good.

Yesterday afternoon my friend, Sherry, and her daughter, Katie, came for a visit.  They live in Georgia and were finishing a 2-week vacation to Michigan.  Sherry and I have known one another since the early 70's.  The last picture below was taken on April 14, 1979, on our way to the airport for a vacation in Hawaii. (Five of us friends went as "chaperones" to the Henry Ford II HS Senior Trip, although we never did any chaperoning!)

We have a lot of history together. Plus, so much more in common because both of our girls have Down Syndrome.  Katie will be 20 in November, and Jessie is 24.  The last time we saw one another was 10-15 years ago; we both just can't remember.  I will have to look back in my photo albums to find the pictures of the last time they were here.

It was such a nice visit.  I just wish it were longer. Jon said that we sounded like two school girls giggling.  We did remember quite a bit of funny incidents that we shared.

Unfortunately, we couldn't get our girls together.  Katie also is Autistic and loud noises upset her, and as you know, Jessie is loud.  Katie came to the dinner table last night to eat with us, but Jessie ran to the kitchen and ate alone.  Katie spent the entire time in Jessie's room watching videos, and playing on her Kindle Fire.  Jessie didn't quite like that.  She was OK with Sherry and Katie sleeping in her room, but I don't think she liked Katie in the room the entire time watching HER videos. Jon confirmed that tonight when he said Jessie went to her room this evening, opened the door and said, "Katie home! Jessie's room!"  Too funny. Early this morning when Katie came downstairs for breakfast, Jessie was being loud and we could hear Katie say, "Shhh!  I'm warning you!"   Getting them together to interact will definitely take some time.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful friend as Sherry.  Sherry is a school teacher and writes very well.  I've encouraged her several times to begin her own blog, and share her life with Katie.  I hope she will be able to do that one day.

Thank you, Jesus, for friendships!  Especially ones that are decades old!

Monday, October 6, 2014


I had PT at 10:45.  Doreen came and cleaned the house (it's so nice to have a clean house again!) and Shiloh played with Jessie. They did well together and they even went outside and played on the swings and colored on the sidewalk with chalk.

Jon took me to PT and Debbie and Jessie picked me up and we picked up lunch. We all ate together when we got home.  I finished my paperwork and even filed papers - I was 3 months behind!

Jon was quite a bit under the weather today (he came home from work sick yesterday) but still spent some time in the workshop throwing out stuff since tomorrow is garbage day. He's doing a bit better - doesn't look it though.


Sunday, October 5, 2014


Just another Sunday at home, although I was busy with paperwork most of the day.  Jess and I left around 2 and went and got a Subway sandwich for lunch and ate it in the van.  Then we went to the ATM at the bank.  Next I had to pay a bill at Kohl's.  Home and Chris visited for about 1 1/2 hours. Then I made dinner - strange combination that it was.  We had left over spaghetti squash, meatballs and home made bread pudding!  It must have been good because I got 2 thumbs up from Jessie!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Cold And Wet Day

It was supposed to be nice in the morning and rainy and cold in the afternoon.  It was the opposite. Jess had a noon dermatologist appointment about 5 minutes from Diane's house. We were going to stop there on the way home but they were out shopping. We were going to visit Jon but I didn't want to get out in the rain.  I had to go to Sears for a refrigerator filter but it still was raining and I decided not to.  We ate lunch at Wendy's then did a little shopping at FCS.  I had to stop and pump up a tire on the way home.  Got home and decided to rest for a bit before I did more paperwork.  That didn't happen.  I slept for 3 1/2 hours.  Jess got up and fed the dog and she didn't have her snack until 7:00 p.m.!  I slept so hard I didn't know where I was when I woke up.  I did have several phone calls while I was sleeping and managed to answer appropriately.  I think.  I feel like I fail when I don't work and sleep instead.  I guess there's always tomorrow to finish the paperwork.  Not much I can do about it now. Jess had a good day.  She had her chicken for lunch and used an entire battery on her iPad. Now she's using mine.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Breakfast Out Day

Jon and I joined Debbie, Jessie and Kelly, Jessie's case worker, for breakfast.  I had to sign some authorization papers for the next 6 months.  It was raining and blowing pretty hard when we were finished.  I went to PT, Jon went shopping and the girls went on several errands.  I worked on paper work for several hours.  Jon worked in the shed and he texted me this:  "If I could reach up to heaven right now and bop dad upside the head, I would.  I think he saved every paint can from 1950."  Yup. That was Bill.  He rarely threw anything away.

Tonight I went to church for the first FUEL evening.  An evening of worship and prayer.  There were only 50 people who attended, but I know our prayers were heard and will be answered.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Quieter Day

I didn't go to Bible Study today but stayed home and rested a bit.  I also went and had my hair done this afternoon.  After dinner Doreen picked me up and took me to Menchie's for a birthday dessert. That was today.

Brenda took Jessie grocery shopping then to Gym class.  They had lunch at McDonald's then went to the park for Jessie to play on the swings.  Jon was home most of the day feeling not quite himself.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me !!!

I've had a really nice day.  I ate breakfast with Debbie and Jessie (in the kitchen) then went to PT.  After that painful time I drove to Diane and Randie's and from there they took me to lunch at the Royal Treat Tea Room in Roseville.  I saw this place on FB (Just Delicious Scones),  I LOVE scones and have wanted to go there for quite some time.  Today seemed like the perfect opportunity since it was my choice for lunch.

We had reservations for 1:00 p.m. and they brought a large tray to the table filled with all different kinds of scones, a huge china tea pot of hot, hot water and you could pick your own tea bag from a hutch filled with boxes and tins of teas. There was also lemon curd and Devonshire cream for the scones.

Di and Randie had chicken salad on a side salad and I had a ham and cheese quiche with a side salad to compliment the scones. When the owner found out that it was my birthday, she treated me to the absolutely delicious cross between a scone and a chocolate chip cookie with butter cream frosting.  It has a special name but I can't remember what it's called.  Oh, dear. It was incredibly rich and delicious.

We spent about an hour at their home after lunch just chatting.  I left, came home, grabbed Jess and met Chris at Younger's in Romeo for my birthday dinner.  Wednesday's is their $1 hamburgers and that's what we all had.  I refrained from ordering french fries but ate a few of Jessie's and Chris'.  For the calories I've consumed today, I shouldn't have to eat until Saturday.  But, you only have a birthday once a year, and I like to celebrate!