Friday, July 31, 2015

Just A "You And Me Day"

 I went to Jessie's room to see what she was doing before we got dressed, and she had ALL her socks out of the dresser drawer and on the floor. Then she had separated her Halloween socks and put them in my basket that goes down stairs. They are still in there because I don't know what she wants to do with them. Sometimes she doesn't make sense to me, but I'm sure it makes sense to her!

We began our day out at the dentist for Jess at 9:30 a.m. She was in and out in less than 10 minutes. She has the dentist well trained. He works fast and when she's done, he's done. Thankfully, she has no cavities or gum problems. Thank you, Jesus!

Next we went to breakfast at the Country Inn. We eat there twice a year - each time Jessie has her teeth cleaned. Then we went to Vertical Vic's to pick up my blinds that were being repaired. I'm glad that my house doesn't look like a hillbilly house anymore with paper shades at the windows.

Next Jessie had to have blood work done for an appointment next week. She did really well. It's really funny, though, how she cradles her arm when she's done and won't use it until the band aid is off, which is a traumatic experience for her. Believe me, you do not want to put a band aid on any part of her body because you have to be sneaky and rip it off when she least expects it. Not fun.

We did one-grocery-bag of shopping at Aldi's, then grabbed a McChicken for lunch before we went to Michael's. Then we went to the Dollar Store. When we came out, there were 2 girls in the parking lot trying to stuff their small car with two huge balloon bouquets. Not going to happen. It was just too funny watching them. However, I took pity on their problem and rolled down my window and asked them how far they had to go. Since it was only 2 miles south I told them I'd take the second group of balloons in my van and follow them home. I'm surprised they let me. They were very thankful for the help.

To the post office then home. Both of us were tired. I did sit down for a bit but then I checked my e-mail and had several things that had to be taken care of. Phone calls and a bit of paperwork and dinner had to be made. Jon got home from work, Jess and I sat outside on the swing until it began to get dark, and now we're ready to go upstairs and call it a day.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Feeling Accomplished

I've spent the entire day either on the computer or at the dining room table doing paper work. I was finally able to get into the on-line program that I need to enter daily work for Jessie. That was a huge accomplishment! Then check books needed balancing, which I haven't finished, by the way. Brenda took Jessie to the gym for Gym Class, lunch at McDonald's then Meijer's grocery shopping. Jon had a pretty good day at work. I'm ready for bed. My eyes need to close. Now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday

Yesterday, Tuesday, when I woke up the house was too quiet. Usually Jessie gets up and watches videos or watches Youtube movies. I found her on my bedroom love seat, which is only a chair and a half. It's a good thing she's so short and very flexible. Apparently she got too comfortable playing on her iPad. She's so adorable.

Jon went with me in the morning. I had to get blood work for an appointment next week. We also did a bit of shopping along the Hall Road corridor. I wasn't feeling that great. Monday night I tripped and took a header into a book case. God saved me from falling, but I wrenched my back and have a bruise on my left arm.

Tuesday night Doreen had a jewelry party at my house. They have a small house so I offered to have it here. There were quite a few women who came and she did well with her sales.  It was a fun time.

Today I decided to go to the Rec Center and get in the pool and "hang", which is equivalent to traction. I spent about an hour in the pool, lazy river, hot tub and back to the pool again trying to get my back to feel better from my tripping. When I got home I laid flat for awhile. My back is a bit better, but I sure could use the "hanging" every day!

Rachel took Jessie to the Library and they did "school work" at home. Jon did a bit of running around to different places. We had a nice little monsoon thunderstorm this afternoon. First time it's rained in quite awhile. We needed the rain.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Another Monday

I guess I'm just not catching note-worthy events these days, because life seems to be just moving along. When Jess says or does something funny I need to write it down so I don't forget it by night time when I blog.

I took Jessie and Rachel to the post office, Walgreen's, Kohl's and Meijer's this morning. Jess has lost enough weight that she needs a new swim bottom. If you've shopped recently you know that bathing suits are almost gone and long-sleeved winter outfits are displayed and on the racks to sell. It's over 90 degrees outside. And, people swim all year long. Can't they have a bathing suit selection all year? Thankfully, there was one pair of swim shorts in Jessie's size and it fit perfectly. That was definitely a God thing.

Rachel took Jessie to Wendy's for lunch then Target and the Dollar Store. They read books and baked brownies. Jon had another good day at work. I had the book club here tonight. I really enjoy these girls and our discussions about Heaven.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Quiet Sunday

It was just "you and me" today, according to Jessie, until Chris came and visited in the late afternoon for a couple hours. Jess and I went to Walgreen's and a Children's Shoe Store before lunch then came home to eat. I listened to Pastor Steve's sermon from last Sunday and Jess was busy on her iPad again. When Chris came we visited then watched a movie. Jon had a good day at work.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Once Again A Busy Day

There isn't much about today that will be noteworthy in a month or two, let alone years. Just a plain-ol' work day. I completed another rubbermaid for Lois and mailed it. Brianna came and cut our lawn and trimmed it. I took Jessie and Bri to McDonald's for lunch after the post office. I took a long nap, due to pain medicine I needed last night. Jessie occupied herself all day, which is what she likes to do. Jon worked and had a good day, also. So, there you have it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Breakfast Out AND Swimming

Rachel not only took Jessie to breakfast, but she also took her back to the Rec Center and they were in the pool for almost 2 hours. Fridays are good days because there are no swim classes and Rachel said there was hardly anyone there. I think it would be a good day for me to go, too!

Jon and I did a lot of "running around". For about 6 hours to be exact. One place after the other. We accomplished a great deal. When we got home Jon spent the next several hours in his garden and harvesting more herbs. I took a nap.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

3 Boxes Done

I worked on Lois' rubbermaid boxes and completed 3 of them that I will mail tomorrow. That took all day, as well as washing clothes, doing computer work and making phone calls. I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life where I don't have anything to do.

Having a special needs child (adult) creates a lot of extra work. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to do the new Home Help daily report on the computer, that is now required by Medicaid. Thankfully, at my DHS meeting yesterday, our case worker had a friend send me more information on getting logged in and how to chart. I'll work on that this weekend.

Then, the State of Michigan has been sending out letters regarding a new insurance called MI Health, which I do not want for Jessie. My letters said I didn't have to do anything if I didn't want it. Now I find out I need to respond and opt out. There should be a law about automatically changing insurances without written permission. Another series of phone calls that I have to make.

And, once again, I'm behind in her expense recording. About 23 days behind. Oh, well.

Rachel took Jessie to her Gym class today because Brenda is camping, then they went to lunch. Meijer's was next on the list. Jess has been doing really well with Rachel. Jon worked in his garden and now I have sugar snap peas and beans to blanch and freeze. AHHHH!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Another Swift Moving Day

Rachel took Jessie to the Romeo Library this morning, brought 3 books back then read them. They also baked 2 packages of pumpkin spice cookies for a jewelry party that will be held here next week. Jessie went swinging in her hammock swing and they did some work books.

I went and had my hair done, had lunch with Chris, went to the post office and home. Diane and Randie came for a nice visit and left with dirt, squash and sugar snap peas. I fixed a quick dinner, Rachel came back and I went to Stephen Ministry. That's it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Swimming Day!

Finally! Jessie could hardly wait. Even though Brenda was unable to come today, she did well with Rachel and they both had fun.

Jon worked and I worked around the house doing various things. I also had the house power washed! I got an amazing Groupon deal several weeks ago and they came today. It's been years since the house was washed. I thought never, but thinking back, I think Bill and Larry co-owned a power washer and Bill might have cleaned the siding at some time. I just don't remember.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

On Saturday the kids and I picked up Lois at 8:00 a.m. and drove her to Grand Rapids to stay at her cousin's house for a week while she takes a master's class in ESL at a local university. Before we went to their house for dinner, we went to the John Ball Zoo, which we have been to several times when the kids were small. It is a really nice zoo.

However, this time it didn't go so well. There were 2 cement ramps that you had to go up in order to get in to the zoo.  I figured having Jessie in her transport chair was the best way to go, but as soon as she saw that ramp she freaked out. And I mean big time. Poor kid was terrified. So, I turned her chair around and we sat for an hour and a half watching people come in and go out of the zoo while Jon and Lois enjoyed seeing the animals. Thankfully, it wasn't as hot as was predicted - heat index was supposed to be just over 100, but it didn't even get in the 90's. We had driven through the severe rain storm that brought cooler weather earlier in the trip.

We checked in to our hotel and relaxed for a couple hours before going to dinner at Lois' cousin's house. Unfortunately, our relaxing was not quiet as we had gotten a pool side balcony room and there were numerous, wild boys in the pool that were very loud - all the way past 11:00 p.m.! I'll remember not to get one of those rooms again.

Sunday morning we had breakfast and headed home. We stopped at Menard's in Davison to look around but basically just came home. We were all tired and hot.

Today, Monday, I had an eye exam at 10:30 a.m. and then our every-6-month visit from the DHS at 1:00 p.m. Right now my suitcase isn't even unpacked, but the van got cleaned out and put back together. Rachel took Jessie to the Wolcott Farm to see the animals then came home for lunch. Jon worked quite a bit in his garden this afternoon.

Friday, July 17, 2015

My Very Busy Day

Jessie and Rachel left the house at 9:40 for breakfast, then they went to Meijer's and returned home for the rest of the day. They made banana bread in the afternoon. The first homemade baked goods in this house in many months! Many months!

I left at the same time and went to the post office, bank, Walgreen's, McDonald's for a breakfast sandwich, Stitch Alterations to have a coat fixed, Kids's shoe place next door, Kohl's then Payless Shoes. At noon I met a long-time friend, Diane S. at Longhorn Roadhouse for lunch. It was nice catching up. Her and her husband live in Las Vegas, Nevada, to be close to their 2 sons and their families.

I took her back to where they are staying, then went to Office Depot, FCS's, McDonald's for a pop then Meijer's for gas. Fourteen stops in all. Talk about wanting to take a nap! BUT, I didn't! I was exhausted but not tired, if that makes any sense.

Dinner was just Dino nuggets and french fries, which made Jessie very happy!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

When I Relax I Feel Guilty

Why is that? Does anyone else feel that way? Is it wrong?

We were up early and ready for Brenda when she got here at 9:00 a.m. Doreen and Matt were also here shortly after nine to work in my garden pulling weeds - again. I went outside with them after my breakfast and worked an hour or so.

Brenda took Jessie to Meijer's then Gym Class, lunch then the park - I think. I haven't read the Service Notes yet and I was taking a nap when they came home. A very long nap. It continued after Brenda left for another 2 hours. I felt really guilty when I got up. I should have been doing more work around the house. I wondered why an hour or so outside would wipe me out. Then I talked to Jon and remembered I had taken strong pain medication last night. First time in a long time I've had to take medicine. That probably did it. I still feel guilty, though! I must work! work! work!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Yard Work

I uploaded all my pictures from my phone, so now we have the picture of Jessie at the show. I wish there were more kid and family friendly movies so Jess could go more often.

Diane met Jon and I at Home Depot and we bought more bags of white stones to go around the landscaping she did for the Rose of Sharon trees along our fence. She finished up that job then added more dirt around Jon's garden. I managed to cut the back grass; however, I had Jon take off the bag and dump it for me. I couldn't do that. He finished the side and front grass.

Several years ago Jon spent days digging and cutting through tree roots to build himself an in-ground fire pit. Unfortunately, it had to be removed when he expanded his garden. He saved the bricks, bought a metal insert and made himself another one. It took him less than an hour.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Doreen !!!

Brenda came and took Jessie to Meijer's, swimming, Subway for lunch then walking at the park. She said that Jessie did awesome today and was happy and compliant and really did well in the pool. Well, that ended as soon as Brenda left. Back to her normal yelling self. This time to both Jon and I.

Doreen picked me up and I treated her to a birthday breakfast at The Pantry, which was the first time she's been there. When she dropped me off I went with Jon to Menard's then Wiegand's. Jon spent a lot of time in his garden, hanging up herbs in the shed and then fixing the ones that were dried.

It was supposed to storm all day long, but we've yet seen any rain at all. It's looked like it would rain, but none. I think the lower states got a lot of rain, though.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Another Day At The Movies

Rachel took Jessie to the show again today and saw the Minions movie. There were a lot more people than the last time they were there, so Jess was more agitated. However, she did well and enjoyed the movie and said she wants it for Christmas. Rachel sent me a picture and I sent it to my e-mail but it's floating around in cyberspace right now.

Lois and I went shopping around the area and after she left I went outside to be with Diane, who was doing more yard work for us.

After dinner only Andrea came for Book Club, but we still talked about the book, and many more topics. It was a nice visit.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Catching Up ... Thursday through Sunday

I'm still here, although some mornings I wake up and my muscles are so stiff I feel like rigormortis has set in and no one told me I had died! Seriously!  Anyway, these past 4 days have been a whirlwind of activities and by the time I am ready to sit down and blog, I'm way too tired. So, here's what's been happening ...

I did a lot of paperwork and cleaning in my bedroom on Thursday. After dinner I met Diane and Randie at Painting With A Twist. Diane had received a Gift Certificate for Christmas 2013, and this is the first time we've been able to pick a picture we all liked, or the weather cooperated. It was a very fast 2 hours, we liked our finished project, and then we had Coldstone ice cream to top off the evening! Good thing I only go there about once every couple of years! Sweet stuff.

On Friday Diane, Randie, Rox, Jon and I went to Blake's cider mill for the 13th annual Lavendar Festival. It was a fun time. For lunch we drove in to Armada and ate at Chap's. Everyone was exhausted when we finally got home late in the afternoon.

On Saturday Rachel came and watched Jessie and Debbie and I went to Shannon's (and Jeremy) triplet's 3rd birthday party. As some of you will remember, Shannon was Jessie's aide for a couple years, prior to Bill's passing. She came to work one day, went to the doctor that afternoon and wasn't able to come back to work because she was having twins and she was at risk. Then, they found out it was 3 babies! They are the most well behaved children I've ever seen. Adorable, too.

So, that brings me to Sunday. Jon worked and Jess spent her entire day on the living room floor with her cards and iPad. I did quite a few odds and ends then listened to a sermon and music, as well as took a short nap. Doreen came over and we visited for a couple hours. I called Jon and he met Jess and I at Dimitri's for dinner. I'm sure he's in bed already, and Jess and I are on our way up, too.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Strawberry Picking

I appreciate the fact that when Rachel comes the days she works, she has a plan to do something special with Jessie. Today they went to Blake's strawberry picking. She said that at first Jessie didn't quite know what to do and seemed upset, but as soon as Rachel showed her how to pick the strawberries, she did it and had fun.

Diane came and worked under Jessie's swing set. She cleaned out all the wood chips from years and put a new border down and rubber mulch. It looks awesome. I have pictures to post but for some reason, they haven't arrived in my mail box yet.

I did paperwork then had lunch with Chris, Joyce and Carol, and Carol's 3 grandchildren. It was a nice time to catch up again. Next month will be our last get together as the 4 of us since Carol will be moving to Arizona. She will be missed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Poor Jessie

Today was swimming day with Brenda. A day Jessie looks forward to from Wednesday until the next Tuesday. There is usually one week a month she can't swim, but it usually happens before she gets there. Today they were getting ready to go in the pool and already had Jessie's top on. She went to put her swim shorts on and ... Oh, No! She had started her period. Brenda said she looked so disappointed and big tears rolled down her cheeks! Thankfully, Brenda is very good at comforting her and redirecting her. They got dressed and went and played in the gym. I felt so sorry for her when I found out what happened. She does very well with her periods, but there's no way she understands why it happens - especially on swimming days!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Too Tired

It's been a very busy day for all of us. I spent the entire day shopping with Lois. Jon finished around the water fountain and harvested herbs. Jessie spent the day with Rachel and had a really good day. I had book club tonight and since everyone left, I've been trying to straighten up so we can go up stairs. I've not been successful. So, I'm just going up stairs. The mess will be here in the morning.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Jon Church. Mom Church. Home. Lunch Out!"

That sums up Jessie's Sunday when Jon is home. Jon goes to church first, I go after he comes home, when I get home we go out to lunch! Today we met Chris and Eric at Chili's. Jessie and I usually split a chicken strip lunch but today I changed it to sharing a chicken quesadilla. She gobbled that one down. A good choice.

The 3 of us drove to Menard's after lunch and we bought more supplies that are needed for the backyard. Unloaded it in to the garage and Jon went to Home Depot for the rest. Jess and I stayed home. Not much else for today.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

And The Fireworks Have Begun

My heart goes out to our soldiers who have PTSD due to the bombs, etc. I hope they've got a headset on with music so they don't have to hear what does sound like a war zone. They've been going off for a half hour and I don't expect them to discontinue until midnight. I've got the bedroom air conditioner on so Jessie won't be too scared of all the noise. She seems to be doing ok at the moment. They are very close.

Jess and I spent a "quiet" day at home. Jon had to work, although this is his normal 3-day weekend off. I spent most of the day outside on the deck, although I did do 4 loads of wash and vacuumed. I said "quiet" earlier because for some reason Jessie's back to yelling at me a lot. Especially saying "Mom" many times even though I answer her. That is so annoying:

"Mom"   "Yes, Jessie"
"Mom"   "What"
"Mom"   "I'm listening"
"Mom"   "Yeesss"
"Mom"   I don't answer
"Mom"   I don't answer
"Mom"   I don't answer
"MOM"   "What do you want, Jessie?"

I'm really not kidding. This goes on all day long. Very annoying. And, if I lose it and raise my voice, it becomes worse!  AHHHHHHH!

Friday, July 3, 2015

I Missed the Memo

Lois and I went shopping for 7 hours today down on Hall Road. Not a good place to be on a normal day, let alone the day before a holiday. Or so I thought. Hall Road had very light traffic, as did most of the stores we went in to. That was a total surprise. Even Meijer's, our last stop of the day to do grocery shopping, wasn't busy! I was not about to cook dinner tonight so Jess and I went to Wendy's. That's when I figured I missed the memo to leave town. There were hardly any cars on the road! Very eerie. I guess most people are where they are going to spend tomorrow!

Rachel took Jessie to the farm at Wolcott Mill. Jessie told me at dinner that she saw cows (that poop big), pigs, ducks and sheep. She also said a word I didn't get so she raised her head up and down, stuck her tongue out and whinnied like a horse. Then I got it.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Outdoor Adventure Day and Day 4 of Patio Pavers and Phase 2

Jessie (and Brenda) and I went to Outdoor Adventure as Brenda's guest for the day after the 2 of them met with Kelly for breakfast. It was a beautiful day and Jessie enjoyed the lake the best. Unfortunately, she wasn't her best. She hollered, screamed, burped, you name it, she did it. It was a very bad emotional day for her. Whether or not it was because I was along, or that it was something new, I'm not sure of the reason. It just wasn't fun. She continued the behavior well into the evening. 

Diane was here early today to try and finish the patio pavers. As you can see, she did! I thought she'd go home and relax, but when I got home, Phase 2 was well under way (around the water fountain). When she left after dinner tonight, it's almost finished. We just need more stones to finish. 

Way to go, Diane !!!!

Good job, Jon! Thanks for helping Di.

Congratulations, Me, on a great idea!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Extra Post ... Patio Paver Progress

Day 1   Left pictures
Day 2   Middle pictures
Day 3   Bottom right pictures

Perfect Leveling Job!

A Happy Jessie

Jessie has been unusually happy lately. I don't know why the change, but Jon said not to figure it out - just enjoy it. I guess I will. Rachel took Jessie to the Nature Center and had a McDonald's picnic by the beach at Stoney Creek. She was happy when she got home, too, even though Rachel said there was a screaming bad child at Meijer's when they went in to buy milk.

Diane came for Day 3 of our patio paver project. It's coming along very nicely. Di is one tired woman, though, that's for sure! Jon helped her today plus weeded his garden. He's one tired man, too!
Me, I just watched and did payroll.  At one point I tried to help and was told to leave. Hum!