Monday, September 13, 2010

About Bill

One of the reasons I created this blog was to keep everyone up-to-date on Bill's progress.  As many of you know, Bill had a DVT in June, a CT scan on July 7 and a liver biopsy on July 27.  On July 30, we were told that he has Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer.  That was a very difficult day in our lives.  Hearts were torn apart and tears flowed freely. Surely this can't be happening to us! 

What do you do with news like that?  Well, there were several days of crying, praying, crying, praying, and wondering what do we do now?  After the first few days, we made a conscious effort to take just one day at a time.  When we start to think of what COULD happen in the future, that's where we run into trouble.  Definitely.  So, we try to train our minds to rebuke those thots and Praise God for TODAY. 

Bill's had 4 chemo treatments so far.  They are on Friday's so he can relax on the weekend and be able to go to work on Monday.  Work?  Yes!  He is still working.  I'm not sure how he does it, but he is very busy completing a couple decks.  His chemo side effects have been minimal.

Right now, he's got cellulitis at the site of his last IV which was last week when he was in the hospital from Sunday - Wednesday (9-5 to 9-8).  We ask that you pray that the oral antibiotic will heal it and further intervention won't be necessary. 

1 comment:

  1. We have been lifting you all up in prayer. Remember the offer is still on the table, if you ever need me to cook a dinner for you all just let me know.
