Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chicken Soup

I want to tell you about something that happend in my life over 12 years ago.  At the time, my boss was a very spirit-filled woman (still is) who spent each day serving the elementary children and parents where we worked.  God ministered to her in a very special way, especially on days that were very difficult.  Inevitably on those challenging days (that no one knew about but her and maybe me) someone would walk in the door and bring her some form of nourishment - mostly soup!  Many days were challenging for me, too, but did I ever get soup?  NO!  We talked about this and she said that God reminded her that He was taking care of her as she was ministering to those He brought to her.  She happened to like homemade nourishment and He knew what made her feel special and gave her a tangible reminder that He was there with her.

As you know from yesterday's post, yesterday ranked high on my list of a very bad day.  Nothing topped yesterday's news except for the time we were first told that Bill had cancer.  I held together for a couple hours and thought I was doing pretty good until we stopped at Sam's Club and had a panic attack and couldn't stop crying for over a half hour.  That was embarassing. 

Anyway, by the time I got home I was numb and wondered what I could make for dinner.  I began making french toast when the door bell rang.  There stood a teacher friend of mine from the days mentioned above with a bag of something.  She said she wondered who could use some CHICKEN SOUP and thought of me.  Immediately, my mind went back to the days of God giving my boss soup when days were bad.  I was awestruck by this very tangible sign from God, to me, that He is and always will be with me - good days and bad.  Thank you, God, for chicken soup!   

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