Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Busy Day

Days that go from one thing to the other are so tiring. We began our day with a meeting with Jessie's case worker from 10:00 - 11:15.  After Vicki talked to Jessie for a few minutes, Rachel took Jessie to the pool - FINALLY.  It's been 3 weeks since she was able to swim because of the weather!

When Vicki left I had to go to the bank for Jessie and Lois, Walgreen's for Jessie, I had lunch with a friend then met Rachel and Jessie at the kids shoe store near us. My darling daughter has a 2 1/2 size foot, but because it's wide, she wears a 3 or 3 1/2. You can't find an adult pair of shoes in that size, so we have to get hers at a children's shoe store. There was only 1 pair in her size in a dress shoe. Perfect!

Of course, since we were right next to Menchie's and Jessie knew it, she made a bee-line right to the store. So, Jess and I had a small cup of ice cream before they went home and I went to the post office.
We were home for about a half hour when I took both girls up to the alterations store to have her new pair of pants shortened for the "prom".  Finally. We arrived home - to stay - at 4:00 p.m.

I took a short 45 minute nap before I made dinner, and now I'm doing paperwork. Jon worked, had his hair cut, went to Walmart for a new watch then home. Please pray for him, as you think of him. He's having a very bad arthritis flare up, most likely due to the weather. He's in a lot of pain in all his joints. Thank you.

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