Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"I've Never Seen A Foot Like This"

I had a foot doctor's appointment early this morning due to extreme pain in my right heel for over a month.  What with everything going on, I haven't had time to check it out.  I did today, and wish I could just stick my head in the ground - or maybe my foot!

This new doctor seemed a bit cool at first.  He asked alot of questions, then went in to review the xrays.  He returned to the room with a big smile on his face and said, "Do you want to see your xrays?"  "Do I have to?" I replied.  He kept smiling.  I followed him to another room.

"In all of my 17 years of practice, I've NEVER seen a foot like this one."  (I was supposed to be happy about that?)  I have 3 bone spurs under my heel and one on the heel.  It is very arthritic, I have no arch and blah, blah, blah.  I finally asked if there was anything good about my foot.  "Well", he said after a long pause, "This little spot right here looks pretty good."  (OK, I hear you-all laughing.  Not funny!)

His recommendation was to wear a removable cast up to my knee whenever possible, buy a New Balance pair of shoes and go to physical therapy twice a week.  I wore the cast for several hours this afternoon and it alters my back and hips and using the stairs is out.  I don't have time for PT.  I'll go see what I can find in a NB shoe.  I have worn Birkenstock shoes for 11 years and NEVER an enclosed pair of shoes.  Always clogs or sandels.  I've never had problems with my feet in 11 years.    This will be a challenge for me. 

When I was ready to leave, I told him I was glad to be able to add to his career experience in that my foot was so unusual.  He said that he was going to take a picture on his cell phone of the xray before he went home.  "Just don't post it on the internet!", I said.  He laughed and assured me he wouldn't.  Like anyone would recognize MY foot!


1 comment:

  1. Kohl's has New Balance shoes and I have loved them! You will be ok with the enclosed feeling on your feet! You MUST take care of yourself, too, my dear! Hmmm...sure sounds like you have said something similar to me in the past!

    Love you!
