Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Post #2 ... Merry Christmas

Jon treated me to breakfast this morning, and as we were walking into the restaurant, "SC" was walking out.  He said good morning to me, and I said "Merry Christmas" to him, which cracked him up for some reason.  He hung around outside talking to his friends (he has quite the following you know) and after we were finished eating, I asked SC if I could take a picture of him for my daughter.  

Some of you may know that "SC" not only stands for Santa Claus, but Scott Calvin (from Tim Allen's Santa movies).  Jessie LOVES Santa Claus, and she knows that his other name is Scott Calvin.  When I got home I told her that I saw Scott Calvin at breakfast.  I wish you could have seen the look on her face.  She just stared at me.  I showed her this picture and one of her hands went up to her cheek and her mouth was in the "OHHH" position.  A Hallmark moment, for sure.

This SC was very impressive.  I hesitated in posting his picture, but he gave me a card with his web site, so here's some free advertising for him:  

Who would have thought that my day would have started out with an encounter with Santa!  Merry Christmas, everyone!  Oh, by the way, he gave me a card that said that I was on his "nice" list !!!!!!!

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