Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Busy 2 Days

Wednesday, August 19

I had Bible Study in the morning but had to leave early to go to see my hip doctor who ordered the 2 MRI's I had. Jon had the day off so I picked him up and he went with me. However, they still aren't allowing anyone else in the room but the patient. Jon had the idea of putting him on speaker phone so he could hear what the doctor had to say. That helped me out a lot as I don't always remember things important. Or unimportant for that matter!

I already had the text results and in my opinion, nothing looked good. I was right. In some places the spinal stenosis that was minor to modereate went from moderate to severe. My pelvic bone is bone on bone where it meets the spine. I have numerous bulges and bone spurs. It was recommended that I get the shots in my back again, as well as see the surgeon. That was depressing to me. I do NOT want back surgery. However, I do want to walk unaided. I'd like to ditch the cane because it hampers me, as well as I keep losing it! Whine, whine, whine! Ok, I'm done. My surgeon appointment is October 2.

When Jon and I got home we put up the Tent Veil that I bought especially for Jessie. It fits on a hatch back van and gives you an enclosed 6' x 6 1/2' tent. It also comes with a rain shield. The obvious idea is that you could sleep in your van with the tent extending your area. My idea is so that when we go on picnics, Jessie will get out of the van and sit in the tent. She currently refuses to get out of the van. She prefers enclosed areas. I hope this works.

Thursday, August 20

After Jessie's speech class this morning we went to "Aunt" Chris' house for lunch. Jessie played on her old iPad and Apples 2 Apples cards all afternoon and Chris and I visited and she showed me how to make sweater pumpkins. It was a fun day.

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