Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jessie's WONDERFUL Day

As you know, a couple weeks ago we went on vacation. The times we ate in a restaurant or went shopping with Jessie was the first time she had shopped since the beginning of March when we were under Stay-At-Home orders. On Fridays Jessie used to go out to breakfast with Rachel, then Target, Starbucks (in Target) and Petco. Last week was the first time she had gone to a restaurant for breakfast. Today, Jane and I took Jessie to Target. Oh, my goodness! She was beyond excited. Prior to getting there she named off all the things she wanted to buy. I let her have a shopping spree because she had gift cards from her birthday to spend. She had a fantastic time. Talk, talk, talk. She wouldn't shut up! 

She was a bit adamant about some things she wanted.
I had to reign her in several times.

This is everything she bought.

She also bought a pair of new shoes! PINK is definitely her favorite color.

I didn't realize how being shut up at home affected Jessie. She seemed to take it all in stride. But from how she acted today, it definitely bothered her. I feel bad that I didn't pick up on how she felt.

Art classes are still not meeting this fall/winter. Jennifer has an idea to "teach" a craft to both Brent and Jessie on Wednesday's then have lunch together. She always has done crafts at home, but including Brent will be a bonus for her. And Brent, too. He misses going out bowling, Art class, and for him, Gym class. 

Just yesterday I had a call from a mom I met years ago at a Down Syndrome book club I attended. Her daughter is 22 years old and since she's been at home, she's become depressed and moody. The mom was looking for some suggestions what to do with her. We'd get together, but they live in St. Clair county.

This pandemic shut down has been difficult for adults and children. However, I think the special needs population suffers the most, as they are used to being active with their Group Homes or Workshops, etc. And, they don't always understand why things are as they are today.

"You make me glad by Your deeds, Lord;
I sing for joy at what your hands have done."
Psalm 92:4

JOY is the simplest form of GRATITUDE.
Kari Barth

Jessie was definitely JOY filled today!
Thank you, Jesus!

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