Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Jessie had a GREAT day. She did a lot of laughing and seemed very happy. Since today was our 3rd day in a row home (ahhhh!) we went to Michael's to look around, Walgreen's to pick up a prescription and McDonald's for a pop and ice cream cone. Diane and Randie came by after they shopped at Wiegand's. I did several loads of wash, paperwork and Jessie put on all the address labels for "Aunt" Lois' prayer letter. She LOVES doing this project and she does a great job. Jon worked and looked like something the cat dragged in, so to speak, when he got home. Three 12's are just plain hard.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy - I haven't been on line and just see where Jesse has stones and issues. Please know that I have put her on the prayer list at church - she is always on mine. Thinking of all of you with love. Becky
