Tuesday, August 2, 2016


The 3 amigas. Rox, me and Doreen. Rox had the two of us over for lunch this afternoon. We had a chicken salad and fresh fruit. Very, very nice. We sat on her new patio and enjoyed each other's company.

I took Jessie to the doctor's late this afternoon because she complains each day about the pain in her upper right side. They took a urine sample (it was OK), blood work and tomorrow she's going to have an ultrasound. Unfortunately, we have to go to Lake Orion to have it done. Thursday she has a follow-up with our primary doctor.

We ate a quick dinner at Hardee's (yuckh!) then at 7:00 pm I had our SM Supervision Group at the house. They left around 8:30 p.m. Since no one had a Care Receiver, we shared about what God has done in our lives lately and I also played the song, "Dear Younger Me", by MercyMe. We each wrote a paragraph congratulating ourselves on something that we were proud of that we had done as a younger me. (Verses concentrating on the negative.) Listen to the song if you get a chance. I really like it. It makes you think.


  1. From the hot Smokey big sky country I want to tell you that YOU LOOK FABULOUS!

  2. my thoughts also. And when my daughter in law had her gallbladder out she also had that same pain - turns out it was gas until she learned what she could and could not eat

    1. I'm beginning to wonder about gas, too, as Jessie continues to do a lot of burping!

    2. I'm beginning to wonder about gas, too, as Jessie continues to do a lot of burping!
