Monday, August 15, 2016

Jessie's Day

Angie came to be with Jessie today. They did a mosaic picture and went outside to swing. Jessie always used her hammock swing, but lately she's been favoring her regular swing. I'm not sure why, but that's what she's been using.

After lunch they went to Wolcott Mill Farm and walked around the entire area twice.

Angie stayed later while I took Jon to his rheumatologist appointment. He'll be starting on a new drug to see if it helps his joint pain and all around "not good" feeling. I pray that it will help. Would you please join me in praying for that, too? And that blood work will reveal what might be wrong with him?

The 3 of us went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. There wasn't anyone in the place when we got there and by the time we left, there were just a few adults - no children. While I was paying for the bills, Jon took Jessie to the van. When I got out there, Jessie was in the midst of a horrible breakdown of some kind. It almost looked like and she acted like someone had given her something. She was screaming, pulling her hair, burping, blowing her nose without a kleenex. It scared me. Neither Jon nor I know what set her off. She kept saying "Bad Mom!", too, and I know I didn't do anything. All we could do was try to quiet her down and get home. She continued yelling and burping. I was beside myself. As we got near our home she got quiet and then said, "OK, God. OK, Daddy!" silence, then "OK, God." It was like she heard God and Daddy talk to her and she answered them. She went in the house, Jon sat with her for a few minutes on the couch then she sat down on the floor with her iPad and has been OK since then. I really don't quite know what happened tonight.

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