Saturday, October 29, 2011

Today's Lesson

As you know, I have been very frustrated lately because my days just don't turn out like I plan them.  Something always happens that messes up my neatly planned day.  Like I have control over it or something. 

Ultimately, if I believe the Bible, it states that our steps are ordered by the Lord.  So, I can plan all I want but He has the final schedule.   I have been asking the Holy Spirit to show me what I need to do about this.  While glancing at a magazine this morning I read a line that has stuck with me all day O(good thing!).  This writer was talking about his Aunt and the way she looked at each day.  She said that (each day) "is a gift you take for what it is, not for what you wish it was." 

My problem is that I have been fighting the things that happen because they mess up my orderly schedule.  I need to thank God for each day, no matter what happens.

OK - so now I need to tell you about my day.  It began with doing about 15 minutes of paperwork before Jon suggested we go out to breakfast.  The 2 of us left and after eating we went to Kohl's and Michael's and bought some Christmas presents with the coupons I had.  While we were having breakfast I started with a terrible headache and it got worse instead of better.  When we got home I put in a load of wash and heated up a few rice packs for my eyes and neck and sat in my chair for an hour.  Felt better when I got up and began some paperwork before I remembered I needed to go down to the basement and switch over the wash.  While I was down there the phone rang and my friend, Laura, called and asked me to pick her up from the hospital.  She had major surgery on Wednesday and needed a ride home. Jon went with me and not only did we bring her home but we had to go to Meijer's and get a prescription for her.

By the time we got home it was time to switch over the wash again and begin dinner.  While we were gone today Bill went through his closet and removed clothes that don't fit.  They were piled neatly on the bed, but I had to take care of them after we ate.  Just as I got started Chris called (Laura's cousin) and said that she couldn't get Laura to answer her door or phone.  Jon and I took off and went over there, too.  Making my long story short, we ended up calling 911 and taking her back to the hospital.  Chris is with her now.

By the time we got home it was after 9:00 p.m., Jessie was asleep on the couch, the bed was piled high with clothes, as well as washer and dryer were filled.  Paperwork?  It's still there.  So much for my nicely planned day to stay home and do nothing but paperwork. 

Frustrated?  No, not anymore.  I'm thanking God for today instead.  It wasn't what I had planned, but it was what He allowed to happen and I even had a part in helping a friend.  That's what was most important.  

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