Monday, July 20, 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

On Saturday the kids and I picked up Lois at 8:00 a.m. and drove her to Grand Rapids to stay at her cousin's house for a week while she takes a master's class in ESL at a local university. Before we went to their house for dinner, we went to the John Ball Zoo, which we have been to several times when the kids were small. It is a really nice zoo.

However, this time it didn't go so well. There were 2 cement ramps that you had to go up in order to get in to the zoo.  I figured having Jessie in her transport chair was the best way to go, but as soon as she saw that ramp she freaked out. And I mean big time. Poor kid was terrified. So, I turned her chair around and we sat for an hour and a half watching people come in and go out of the zoo while Jon and Lois enjoyed seeing the animals. Thankfully, it wasn't as hot as was predicted - heat index was supposed to be just over 100, but it didn't even get in the 90's. We had driven through the severe rain storm that brought cooler weather earlier in the trip.

We checked in to our hotel and relaxed for a couple hours before going to dinner at Lois' cousin's house. Unfortunately, our relaxing was not quiet as we had gotten a pool side balcony room and there were numerous, wild boys in the pool that were very loud - all the way past 11:00 p.m.! I'll remember not to get one of those rooms again.

Sunday morning we had breakfast and headed home. We stopped at Menard's in Davison to look around but basically just came home. We were all tired and hot.

Today, Monday, I had an eye exam at 10:30 a.m. and then our every-6-month visit from the DHS at 1:00 p.m. Right now my suitcase isn't even unpacked, but the van got cleaned out and put back together. Rachel took Jessie to the Wolcott Farm to see the animals then came home for lunch. Jon worked quite a bit in his garden this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. sorry the ramp kept you from the zoo. however, one of my favorite things to do is to people watch - hope you all have a great day. We are waiting for our "cold front" coming on Saturday when the temp is going down to 84. Becky
