Friday, July 31, 2015

Just A "You And Me Day"

 I went to Jessie's room to see what she was doing before we got dressed, and she had ALL her socks out of the dresser drawer and on the floor. Then she had separated her Halloween socks and put them in my basket that goes down stairs. They are still in there because I don't know what she wants to do with them. Sometimes she doesn't make sense to me, but I'm sure it makes sense to her!

We began our day out at the dentist for Jess at 9:30 a.m. She was in and out in less than 10 minutes. She has the dentist well trained. He works fast and when she's done, he's done. Thankfully, she has no cavities or gum problems. Thank you, Jesus!

Next we went to breakfast at the Country Inn. We eat there twice a year - each time Jessie has her teeth cleaned. Then we went to Vertical Vic's to pick up my blinds that were being repaired. I'm glad that my house doesn't look like a hillbilly house anymore with paper shades at the windows.

Next Jessie had to have blood work done for an appointment next week. She did really well. It's really funny, though, how she cradles her arm when she's done and won't use it until the band aid is off, which is a traumatic experience for her. Believe me, you do not want to put a band aid on any part of her body because you have to be sneaky and rip it off when she least expects it. Not fun.

We did one-grocery-bag of shopping at Aldi's, then grabbed a McChicken for lunch before we went to Michael's. Then we went to the Dollar Store. When we came out, there were 2 girls in the parking lot trying to stuff their small car with two huge balloon bouquets. Not going to happen. It was just too funny watching them. However, I took pity on their problem and rolled down my window and asked them how far they had to go. Since it was only 2 miles south I told them I'd take the second group of balloons in my van and follow them home. I'm surprised they let me. They were very thankful for the help.

To the post office then home. Both of us were tired. I did sit down for a bit but then I checked my e-mail and had several things that had to be taken care of. Phone calls and a bit of paperwork and dinner had to be made. Jon got home from work, Jess and I sat outside on the swing until it began to get dark, and now we're ready to go upstairs and call it a day.

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