Thursday, June 16, 2016

An Unsuccessful Morning

Wouldn't it be nice if doctors REALLY listened to patients or patient families? We told the endo dr. that a surgery center would not work for Jessie, and it didn't. They did not have liquid versade and only 2 nurses plus Jon and I to try to get her to give them her hand in order to get the IV in. They didn't try very long before the CNA came and said that they would have more success in the hospital. DUH! Right. Already said that.

We had them stop, got her dressed and waited for the doctor to arrive. When the doctor came in he was adament that their surgery center was very good. Yes, we agreed. However, not for Jessie !!!!! After saying what he did several times, and the look on Jon's face, and my further arguments, he finally began to back peddle and admitted that "it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it there!" Seriously? This doctor is not the one we usually see in the practice, and won't ever again. End result is that we will visit a surgeon and suggest that the surgeon take a look to see if there are any stones in the ducts at the same time he removes the gall bladder. If there is, it would require a second surgery but the next day and she'd already have the IV in. Please continue to pray that there are no stones in the duct.

We went out to breakfast, visited Wiegand's and Diegel Greenhouses then came home. I crashed on the couch and Jessie headed for her iPad and the floor. She recovered very quickly. Me not so much. It was a perfect day to rest since it rained almost the entire day.

1 comment:

  1. the sad thing is that it puts Jesse through so much trama because they can't listen. Blessings to all of you
