Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Flamboyant Tuesday and Silly Wednesday

Last night, Tuesday, when I went to blog, I couldn't get my monitor to turn on. It does this occasionally. Instead of trying to get it to work, I just shut the entire computer down and went upstairs.

I had my hair done in the morning. The last time I had a complete "do", I added red and violet low lights to my highlights. I liked it but few noticed the change. I told my hairdresser to do the same thing because I liked it, and the color lasted 3 months instead of 2. When I left she showed me the back in the mirror and it looked about the same.

I had a Stephen Ministry Leader's meeting right after and 3 of my co-leaders exclaimed over my hair right away. One said, "What made you do it?" I just told them that it was the same thing as I had done the last time, and no one noticed. I thought they were all acting weird. UNTIL I got home and looked in the mirror! I am now more of a RED HEAD than anything else. Jon called it "flamboyant", as he walked away laughing. Oh, well. It'll grow out. Eventually. In 3 months.

It was dark in the bedroom when we got up this morning, Wednesday, and I wanted to go right back to bed. It was supposed to rain and we really need it. I think it rained for about 5 minutes the entire day. Rachel took Jessie to Art and left at noon. Jennifer came at noon and took Jessie to the Library. I went to Kroger's and the post office. Jon worked today so he can have tomorrow off.

Tomorrow morning Jessie is having an endoscopic ultrasound which she does NOT want. It involves an IV and sedation. Tonight I tried being silly about the procedure telling her she has ducts (she thinks ducks!) inside and they are going to make sure the ducts don't have stones. I had her laughing and I hope it makes some difference. It's going to be rough in the morning, unless God intervenes and we have a miracle where she doesn't yell, scream, kick, fight and spit at all of us trying to get an IV in. Then to get her on a gerney. That'll take about 6 of us. We will see. Your prayers are appreciated.

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