Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hair Spray

I really don't want to type this, but Bill says I should.  So, here goes.  Yesterday I went to Walmart and stocked up on a few items I can only get there for a very reasonable price.  One is Ultra Brite toothpaste and the other is White Rain hairspray.  Both are $1.00.  I bought 4 boxes of Ultra Brite because the 4 of us use it.  I also bought 4 bottles of hairspray because Bill and I use alot of it to keep what little hair we have in place. 

When I got home I was showing Bill all that I bought and when I got to the hairspray I turned to tell him and realized that he no longer has hair!  I felt like such an idiot.  I now have enough hairspray to last me for about 2 years.  Bill thinks this is VERY funny.  Not me.

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