Friday, September 13, 2013

Another Good One From Jess

I went today to the doctor's office to have my knee drained and a shot of cortisone put in it.  Because I'm such a wimp, I had Debbie and Jessie go with me so Debbie could hold my hand.  (It's really painful and when the cortisone goes in, it feels like they are blowing up my knee!).  Anyway, as we walked in the room Jessie spied the ultra sound machine that they would use to guide the needle to the proper site, which was on, and said "Baby!"  Debbie's mouth dropped and she said, "She knows what that is?"  Laughing hard I said that Jess used to watch the baby channel and watch babies being born all the time.  Then I told Jessie that, "No, it's for my knee."  She looked at me, made a sign with her fingers and said, "Small baby?"  Still laughing very hard I said that if there was a baby in my knee, that I would be on the 6:00 news!  Way too funny.  Oh, by the way, for some reason, I didn't feel the cortisone go in at all!  PTL !!!!!!  Must have been the extra endorphin from laughing so hard! 

I am taking a break from blogging.  At least a week. Maybe two.  I need to re-evaluate the reason for continuing.  It began in 2010 as a means of daily communicating on Bill's progress with his cancer.  The secondary reason is to let people know what a full and great life someone with Down Syndrome can have.  Jessie is a blessing to us all and I want to let everyone know that her life is worth living and being a part of this family. I'll see.  Every three months I have that time period put into hard-bound books, so it is sort of like a diary.  I know that when Bill was alive he really enjoyed reading them.  I won't let Jess touch them.  I guess they will eventually be for Jon.  We'll see.

So, until a week or two, God Bless. 


  1. Enjoy your break but know there are those of us out here in cyberspace who look forward to your daily visit with us

  2. Nancy, I hope you enjoy your break. I will miss you. I started following your blog when someone asked me to pray for Bill and your family. My husband died of colon cancer 6/3/2000 at the age of 53. I still work full time. I do not know anyone who has a child with Down Syndrome so it has been educational for me. I hope you will be back. Blessings to you and to those you love. Becky

  3. Well, today marks 2 weeks ~ I hope you are coming back. Miss you & Jess & Jon
