Monday, September 30, 2013

My Birthday Week

I can't believe that a year has already gone by since I planned and had my 60th birthday party!  That was such fun last year.  Tomorrow is my 61st birthday.  As I type this number and look at it, I have a hard time accepting the fact that I am this age.  Other than the fact that my body is wasting away day after day, and it definitely feels 61, I don't act any older than I did 10 years ago, or 20 for that matter. 

Lois took me out to breakfast for my birthday this morning.  We had a nice leisurely visit before I had to go to PT for my shoulder.  When I arrived home, Debbie and Jessie were on the swing outside and I joined them for the next 45 minutes.  I should have been doing paperwork, but I enjoyed the beautiful day instead.  When Debbie left, Jess and I went to McDonald's for our drive-thru lunch and ate at the park in the van.  We pulled in the driveway at home the same time as her speech teacher, Cheryl, came for her first fall session.  Jessie loves Cheryl and she is doing so much better with her words.  Cheryl saw a big difference. 

Lois came for dinner and even though it was warm outside, I made an oven dinner.  I've finally gotten into the swing of making nicer meals again.  Just as we were getting ready to eat (outside on the deck!) the door bell rang - I got a big hug from Doreen and Matt and a quiet "Hi" from Shiloh.  They left NJ at 6:00 a.m. and God gave them a good trip here.  Ed will be our church's Children's Pastor beginning tomorrow.  They've been gone for 7 years (they had previously been here for 5 years as Youth Pastor) and I am very glad they are back.  Doreen makes for a very nice birthday gift for me!


  1. Nancy, Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. I hope you have many more. I turned 61 in July. I'm glad you spent time enjoying the sunshine and Jess as it will soon be turning cold and you will have to be inside. Have a great day today. Becky

    1. I really appreciate your comments, Becky. I look forward to them. I'm glad you enjoy reading about the events in the Sutton household. I enjoy writing them, too. Have a good week.
