Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wrapping Up "Girlfriends With A Cause"

The ladies who were part of the "committee" for the Girlfriends With A Cause day that we did last month met for lunch today to review what we did right and where we could improve.  They are excited and want to do one every year, and have a new cause each time.  To date our fund raiser for the Teacher Training Scholarship Fund In Haiti raised over $2,500.00.  This total doesn't even reflect what the vendors sent in.  We'll know that amount next month.  We raised enough to have 50 scholarships!  Guess how many are on the waiting list?  50 !!!  Praise God. 

Rachel took Jessie to lunch at Ocean Breeze today and Rachel texted me while we were eating that when she asked for the bill, she was told that someone paid for their meal.  Wow, that was nice.

Jon had breakfast out then went to a couple of stores.  After my lunch meeting he went with me down to Lakeside to buy a new water filter for the refrigerator at Sears, bookends for the SM Resource Cart, and a book for me at FCS.  I also bought a couple of other things at FCS and when I got back to the van I realized the reason I wanted to go there was that I had a $25.00 gift certificate to spend.  I totally forgot it.  I sure wish I didn't feel like I left half my brain at home most of the time.

We had a nice chicken dinner tonight and ate on the deck.  It was a beautiful day and it was nice to eat out there again. 

1 comment:

  1. God is still in control - raised enough for 50 and had 50 applicants. Isn't that just perfect. Your leaving your gift card at home is something I would do. Happy day!
