Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Trip To Mackinaw Island

My long-awaited mini-vacation/retreat to Mackinaw Island began on Wednesday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m.  We used my van and there were 5 of us in it.  Three others went in Mary's car. We met at a Cracker Barrel for lunch and we made it to Mackinaw City about 5:00 pm. Shannon made the arrangements and we stayed in a 2-bedroom suite at the Hamilton Inn. The kids and I stayed there last year. We went to a couple stores and did some shopping, had a nice dinner, came back and talked, then all of us turned in by 10:30 p.m.  Early for me.

Thursday morning we ate breakfast, packed and took the first boat over to the island.  It was a special treat because the boat took a side trip under the bridge and the girls had never done that before.  Marilyn and I were the only ones who braved the winds and went up top.

We arrived at the island at 10:00 and shopped until 11:30 when we stopped for pizza.  Three of the heartiest of us walked to the Grand but the rest took a carriage ride.  I enjoyed the carriage ride.

Friends from Joyful Journey, Kathy R., Diana and Sally, attended the Tuesday/Wednesday conference, spent an extra night and waited until I got there to greet me.  That was very special.

From the moment we stepped out of the horse-drawn carriage, we were treated like royalty.  I guess that is what puts the Grand Hotel way above other places to stay.  I've been to Mackinaw Island numerous times but have NEVER stayed at the Grand.  I've only spent 2 other nights on the Island and it was in 2008 with Bill celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary.

As you can see from the picture of flags and trees, the colors going up north and on the Island were spectacular.  Lots of reds, oranges and yellow leaves.  Set next to dark green trees was gorgeous.

I sure hope the placement of these pictures comes out right when my blog is published on the web and, especially when I get it printed.

Dinner was unbelievable.  I've never had a 5-course meal before.  I loved the dishes.  Later that evening I went downstairs to see if I could buy at least one place setting.  NOT.  One dinner plate was $38.00. My picture will have to do.

After our dinner we were treated to a concert by SELAH.  I thoroughly enjoyed their concert and wished it could have lasted longer.  They are definitely an annointed group.  

Friday morning was early.  We had to have our luggage outside our door by 8:00 a,.m. for it to be taken back to the mainland.

Our breakfast was ordered off a menu like dinner the night before. However, lunch was just served. I expected a light sandwich or something, but we had another course-meal.  There was also the parade of food!  That was cool.  As you can see from this picture, one of the waiters brought his tray in on his head!

The Grand Hotel closes for the winter in a week or so and I know that all the workers are looking forward to going back to their countries.  Many are from Jamaica.  They leave their families for 6 months then go home for 6 months.  I can't imagine how hard that must be for them and their families.

Right after lunch we caught a taxi and made the 2:00 pm boat back.  We stopped at 3 stores in Mackinaw City, drove to West Branch and shopped at the outlet stores then had dinner at the Lumber Jack Restaurant.  I arrived in my driveway at 10:00 p.m.  A very long day.

I am so blessed that I was able to go with my friends this year.  They have been going for 8 years and this is the first time I've been able to go with them.  I sure hope I can make this an annual event. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me earlier this week when I wasn't feeling well. I did not get sick. Thank you, Jesus, for a wonderful retreat, and Thanks to Jon who took care of Jessie so I could go.  I am richly blessed.

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