Friday, August 7, 2015

What A Day !!!

We 3 did A LOT today! We began with breakfast at Benny's, grocery shopping at Vince and Joe's, then our daily trip to the post office before coming home. Jess headed for the floor and her iPad, Jon headed to his garden and I headed to the laundry room to do several loads of wash.

Jon worked for several hours in the garden harvesting beans, sugar snap peas and cucumbers. He pulled finished plants then planted some more cold weather seeds: shelling peas, sugar snap peas and spinach. Thanks to our friend, Matt, the lawn got cut! Good job, Matt! It looks great!

Jessie and I went to McDonald's for a light lunch then went to Meijer's grocery shopping. It was a mad house! I've only seen the store look like this if there was bad weather predicted or a holiday. Not usually a Friday shopper, I asked a cashier if this was a normal shopping atmosphere for Friday. She said, "NO! This is EXTREME!"  Poor Jess. Poor me! There were so many screaming and yelling kids, too, that I was about ready for a panic attack myself.

Do you want to know what one of my pet peeves is? I can't stand the way children stare at Jessie. And stare, and stare. And when an adult does it, I want to become physical and wack them over the head! It irritates me so much. It's not like she has an extra head or no head!

When Jess and I got home Jon helped unload the groceries and Jessie emptied all the grocery bags. Immediately after the food was put away, Jon and I began our first day of canning for this season. We did 7 quarts of green beans. Thankfully, I had purchased a roasted chicken for our dinner. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had anything to eat. I was exhausted. I still am. Jon, too. But, a lot was accomplished this Friday and it was a good day - other than those beady eyes staring at Jessie! (I know - get over it!)


  1. Nancy - I guess I am really dumb but why would anyone stare at Jessie? She is just a beautiful young lady

    1. You'd be surprised how many people stare at her in public. Especially the kids. They are really the worse ones. Thankfully, Jessie doesn't always notice.
