Thursday, February 25, 2016

Not Your Typical Start To The Morning

Jon didn't make it to work this morning, as his jeep decided to keep his keys and not start. Then it started and wouldn't shut off. It still didn't release his keys. Finally it shut off, released his keys but the electrical was still on. He tried to undo the battery, but couldn't get the connections off. So, he just let the battery run down. He could have taken the van, but he wouldn't have made it out of the subdivision. They were not happy when he called in, but what could he do? Unbelievably, a tow truck was out in less than half an hour of when he called them. 

We didn't get the amount of snowfall we were predicted to get (8-13"), but if it hadn't rained off and on, we would have. The snow was too wet and heavy to even use the snowblower.  Jon managed to clean off the front bushes and shovel the sidewalk but that was about it. When we came back from getting Jon's vehicle, I went up and down the driveway several times and packed the snow down. It's supposed to be 57 degrees on Sunday. Mother Nature doesn't know what she wants to do this winter.

I spent the entire day doing wash and work hours on Jessie's yearly report. Thanks to Jon, who made a spread sheet for me, I should finish it tomorrow. Jessie spent the day asking when she could eat again, what was for lunch, snack and dinner. Over and over and over. She drove me crazy. I did get her to fold towels. She was pleased with herself as she gave herself 2 thumbs up!

I also spent the day in very bad pain with my back for some reason. I took pain medicine several times during the day, but it didn't take it completely away. I hope tomorrow is better. 

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