Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jon's Latest Project

Jon's been preparing to make his "fairy garden", minus the fairies, of course, for months. He finished it today. If you click on the image and make it bigger, you'll see that he built a small broken down fort. It is made from real (tiny) cement blocks he purchased on the internet. You can also see the kitchen and utensils. It is so neat looking, especially with the large pine tree in the upper left and the other trees and plants. Nice job, Jon!

Jon went to early church, me to the second. Unfortunately, when second service was finished, there was a winter blizzard outside! It took me more than double the time to get home, and we only live 5 minutes from church. It was the worst driving I have done all winter, except that it is officially spring. I guess we'll call it sprinter.

Memphis' absence is heavy upon us. I sat on the couch this afternoon, took off my shoes and socks and looked for a place to hide them so Memphis wouldn't pick them up and expect a treat. Then I realized that won't happen. Jessie will have to bring in her own snack bowls from the family room to the kitchen from now on. It was Memphis' job to do that. He patiently sat there waiting until she finished, then he picked it up and brought it to me. I told Jessie she'd have to bring in her own dishes now and I wish I could have taken a picture of her face. It was like, "Say, what?" We don't have to look for our shoes anymore, either, as he liked to pick them up and leave them in other places. Like hide and seek shoes. No one wants to go outside and "take a break" either. I don't ask if anyone wants a treat, because I'm sure Jessie would say "YEAH!"

Jessie is already asking for another dog. I'm concerned because she hasn't cried yet. She was close yesterday but it didn't happen. I guess I better step up my search for a psychiatric therapy dog.

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