Monday, April 11, 2016

Well, I Wasn't Expecting That !!!

Jon, Jess and I went out to breakfast and visited our favorite waitress and friend, Heather. After eating we dropped Jon off at home and Jessie had a hearing test followed by the doctor. It seems that Jessie has a 30% hearing loss and has a build up of fluid behind her ears. How to fix that problem? Tubes in her ears. Surgery! To be honest, I'm sick about this. She had such a horrible experience the last time (as well as Jon and I) that I just don't want to do it again. Especially so soon. Years down the road maybe but not now. However, there isn't a choice. Leaving it could cause permanent hearing loss. We don't have a date yet, but it will be soon.

Jess and I ate lunch at Wendy's then went to the Christmas Tree Shop. All was fine for about 15 minutes until a toddler screamed for her mother, repeatedly, who wasn't paying any attention to her. She was in a basket and her Mom was about 5 feet from her - oblivious. Jessie started a panic attack and we had to leave right away. I made her take deep breaths when we got to the van to calm her down. She wasn't too bad when we got home.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about Memphis and Jess having to have tubes. seems like it is one thing after another doesn't it. I can't believe you all had snow. we did have to cover our flowers Friday night as we had a freeze but we hope that is over now.
